Is it possible in C++ to declare a vector of characters as a private variable in a class header file? If so, why isn't it working for me?

1 Answer

Answer :

Just throwing this in. Have you cleaned, before you execute?

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Description : Write a C++ program to declare a structure employee with members as empid and empname. Accept and display data for one employee using structure variable. 

Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> struct employee  { int empid; char empname[10];  }; void main()  { employee e; clrscr(); cout<<"\nEnter employee id ... empid; cout<<"\nThe Employee Name is "<<e.empname; getch();  }

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Last Answer : General syntax to declare pointer. datatype *var_name; Eg: int var = 20;

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Last Answer : Answer: a Explanation: As Python has no concept of private variables, leading underscores are used to indicate variables that must not be accessed from outside the class.

Description : What is a header file ?

Last Answer : Extended names of ( .h) files in the compiler are called header files.

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Last Answer : Header files provide the definitions and declarations for the library functions. Thus, each header file contains the library functions along with the necessary definitions and declarations. For example, a studio.h, math.h, stdlib.h, string.h etc.

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Last Answer : clrscr() -This function is used to clear the output screen. getch() -It reads character from keyboard getche()-It reads character from keyboard and echoes to o/p screen putch - Writes ... function is used to change the text color textbackground()-This function is used to change text background

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Last Answer : Answer: 4

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Last Answer : When at least one of the methods in the class is abstract. When the class itself is inherited from an abstract class, but not all base abstract methods have been overridden.

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class college { char name[10]; int collegecode; public: void getcollege() { cout<<"Enter college name:"; cin>>name; cout< ... (); s.getstudent(); s.putcollege(); s.putstudent(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class student { char name[20]; float per; public: student(char n[],float p) { strcpy(name,n); per=p; } ... { student S("Sachin",78.00); clrscr(); S.putdata(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class employee { protected: int emp_no; char emp_name[10]; public: void gete() { cout<< enter employee details ; cin>>emp_no; cin>> ... f.gete(); f.pute(); f.getft(); f.putft(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class staff {  char name[10], dept[10];  public:  void accept() { cout<<"Enter Name and Department:\t"; cin>> ... i=0;i<=10;i++) { s[i].display(); } getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class city { char city_name[20],state[20]; public: void accept() { cout<<"\nEnter city data:"; cout<<"\nName:"; ... ); ptr=&c; ptr->accept(); ptr->display(); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Journal { char journal_nm[20]; int ISSN_No; float price; public: void accept(); void display(Journal); }; void Journal::accept() { ... clrscr(); j1.accept(); j2.accept(); j1.display(j2); getch(); }

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Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class measure { public: int add1,add2,add3; measure(int a,int b) { add1=a; add2=b; } void cal() { add3=add1+add2; } void display() ... ;>a>>b; measure m1(a, b);; m1.display(); getch(); }

Description : State and describe access specifiers used inside class to declare members.

Last Answer : Access specifiers: 1. private 2. protected 3. public Private access specifier: Class members declared as private can be accessed only from within the class. Outside class access is not allowed for private members of ... { private: int a; protected: int b; public: void display() { cout

Description : Write a program to declare a class ‘book’ containing data members as ‘title’, ‘author-name’, ‘publication’, ‘price’. Accept and display the information for one object using pointer to that object.

Last Answer : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class book { char author_name[20]; char title[20]; char publication[20]; float price; public: void Accept(); void Display(); }; void ... title \t author_name \t publication \t price\n ; p-> Display(); getch(); }

Description : How do I make my "header" different on my paper?

Last Answer : There should be a place in either the header set-up or one of the formatting boxes where you can turn on consecutive numbering.

Description : Change header from text to image on tumblr?

Last Answer : Can you post a link to your site? It is a bit easier to do this if I can drop into firebug on the actual page. I’m a little concerned about the width of the image since the page seems to have a fixed width of 500px.

Description : Why isn't my SteelSeries Stratus XL controller working properly?

Last Answer : Some of those controllers when first setting them up have internal capacitors that need to be discharged. With it powered press all the buttons like 50 times repeatedly. If that does not fix it you could have driver/mapping issues or a faulty button on the controller itself.

Description : Why isn't the sound on some videos working?

Last Answer : I can't say for sure, but I was having problems with no sound on Youtube videos 2 days ago, whereas my Netflix sound was just fine. I tried fiddling with the volume on my computer and that didn't fix the ... that is on my PC. If it's not that, then you may have to get an updated version of Flash.

Description : Sound isn't working on my internet?

Last Answer : Have you tried closing the Firefox application and then re-running it (as opposed to closing the window and re-opening the window)?

Description : Why isn't Adobe Flash working properly on my computer?

Last Answer : answer:The only thing I can suggest is the following: 1- Totally delete all traces of flash from the computer. 2- Delete all traces of any of flash's friends, such as shockwave. 3- Restart the ... flash used to have problems with active x some times, not sure if that still happens. Probably not.

Description : Why isn't my mom's new charger working?

Last Answer : I have problems with my Macbook charger as well. I have to wiggle it back and forth until the light comes on and then wait a second until it starts charging. After my first charger went out, I had to buy a whole new battery. Make sure it’s really the charger and not the battery.

Description : Windows Live Messenger (or MSN) isn't working properly. How should I fix it?

Last Answer : I would never use the traditional client. I've used pidgin for many years: and have recently switched to digsby: Because it does everything in one, including ... Maybe we could get a fluther app for it too ;) Until you get a more relevant answer :)

Description : Why isn't my computer working?

Last Answer : answer:i have a feeling that you are computer maybe infected by spyware. The first thing you should do is switch to the firefox browser. Then get some freeware anti-spyware tools to run a scan like ... VIsta's :system restore tool and it should be able to restore vista to its last working setting.

Description : Help: My Microsoft Excel "Paste Special// skip blanks" feature isn't working!

Last Answer : this is probably stupid and fairly obvious, but did you try rebooting your Excel and/or your computer? And when you say the feature isn't working, I assume you mean you check the box for it and ... command? Also, did you try using a brand new spreadsheet and see if the feature is working in that?

Description : A Huffman encoder takes a set of characters with fixed length and produces a set of characters of A. fixed length B. constant length C. random length D. variable length

Last Answer : D. variable length

Description : is it possible to create your own header files?

Last Answer : Yes, it is possible to create a customized header file. Just include in it the function prototypes that you want to use in your program, and use the #include directive followed by the name of your header file.

Description : Who are the main characters in Private Peaceful?

Last Answer : The main characters in the story are Charlie and Tommo Peaceful, brothers who decide to fight in the war