What stage of life are all of your friends in?

1 Answer

Answer :

C, E and the last half of B.

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Last Answer : Right now.

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Last Answer : answer:I rarely ever wish I were younger, I was so dumb and naive. I know I've changed in some ways, mostly for the better, but perhaps my butt is a little bigger and my boobs not as perky, ... life. Embrace it, and remember, there are many people who wished they were lucky enough to grow old. :)

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Last Answer : The bridge burning stage.

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Last Answer : You just have to write to him and tell him that he needs to butt out of your life. If you want to preserve the relationship, you can explain as you did here why you are doing it, but if you just want him not to interfere, you can just say that.

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Last Answer : Please help me. I need soft, gentleness in my life right now. Please don’t say anything harsh, just don’t bother with anything harsh. I’ve had all I can take of that.

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Last Answer : My best friend in high school, senior year, is still my best friend after all these years. I’m 52. It’s great having someone you can just say one word to and they know exactly what you are referring to, or that you can call and they know all your life history and have lived it with you.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately many of my rather conservative relatives don't look favorably on what they might call flamers. Most of them are religious and from a time when gays, lesbians, and transgenders weren't socially ... very accepting and don't really give it much thought - they just accept and that's it.

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Last Answer : just live your life, there’s only one you and you have to be comfortable with who you are