Can anyone help with suggestions for a holiday?

1 Answer

Answer :

Where is your starting point?

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Last Answer : answer:I have a son in another country. We talk on the phone every few weeks and I see him once or twice a year. My brother did live abroad for many years too and I would see him when he came to visit my folks.

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Last Answer : I have lived in several different countries other than my home country, and I would have to say that I might consider relocating to Canada (at least in the summer) because the people I have met there have all been such very nice folks. Otherwise, I find that wherever my family is, that is home.

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Last Answer : How about the recipes in a jar?

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Last Answer : First of all, SYZ, let me encourage you to NOT give up. You may have received negative responses from the team that discourage you. Your discouragement alone could keep you from planning your best holiday party ... get them to say so, Grinches being what they are, but they need you to do your best.