Do you have a very proud moment with your dog/cat that you would like to share with everyone?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am proud of my Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Zara all the time. I love taking her out for walks and showing her off to everyone. Of course I love all my animals but I am particularly proud of her as I feel she is an exceptional example of her breed. Her personality is wonderful, she loves people and fully expects people to love her. She can be quite bouncy and excitable but she completely changes around children. She will be calm, gentle and just let them stroke her. We got her from Battersea Dogs Home where she had been since being found as a stray in London. I firmly believe that she is sorely missed by her previous owners as I can’t imagine that anyone would abandon such a delightful creature. I had no intention of getting another dog before she came along but it was definately a case of love at first sight. If anyone has any reservations about Bull Terriers they should come and spend some time with Zara.

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Last Answer : Aw, that’s sweet. I don’t have any miniatures running around so I don’t matter on this one, but, yay for you! And her!!

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Last Answer : Where is the picture?

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Last Answer : lasers.

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Last Answer : Hey, your litter box could be a gold mine

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Last Answer : I don’t think this applies to all cat lovers.

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Last Answer : answer:I would not be the one to make a decision for you on whether to take your pet to the vet, but you may want to try this. If you have any Vaseline, put a little bit on the tip of her ... bad hairball, the Vaseline will help to condense it and bring it up. Best wishes I hope your cat is okay.

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Last Answer : If he isn’t neutered, then that’s the answer to your question.

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Last Answer : answer:It's a social bonding behavior, called allogrooming . Many animals allogroom, and the head is a common target because it's a difficult spot for animals to groom by themselves. She rubs her head ... excruciatingly painful, bt she enjoyed it so much that I'd endure it as long as I could.

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Last Answer : answer:You need to take her to the veterinarian. They will use a fluoroscein stain to determine if she has a scratch on the surface of her eye (a corneal abrasion); this is vital to determining the ... scratch the surface of the eye herself), so I would have her looked at as soon as possible.

Description : Why has my cat been acting like this?

Last Answer : I believe your story. Many cat owners have reported similar observations about behavior. When one of our cats died, the other assumed all his favorite sleeping spots, too, which were places that the surviving cat had never napped in. I don’t know the reason, but it does seem to be a real phenomenon.

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Last Answer : answer:Personally, and I'm not a vet or an expert by any means, I wouldn't worry about it. As long as she's healthy and active, there's no reason why you should change her food or anything. ... for any problems in the same way as you have been for the last 10 years. Just my unprofessional opinion.

Description : Anyone ever own a Siamese cat? What were they like temperament-wise?

Last Answer : They’re my favorites! I’ve lived with several, including my current boy. Very friendly, playful, outgoing and fearless but the most distinctive characteristic is the constant talking! They have an endless vocabulary and an opinion about everything.

Description : What is wrong with my cat, she will all of a sudden act like she is choking?

Last Answer : fur ball. Ah sorry, you mentioned that already.