What is your advice on bringing a cat into a household with a dog?

1 Answer

Answer :

it’s a recipe for disaster, cats are trouble. Buy your dog a couple of fuzzy toys that squeak, that is all the companionship they need. Works for our dog.

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Last Answer : No. That is their nature. Any attempt to force a critter to behave contrary to their nature will have a bad outcome. That includes humans, but that is another discussion.

Description : How can I stop my cat from bringing me frogs?

Last Answer : Not really. You can start to keep your cat indoors except when directly supervised by you, or you could try to figure out where the cat is getting the frogs and make it impossible for him to get to ... you. You really can't stop a cat from hunting. If there is nothing else he will hunt dustballs.

Description : Bringing home a 7 month old kitten. Any tips on starting out on the right foot?

Last Answer : First, pick a name and stick with it. (Hey, Jude).

Description : Do you have advice for the owner of a very timid cat?

Last Answer : Beautiful kitty! My hairdresser, an experienced cat owner, recently adopted two kitties – one of whom was very shy. I think he basically did what you are doing, was friendly but not obtrusive, and the cat became more outgoing over a matter of months.

Description : Any advice on how to keep my cat sane during this rough period?

Last Answer : answer:A small cotton sock with a tiny smear of your blood on it? Some mini-treats of a teaspoon or two of the juice from a can of organic, line fished, wild tuna?

Description : Looking for advice on good books for first time cat owners, please.

Last Answer : I can't offer any book ideas, but I do know they they like their routine. They love their rituals. First I get my scratches, then I get my food, then I (you get the idea). Get a routine down and you're ... one that you can eliminate it. If it's a big house I'd plan to have one box on each floor.

Description : We found a cat. Advice?

Last Answer : I’d probably break open a can of tuna fish, or head to the grocery store and buy a few cans of cat food to hold over. I’d keep her in a bathroom, somewhere she can’t do a lot of damage. And post flyers. :)

Description : Is termite extermination safe for household pets?

Last Answer : answer:I'd definitely remove the pets and all their supplies for at least 48 hours. But..I do not know for sure the toxicity issues. I would call your vet and maybe poison control. The exterminators ... dangers, but they are in the poison biz. so I wouldn't take thier reassurances as gospel. lol

Description : Cat and dog lovers, would you agree a dog-cat hybrid could be the best pet ever?

Last Answer : A dog that uses kitty litter box. Cat that actualy gives a crap about me instead of considering me as replacable staff.

Description : Why should I care if it's a cat, dog or squirrel, on a plane, if it's caged and has the papers?

Last Answer : If it's caged, it can be shipped. The article never mentioned that the animal was caged. In fact the article is a shit job of coverage, since isn't clear whether the animal was confined in any way ... you care? One excellent reason is that your flight can be delayed 2 hours by some fool with a pet.

Description : When did a cat and dog you owned realise they could get along with each other?

Last Answer : I’ve always known. It was a piece of cake. I said, “Dog, here is kitten. Kitten here is dog,” and I just turned them loose. Of course, I also knew my dog wouldn’t go after the kitten.

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Last Answer : Large cat. They are more affectionate.

Description : Does your cat , not dog, act excited when you return home?

Last Answer : Mine do, especially my black one. My wife is often relieved not so much by me getting home safely, but by my return getting the cats to stop meowing for me at the top of their lungs.

Description : Askvillagers, are you a dog person or a cat person?

Last Answer : answer:Can't I love both? Sadie (loveable mutt), Martin (affectionate three-legged cat), and I live together in blissful harmony. Martin isn't aloof, moody, a loner, or any of those so-called cat attributes ... and he curls up and cuddles with me whenever I sit or lie down. He's a living Teddy Bear.

Description : What is the best, the most humane way, to euthanize a bird, mouse or baby bunny, e.g., that has been critically injured, beyond hope, by your dog or cat?

Last Answer : As quick as possible is my method. Usually breaking their neck.

Description : What exactly is going on here (between a dog and a cat)

Last Answer : answer:Inter-species erotica? I don’t know exactly what is going on. One or both of those pets are probably mental.

Description : Silly 2012 Question # 1 - What are the interesting animal behaviour you will see if your pet is half-dog and half-cat?

Last Answer : Kitty-Max will go to the letter box and fetch your newspaper , then walk to his litter box and shit on it.

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Last Answer : answer:Our dogs are very protective, especially when it comes to our little girl. Our cats are dicks.

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Last Answer : I am a dog owner and have little knowledge about them and I don’t want to be mean or cruel, but is it an idea to spread something on the cat poo that they don’t like (as an example, tabasco (if that isn’t hurting the doggy of course))?

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Last Answer : Only one of them has to walk their pet on a leash.

Description : What is your favorite breed of dog or cat?

Last Answer : I love Australia Sheepdog ( aussies). I had one . He was beautiful dog, One blue eye and one brown.

Description : If you had to spend your life as a dog or a cat, which would you choose & why?

Last Answer : I think the cat is better. The dog not as good hunter as the cat. The cat can hunt alone, the dog needs a herd (or what). The cat is more flexible, and has better survival skills. I vote for the cat.

Description : Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Last Answer : Although I like both (I like all animals really), I am a dog person through and through.

Description : Do you have a very proud moment with your dog/cat that you would like to share with everyone?

Last Answer : I am proud of my Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Zara all the time. I love taking her out for walks and showing her off to everyone. Of course I love all my animals but I am particularly proud ... sight. If anyone has any reservations about Bull Terriers they should come and spend some time with Zara.

Description : How to introduce new dog to resident (and once stray) cat?

Last Answer : Your cat will teach the newbie everything he needs to know. Bring the dog in with little fan fare and let them sort out their relationship. My big ole belligerent kitty taught all my dogs to have some respect for her royal highness.

Description : What do you do if you're a cat lover and your S.O. is a dog lover?

Last Answer : Get a cat and a dog that like, or at least tolerate, each other. If one of you sacrifices for the other, it can lead to bad feelings.

Description : If you were a dog who was confronted by a giant cat, how would you react based on your personality now?

Last Answer : I’d try to make the cat my friend and then there’d be no problem. I really enjoy meeting folks who are different from me!

Description : Would you let a cat or dog go free in the wild?

Last Answer : I have found pets let loose in the woods. A 50% chance of euthanasia, with decent food and care, is a much better outcome. However, personally, I seek out no-kill shelters and support them. ... an ecological or health disaster. They prey on other animals and they can spread diseases such as rabies.

Description : What is the best way to make a cat and dog friends?

Last Answer : dress the dog up in a suit and the cat in a dress and make them have a tea party. I saw that in a picture once and they looked really happy with each other…

Description : How come dog and cat farts are not audible?

Last Answer : No butt cheeks to vibrate. :)

Description : What are the effects of a dog whistle on a cat?

Last Answer : Cat’s can hear pitches waaaay higher then Dogs can. So they can defiantly hear it. You could train them to react how ever you want. I guess you could use one before you feed the cat each time. Then he’d come everytime you whistles it (if he felt like it)

Description : Advice on getting a dog?

Last Answer : I’m not big on singling out specific breeds. Just go to the pound and search around for a dog that suits your needs.

Description : How long would you have to keep a cat indoors until it is reasonably certain that it would come back if let out, and not disappear forever into the wilderness?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea when it comes to kittens. When we adopted my grandmother's seven-year-old cat, we kept him inside for about ten days. We then showed him around the garden using a leash. We did ... to keep it indoors. And then slowly introduce it to the outside world. :-) I hope this helps.

Description : Why does my cat go into the bathroom to meow?

Last Answer : She wants you to go hang out in there with her! WHY AREN’T YOU THERE NOW, DAMMIT? :-p

Description : What is the worst that can happen if my unsociable cat is moved into a house with other cat residents?

Last Answer : answer:I'd be worried that he might be get himself into an argument and be unable to defend himself with these new kitties. You have to remember that cats aren't the most social of creatures to ... other legitimate sources, so read up a bit and play it safe with introducing the cats to each other.

Description : Kind of gross...could my cat be into this? (See details)

Last Answer : It’s not the blood. My cat is a male, and so am I, and he does the exact same thing. Now that it’s getting cold, he wants to snuggle up to me at night, and he licks my hands. I just think it’s his way of saying “thanks for keeping me warm!”

Description : My cat got into a fight with a stray and her ear is all messed up - how can I clean it?

Last Answer : I would take her to the vet for an antibiotic shot, and professional check. She might have punctures other places under her fur, as well, that could abcess if not treated. That happened to my cat once ... 't seen, and had quite a time clearing up her infection from that one tiny puncture. Good Luck!

Description : Is it a bad thing if my next door neighbour's cat has moved into my house?

Last Answer : Perhaps you should ask your neighbor first. He or she may have an opinion. Most of us with cats got them from shelters and no problems, some problems, or severe problems.

Description : My cat is scared of the Drinkwell fountain... can I coax her into using it?

Last Answer : I have a cat who insists on drinking water from a glass tumbler. For some reason, she likes to stick her head all the way in to drink. She also drinks from the toilet, floor after ... /www.google.com/search?q=cat+behaviorist&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Description : How long after giving birth does a cat go into heat?

Last Answer : Way sooner than I thought. We took a stray in, she had kittens, I took her in to be spayed 6 or 7 weeks later and it cost extra because she was pregnant! Then she went missing. We called ... Google says they will cycle continuously for a time until they mate, have a false pregnancy or it gets cold.

Description : Why does my cat knead her paws/claws into things?

Last Answer : Cats do that to their mothers. It means they’re comfortable and content.

Description : Can a pet cat be trained to walk on a leash?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : What should I do about my sick cat?

Last Answer : You might want to do some research in your area. I recently had to have my dog euthanized & a neighbor helped me find a vet that would come to my house to handle her final moments. My dog was at ... popular all over the country due to people's busy work schedule. So you might want to look into it.

Description : How much responsibility do I have for a cat poisoned by it eating my “Hawaiian Ti” plant?

Last Answer : Very responsible. Just as responsible as you would have been, if your toddler gulped down a bottle of bleach it found in an unlocked and easily accessible cabinet.

Description : How did you successfully get a cat not to claw the furniture?

Last Answer : Here's how I approached it, some five months ago, when I took Nouri with me from Greece, to live together. I kept an eye open to see where his first scratches would happen. When that happened to ... 'll most likely will stay with just that one spot. My Tsounouri does. Have much fun with your kitty!

Description : I got a black cat. Will you help me name him?

Last Answer : Ebony

Description : What breed or breeds of cat would you consider to fit the label "Standard Issue Cat"?

Last Answer : Well, all the un-bred cats, broadly referred to as Domestic Short Hair (DSH) and Domestic Long Hair (DLH). Breeds are all their own standards, it seems to me. And of course, each has their own personality.

Description : Will my cat become an electric cat if he bites through my smartphone charger cable?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : If you were moving and had dead cat pets buried on your property then would you dig up the cat bones to take with you when you moved to a new house?

Last Answer : No. I would not. Is it creepy? Unusual might be a better word. And it kinda seems like a lot of work with everything else you’re planning. Letting go is a good thing sometimes. Personally, if anyone wants to venerate my body I’d rather they do it while I’m still alive. But that’s another story…

Description : Traveling with a cat?

Last Answer : How about a cat carrier for sleeping and take her out to the car in it in the morning?