What is your opinion on pitbulls?

1 Answer

Answer :

Get a rescue dog, one that needs some love :)

Related questions

Description : Why do people hate pitbulls so much?

Last Answer : answer:For the same reason folks hate anything anymore, bad press. The media doesn't do stories about sweet pitbulls. The only images many people see in relation to the breed are images of rabid dogs and ... it's not a specific breed that is dangerous. It's the person raising the breed that is.

Description : How long do pitbulls grow for?

Last Answer : Most large dogs grow for their first year, then fill out more after that, so that would be my guess for Pits too.

Description : How do you feel about pitbulls?

Last Answer : They can make good pets. Dogs are like people, they each have an individual personality. With a pit bull, your taking a higher risk of it attacking, but you take that risk with any dog. I've know ... ever seen. On the other hand, I've seen some that wouldnt hesitate to eat off a persons face.

Description : are hot dogs bad for pitbulls?

Last Answer : Yes, they are high in sodium nitrite which has been linked to cancer. Now that doesn't mean that you can give them a small piece once in a while, but it should not be part of their normal diet.

Description : How long do pitbulls live?

Last Answer : They have a life of 10 to 15 years.

Description : Pitbulls are an aggressive breed of dog and should be outlawed.?

Last Answer : Pitbulls are an aggressive breed of dog and should be outlawed.

Description : What is Pitbull's favorite sport?

Last Answer : Baseball.

Description : Would you stay in the room with your pet when they're being put to sleep?

Last Answer : Every time if at all possible. Anything that will comfort them, and frankly, it is a small comfort to me as well, to be there at the end.

Description : Do indoor cats and dogs feel like they are in prison?

Last Answer : I hope not. Vanta has gone from being an indoor-outdoor cat to an indoor cat. I know she misses her trees and squirrels, but there is nothing for it at this point.

Description : Can pets get laser eye surgery?

Last Answer : Maybe wait 300 years more :)

Description : I need to keep my dog, Please help me?

Last Answer : Do you want to move in with your dad or has the court ordered that you move in with him? Would you rather stay with your mom? If want to, or have to move in with your day have you approached him about ... can you mom take care of the dog so you can be with him when you visit or stay with your mom?

Description : Are clothing on pets necessary?

Last Answer : Necessity? No… Cute? Yes… Some dogs are more prone to get anxiety. Our Chihuahua would run and hide during a thunderstorm or the 4th of July. We put a thundershirt on her and she stays much calmer.

Description : What could be wrong with our cat?

Last Answer : We’d do a walk in if he seemed to be in pain, but it’s not seeming to bother him the way he acts. Still worrisome though. And my 12 yr old grand daughter will be devastated if anything happens to this critter.

Description : What are the joys of having a pet bird or birds live inside the house?

Last Answer : It would be great to have an exotic bird but I would feel sad that it lives confined rather than free. Instead happy to visit a country where they are located and watch from afar the natrual surroundings and how they interact in their own environments.

Description : Tell us about your pet(s)?

Last Answer : Two doggies. A Maltese and a Doodle. Before them, we had a Yorkie and before him, we had a Basset Hound. Dog people all the way as we are all allergic to cats.

Description : Is there any harm in changing an adult dog’s name after adopting them?

Last Answer : I don't think it makes a difference although it might take a while for the dog to get used to the new name. Think of the fact that most rescue dogs come to shelters without any name at all ... choose something that is similar in sound to what their name was so there is not a steep learning curve.

Description : Need A Smile?

Last Answer : It was a cute video,thanks @LadyMarissa .

Description : I’m looking for a new pet?

Last Answer : GoldFish Link: https://pets.thenest.com/average-life-span-goldfish-proper-care-7100.html

Description : What kind of weapon would you mount on your dog?

Last Answer : Wow, fun question! I would trust my good old lab with pellet guns, she's great, rarely barks or gets upset at anything. Except an occasional cat that slips into the backyard. Now my Teddy bear, he ... so I could change bedding, and he kept howling like I was trying to rip his tail off or something.

Description : Can you please help me with this pet loss?

Last Answer : It's hard and feelings are best allowed to be had and expressed as much as one can. I have found a lot of solace with my pets whom I've lost, by considering that they never last more than those ... has me feeling good and satisfied about it all. Passing in sleep is also a really gentle way to go.

Description : If you could change just one thing about your pets, what would it be?

Last Answer : I would have them live longer—much longer.

Description : Do we have the right to make the decision to euthanize a pet or other animal?

Last Answer : I think so.

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Last Answer : This page outlines the legal distinction between emotional support animals and service animals. They are considered to be different things. But it sounds like you are opposed to the concept of an emotional support ... it should be thought of as no different than a service animal for the blind, etc.

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Last Answer : It is just a pet theory of mine, but I think it is because of overfeeding.

Description : What superpower would you give your pet and why?

Last Answer : Gosh. She pretty much is a super power dog to me already. But, if I could give her one super power it would be to speak English so we could discuss the children that she loves so dearly. my 3 year old Grandson may not hug me on the way out, but he never fails to hug Dakota!

Description : How much would you be willing to pay for a robot dog?

Last Answer : Quit peeking into my accounts.

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Last Answer : Weaving. It could create massive amounts of strong fiber. What would it eat?

Description : Have you ever had to euthanize a four legged friend?

Last Answer : Two cats and one dog in the last five years. However, it isn’t something we have vets do in my family. The animals did see a vet and we knew it was the only option. But we go with a bullet and a shovel. I’m glad we can’t downvote here.

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Last Answer : Dogs are loyal and trusting. A cat would defend it self at a moment’s notice, and would slice you for little provocation.

Description : If you have a pet, how does it talk to you?

Last Answer : One bark: I want to go outside. One bark: Let me in. Me: Do you want to go outside? Bark! (Yes!) Me: Do you want to go for a ride? Bark! (Yes!) Me: Do you want to go for a ... (Yes!) Two or more barks: Master, I have cornered a small animal and I need you to come and help me kill it.

Description : How would you react if your pet starts talking with you?

Last Answer : “The fuck…”

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Last Answer : My sisters kid just had a cat put down. Once he found out there was no hope and found out the cost to have the cat put down was significant he said he would take care of it (bullet) and the vet waved the ... bag. But I have a lot of respect for vets. I don't think you go into it for the cash.

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Last Answer : I think it’s just what we’re conditioned to be used to. People with hairless cats tend to get used to them. Not everyone is repulsed by human body hair. Lots of young people are much more averse to human body hair than older ones, etc.

Description : Know any pets named for literary characters or art personalities?

Last Answer : My dog Frodo Baggins who is alas now off on a long, long quest to return the ring.

Description : How can I save our toilet paper from our rambunctious kitty?

Last Answer : Stop the toilet paper from teasing your kitty. It is clearly the toilet paper’s fault.

Description : Will you share your fondest memory of your pet?

Last Answer : I have a dog named Bruno and one day when I was trying to let him outside he curled his back up like a scared cat and it really scared me because I didn’t know dogs could do that.

Description : Is my pet trying to eat me ?

Last Answer : Yes, life insurance made out to your parents so they can bury you. You might want to check this article to see if it is allowed in your state.

Description : Do you keep a good current photo of your pets in case they get lost?

Last Answer : It's pathetic how many pics I have of my dog. Regular poses, feet in air, belly pics, her favorite sleeping position which is with her neck on the wall. My dog has a tag, but not chipped. The chip will only ... she is if found and taken to the vet, it's not a tracking device, so I didn't chip her.

Description : What would you do if someone threatened to harm your pet if you don't keep it confined?

Last Answer : If anyone threatened to harm my lovable Labrador I would keep him confined, alert the police, and possibly move.

Description : How do you celebrate your pet's birthday?

Last Answer : We don’t. We do buy them Christmas presents.

Description : Do aliens have pets?

Last Answer : Not this alien.

Description : What are your thoughts on "Emotional Support animals?"(Details)

Last Answer : You forgot the [NSFW] tag.

Description : Pet owners. Do you sleep better, or worse, when your pet(s) sleep with you?

Last Answer : I sleep kind of the same. For some reason, I feel safer when my dog is with me. He is also a pit bull and he sleeps almost on top of me every night. My bed can fit two people and I'm ... , I sleep just fine (Possible better because I have more room) but I have a slightly longer time falling asleep.

Description : Have you ever looked at your pet thinking you want to say something to it, changing your mind and remaining silent, and having your pet look at you like it knew what you were going to say?

Last Answer : I have been studying my dog and she has very specific facial expressions I have come to learn the meaning of. She seems very amused when I do them back to her. Except she does not bring me dinner or even just a treat when I lick my lips at her.

Description : Would you kiss a strangers pet?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t kiss my own pet.

Description : Dogs and Cats and Birds -- How similar is their thinking to ours?

Last Answer : Animals have no conscious, thinking thoughts like humans do. That’s because animals have only one mind, the subconscious. They react to stimuli, to instinct, to learned behavior. They have no concept of “I, me, myself, you, etc.” They “do” stuff, they don’t “think” about it.

Description : Would a bird without parental interaction learn to fly?

Last Answer : My guess is almost certainly yes. As with us and walking, the trait is just too crucial to the survival of the bird. It’s gotta be instinctual.

Description : Did the gut wrenching act of having your pet put down make you swear off pets?

Last Answer : I am so very very sorry to hear this Aster. It is indeed gut wrenching. I have been through it many times with both my own pets and my mother's. For me, as hard as it is, it does not ... getting another, or you many not. Everyone is different. I know it is beyond heartbreaking. I wish you well.

Description : Did pirates really have parrots as pets?

Last Answer : Are you suggesting that the movies lie to me?