Do I have Diabetes?

1 Answer

Answer :

The test that your doctor has ordered will give you more information. An elevated glucose on a panel does not mean that you have diabetes, but it does indicate that further investigation is warranted.

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Last Answer : Okay, I am not an expert, but I can give you basics. First, the difference between Type I and Type II. With Type I, your pancreas is not producing insulin. With Type II, you are producing ... I haven't tried the needleless tests, but I am not interested in having that monitor constantly attached.

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Last Answer : It can certainly play a big factor for type 2, but sugar alone isn’t enough of a cause.

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Last Answer : If you only had simple fasting sugar blood tests, we don't really know for sure what happens when you take in a lot of sugar. Maybe your blood sugar spikes more an usual, or your insulin levels ... . I sometimes get pain in my stomach after a lot of sugar, my stomach feels irritated and inflammed.

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Last Answer : answer:I have a real hard time assigning right and wrong' to a personal thing like a chronic disease and how a person deals with it. It's easy for us in the cheap seats to say things. But I hesitate ... if the can make a few dollars and deal with her diabetes, who are any of us to criticize her?

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Last Answer : A great deal. It has a major effect. Being stressed out makes it hard to control your blood sugar.

Description : Are insulin shots Really helpful in diabetes or harmful? Anything better?

Last Answer : They’re helpful if you don’t want to die of hyperglycemia. I’ve had people who don’t take their insulin and come in to the emergency department in comas with blood sugar values in the 800–900 range. Definitely a bad thing.

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Last Answer : I’ve read that the body odor of diabetics is sweeter than that of someone who isn’t. Maybe that’s it.

Description : What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

Last Answer : I know that two symptoms are having to pee a lot and also being very thirsty. I do think that diet and exercise are the best mitigaters, if there are any. Have you looked at some diabetes websites or checked out for some good info?

Description : How likely would it be for a skinny person to get diabetes?

Last Answer : Bret Michaels has diabetes, but I guess it’s Type 1. Type 2 has to do with the amount of glucose in your bloodstream, not how fat or skinny you are. Having under 100 milligrams of glucose per deciliter (mg/dl) is good; but above 126 is diabetes.

Description : Is there a diabetes monitor device you don't have to prick yourself to draw blood?

Last Answer : answer:“Researchers say using light beams to measure blood sugar through the skin will mean needing finger pricks only for calibration.” Source

Description : Diabetes Diet?

Last Answer : I don’t have any personal experience but I’d like to point you to: The American Diabetes Association WebMD’s diabetes nutrition page

Description : How do you know if you might have Diabetes?

Last Answer : Frequent urination. Always thirsty. Rapid weight loss. As you say, “shakes” due to low blood sugar. Go to your doctor. It’s a simple blood test and you’ll know. You may be Type 1 or Type 2. Best of luck.

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Last Answer : Your doctor is the best source for the advice you seek. I will say that seeing a nutritionist to come up with an eating plan that suits your needs will help you immensely.

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Last Answer : My husband has had diabetes for more than 20 years. What do you want to know?

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Last Answer : Diabetes Care Hey, buddies, are you interested to know about diabetes and how to care for it? Since, this is one of the prevailing disorders faced by a number of people as well as kids ... you. These two tips also help you in controlling cholesterol level, diabetes and high blood pressure too.