What do you use as motivation?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not wanting to be poor anymore lol. I see people with nice cars and easier lives than mine, so I want to be like that too lol. Yeah, I know it’s shallow, but it’s a short answer.

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Last Answer : answer:I recommend: Cheryl Beshada, C.M.Ht Member Registration #07010001 Clinical Care Network 30500 Van Dyke, Suite 203 Warren, MI 48093 (586) 899-9009 I worked with her several years ago and she ... . There is a wealth of information available on her if you conduct an online search. Best regards!

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Last Answer : Set yourself targets. Write them down on a piece of paper, with the time/date they WILL be completed by.

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Last Answer : It’s normal for a student. Eating has a big impact on this. Do you eat right?