How to CHEAT in EXAMS ?

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Good luck getting answers on this.

Related questions

Description : In what ways are you getting better at your craft or talent?

Last Answer : I have almost completely mastered the art of being a cat; it took me a few lockdowns but now I sleep around 16 hours per day. Almost as much as my cat. My other hobby, photography, is going downhill. I’ve noticed that if one doesn’t keep shooting, one loses some knowledge. One = I.

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Last Answer : The glass frog.

Description : What books would you recommend I read to get an idea of world history and art history?

Last Answer : Joseph Campbell wrote really interesting histories about mythology, which is sort of the intersection of world history and art history. They are very detailed but readable. You get a good sense of how ... are linked, how stories spread and change, and what the major events that shaped culture were.

Description : How many pictures hang from the walls in your home.

Last Answer : 14. Some paintings. Some needlework. Some photographs.

Description : What's your favorite style, medium of art?

Last Answer : I am not an artist; I am only an onlooker. Recently, I have come to appreciate watercolor. When I was younger, I was not much of a fan. Pencil also is incredible for realistic artwork. ... make such beautiful pieces. I want to make little things like small dishes and Chanukah menorahs. Gifty items.

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Last Answer : Nested, rotating and glowing hexagram-like circles on the ground, and levitating debris.

Description : Where and how is the best way to advertise my NFT collection?

Last Answer : Try Etsy, Pinterest, or ebay, or craigslist.

Description : Is this drawing any good?

Last Answer : Love it!

Description : Have you heard of of this art competition ?

Last Answer : No but it sounds cool.

Description : Have you ever cried while viewing artwork at an art museum?

Last Answer : I’ve never shed tears, but I’ve felt very strong emotions when confronted with gorgeous paintings. I’m glad you shared your experience with us.

Description : Advice for a beginner in painting?

Last Answer : Your question says painting, but your details say drawing. Drawing does come first. There are books and videos that can help, but nothing beats in-person instruction. And practice is the most important thing.

Description : Have you seen the BBC series "The Power of Art"?

Last Answer : Haven’t seen it, but from the preview in your link looks like it’s worth watching. And as far as the take on biographical material, artists lives have been sensationalized since Vasari started hyping his heroes in 1550. Critical watching skills are as useful as critical thinking ;)

Description : What kind of contrast is there between fern green and yellow green?

Last Answer :

Description : Can I use primer on a cardboard box before using acrylic paint? And is using primer/gesso necessary in this situation?

Last Answer : As we advised on your earlier and very similar question, just take some other piece of cardboard and try it out.

Description : Could you recommend a painting course for me?

Last Answer : I believe the entire Bob Ross collection is up on Youtube .

Description : Anybody know anything about selling art?

Last Answer : Do the pieces have any coherency as a set? or is it more mis-matched? do they seem like the kinds of pieces that have wide appeal and would work in an office setting as a collection or ... those on consignment and take up valuable wall real-estate for works in the price range you're describing.

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Last Answer : What sort of result do you want from uploading it? Do you just want to be able to send people to a web address to look at it? Or do you want it social media feedback from random strangers? Do you have a scanner or a digital camera?

Description : What percentage of your annual income would you be willing to spend on a work of art?

Last Answer : I pay more than that on my pornography.

Description : Why is the artistry in old comic books so horrendously terrible, compared to their modern iterations.

Last Answer : Well what do you expect for $0.15 cents? Now a days you need to spend $$$ for a book, and some of it trickles down to the art department. R.I.P. Stan Lee.

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Last Answer : Your question has three parts that are not at all consistent. Going to Ivy League school but dropping out is not indicative of any talent or intellect or genius. Correlation between between intellect ... Kinkade was very successful from a monetary standpoint, but he was no genius of a painter.

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Last Answer : I can not imagine a cute, goofy person announcing “8 dead in high school shooting.” It just doesn’t work.

Description : Have you ever sat as a model for an artist or an art class?

Last Answer : No. But my mom used to take art classes and apparently used my visage as a model (which I did NOT pose for) for a small nude oil painting that everyone who saw it asked if it was me. After the second time I was asked that I became so grossed out. I was 16 or 17 and horribly mortified.

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Last Answer : No, it isn’t reasonable. It is more likely that the art provided an outlet of expression that kept the artist alive longer than they would have dealt with the distress that ended things.

Description : What do you think of Pablo Picasso’s paintings?

Last Answer : Well, it is about 10 trillion times better than Pollock and Warhol.

Description : What are some good apps for filters or turning your pictures into oil paintings or watercolors?

Last Answer : Photoshop.

Description : What is your definition of art?

Last Answer : A work/performance that is created with the intent to evoke emotion in an observer/listener.

Description : If money is no object, how much of it are you willing to spend to get rare art pieces that you want?

Last Answer : If money is no object then it only depends on how much I really want said piece.

Description : Is graffiti art or crime?

Last Answer : There's no reason that it can't be both. Whether or not something is a crime is just a matter of what laws are on the books, which is completely independent of whether or not something ... The real question you seek would need to have a much more nuanced understanding of the issues involved.

Description : Any good apps for ipad to create digital art?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What sculpture would you display permanently in front of your house?

Last Answer : I know where there is a liquid cooled 1918 Continental 4 cyl. gasoline donkey engine with clutch type PTO. It has cast iron cylinders with aluminum block. Not doubt any that were available during WWII were scrapped for the aluminum.

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Last Answer : What do you mean by “ground-breaking”?

Description : Why is it, that when someone is good at what they do, they are described as "talented", instead of "skilled"?

Last Answer : Loli! I agree with you! That's a first! is a great question. I had never even thought of that, but I don't think it's a conscious behavior. We fall into habit patterns when we speak. Sometimes ... energy and focus. it's almost like learning a new language and it requires a lot of hard brain work.

Description : What is your opinion of this artwork?

Last Answer : The animals are fun. To me. The human is spooky. To me. Looks pretty pro. To me.

Description : Any artists here (of any experience level) that want to share their artwork?

Last Answer : Judging from the comments on IMGUR, I’ll probably just go with the Doctor Strange one, considering how many people think Captain America looks like Putin

Description : Does modern/abstract art appeal to you?

Last Answer : Modern “art” has removed skill, ability, talent and effort from the equation. I have no use for this shit. Take your piles of garbage, your random paint splashes on canvas, and your million soup can stencils, and GET OUT. Hang yourself with it, you talentless hacks.

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Last Answer : Isn’t that to the reader?

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Last Answer : IF by Rudyard Kipling

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Last Answer : Tailgate parties, from the USA. Never been to one , but seen on television. The meats look awesome.

Description : Would this be a stupid prank?

Last Answer : Elaborate, and the timing would be tricky. It would be very hard to pull off. But I think it’s a great idea and could be a lot of fun. Go for it.

Description : Fellow artists of Fluther: How often do you practice the fundamentals of art?

Last Answer : Practicing fundamentals can mean excercises, warm up activities, prepratory sketches, moquettes, and meditative/mindset activities. But it is also the use color theory, composition, and technique in a ... art that feels amateur? Often it lacks contrast and depth, or objects are rendered poorly.

Description : Artists: What is your favorite medium to work with?

Last Answer : Graphite, and surprise, computer. I draw on paper first, then scan the paper and do additional editing on computer. Computer can create special effects that normal medium can’t.

Description : Could I be experiencing the Dunning-Kruger effect?

Last Answer : Should have mentioned that this cognitive bias is actually the opposite of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Description : What is art?

Last Answer : Err… how are the question and the detail related to each other?

Description : What’s your critique on these paintings?

Last Answer : Skillful work but not my cup of tea at all. Far too bright and garish for my taste and the second one looks like the black velvet paintings you used to see. But everyone’s taste is different.

Description : A question for artists - how do you react when someone says that you have “god given talent”?

Last Answer : I was about to compliment the first dog but then you wouldn't like that :P I don't have the same problem, but I have imposter syndrome . I often think I don't deserve the praise and I ... everyone can do the same thing you can? Drawing, like many other things, actually take a little of aptitude.

Description : What technical specs does one need to know when self-publishing?

Last Answer : How big are you planning on making/ selling the books? Size of books matter for resolution. I would pick 2–3 sizes.

Description : Which art form do you enjoy most and why?

Last Answer : Music followed closely by photography. Music because it brings me pleasure and gives a soundtrack to my life. It also keeps the boredom away when driving. Photography because I prefer realism to abstract and a photo usually presents a much more realistic image than a painting or print.

Description : Do you have any sculptures in your house?

Last Answer : I have a few anime figurines. Original Dirty Pair and other misc. scantily clad or swim suit clad girls.

Description : What do you think of Barack and Michelle Obama’s official White House portraits?

Last Answer : Neither of them match my taste, but art is a personal thing. If the Obamas are happy, I don’t care. [Some wacko right winger will say that Obama in a green leafy background is actually a subtle lobbying attempt for the perils of global warming, and will try and censor it.)

Description : Which is the most expensive piece of art?

Last Answer : Leonardo Da Vinci Salvator Mundi