Would you buy your dream house if...?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not without knowing. The house could be everything I’m looking for, but if I have to commute more than an hour to school or work, it wouldn’t be worth it.

Related questions

Description : What's your dream home/house?

Last Answer : A stone cottage with lots of flower beds and stone walkways…on a bluff with access to the ocean. Inside would find lots of cotton and beautiful colors. A writer’s paradise.

Description : What's your dream house look like?

Last Answer : A cottage in the countryside somewhere. Oak beams, thatched roof. Lots of trees and fields, and perhaps a stream running down the bottom of the garden. Aaaaah well I can dream :-)

Description : Was it real or just a dream?

Last Answer : No. Not yet at least.

Description : What you think of the Franz Kafka-like dream I had last night?

Last Answer : That’s your guilt manifesting itself in the form of wanting to do something different.

Description : What does this mean in a dream?

Last Answer : There is not enough information to analyze. Why is your ex still trying to influence you? Your ex knows your mother dreamed this? Sounds a bit controlling. What is it you would do differently based on this feedback from your ex?

Description : What is the meaning of this dream, and have you ever had it or something similar?

Last Answer : You have a fear of getting shit all over you and the house.

Description : Did you ever have a dream where you figured out that you were dreaming, or probably dreaming, and did not or could not awaken?

Last Answer : No. When I realize I am dreaming, I have no problem waking up. In fact, I am more or less forced awake through the process of reflecting on the dream. It's a funny sort of thing, but as the ... my this can't be right switch, and the realization that I'm dreaming puts an end to it all.

Description : What would you have thought when you woke up from this dream?

Last Answer : I’m really interested in what alcohol / drugs you took before you went to sleep. I want some for myself.

Description : If a good idea, song, character or plot for a book, etc comes to you in a dream, is it your idea / creativity? Or is creativity only things you work on consciously?

Last Answer : I don’t think it matters. Creativity is creativity, regardless if whether it was a conscious effort or the snap of a finger. My guess (at least for me in my experiences) is that you can’t manufacture creativity or ideas – rather, they come to you in an unpredictable flash.

Description : Have you ever had a dream, where a dog walks up to you, licks your ears, then whispers to you to clean out your ear wax, and call him later for a date?

Last Answer : It means your medication is no longer doing its job. Up the dosage—please. No! Wait a minute! You’re horny loli! What are you gonna do about it?

Description : What does this dream mean my husband thinks about me?

Last Answer : LOL. Is this one of those am I pregnant questions again? I think it means he loves you.

Description : What does it mean if a butterfly lands on your finger and it feels like they’re biting you in a dream?

Last Answer : It doesn't really mean anything, it was a dream. Much of dreaming is essentially defragging your consciousness, and sampling fragments as your brain cleans things up. It took a number of disparate thoughts and ... /narrative. That is all. But now you can use it to develop a screenplay or a novel!

Description : What does it mean if two people dream the same dream?

Last Answer : Nothing.

Description : Has a dream ever come true for you?

Last Answer : No. Just some of my nightmares.

Description : I have had a dream the past three nights about the same person. Why?

Last Answer : The first sentence of your description answers your own question.

Description : When people who have been blind since birth dream, do their dreams have a visual aspect to them?

Last Answer : I would say not. Thinking that they might would be similar to assuming that blind people “see” black.

Description : Do you ever dream guilt?

Last Answer : That obviously wasn’t a dream, but simply flies paying her a nocturnal visit. They grew tired of her shit, so burrowed into her brain and gave her that dream.

Description : What does this dream mean?

Last Answer : I might not know what it means but I have a feeling that it’s a warning. I’ve had dreams like those before. Dreams like those always have a meaning and sometimes they are not good.

Description : Can someone explain this dream to me?

Last Answer : Pay attention to how you feel about the dream when you recall it. Does that feeling remind you of anything? Do any of the people, or the lion, remind you of anything familiar?

Description : How to interpret a dream, and what it means?

Last Answer : Welcome to fluther. It’s a dream, nothing more. In reall ife, you wouldn’t care what your ex wife thinks. That’s how you know it is dream and nothing more.

Description : What does my dream mean?

Last Answer : Holy moly! You’re the first person ever to use a cellphone in your dream!

Description : What does this dream mean?

Last Answer : It means you’re 14. Dreams are just your brain defragging the hard drive. It doesn’t really “mean” anything. Enjoy those dreams, though. When you’re my age it’s all horror stories of coming home to a burnt-down house or your kid getting kidnapped or falling off a mountain or something.

Description : Do dreams mean something? Seriously, I dream every single night!

Last Answer : Like I just dreamt that a black pig hog was at a party and tried attacking everybody, it went savage. And I looked it up: Dream About Black Pigs Black pig may be analogous to a relationship or a ... turn out to be totally unexpected. This is exactly what I've been thinking of for the past week.

Description : Who decides what I dream about ?

Last Answer : You decide via your subconscious mind. It sorts out what you want to remember while your conscious mind sleeps.

Description : Why do I keep having this same dream?

Last Answer : answer:How's your conscience on how industrial activity is threatening extinction to animals such as gorillas, lions and elephants? What happens if you meditate on it? (i.e. sit quietly, ... of action on behalf of wild animal survival and/or against over-industrialization and wild habitat loss.

Description : What does it mean when I kinda get rejected by my crush in my dream?

Last Answer : Your dreams mean nothing except maybe a reflection of what’s going on in your own head. Your dreams know nothing about whether this girl actually likes you or not. I’d guess the only thing it means is that you’re insecure about her.

Description : Dream analysis question?

Last Answer : answer:I don't know anything about dream analysis, but I'm skeptical. However, I do have some recurring dream tropes. In one, I'm trying to run from something - a kidnapper, or someone trying to ... falls), and I can't catch him. I generally have either really scary dreams, or really bizarre dreams.

Description : What does it mean to dream that you start to like a girl?

Last Answer : It means it’s not worth bothering about. If it happens a lot… well then you have my sympathy.

Description : Have you ever had a dream where you fell in love with someone you know...?

Last Answer : I myself have not, I humped a jelly in a dream once & she cut my cock off with a big knife

Description : Have you ever had a lucid dream?

Last Answer : Yes, only once too, but I distinctly remember, consciously thinking, this is a dream, just wake up and I did. haha I dreamed my car rolled down a hill above a lake or drainage canal of some sort and after I ... a dream and I woke up. What a relief, I didn't actually drive my car into a lake. lol

Description : Have you ever woken up crying because you were crying in your dream?

Last Answer : answer:Oh yes. I think it's your brains way of sorting out things we need to address. Perhaps we're missing our mum. Or we're cross about something. Or feeling hurt. It can leave you feeling quite bereft. ... too. Usually with my poor husband! I don't make him pay for things he does in my dreams :-)

Description : Can someone help me interpret this dream?

Last Answer : Could be that the “kidnapper” represents the fear of ageing, leaving your childhood/youth behind. You are the child & the dream ends badly, you can’t escape although you tried. Or…it is just a random dream, forget it about it.

Description : How do I get more out of my dream world?

Last Answer : Meletonin.

Description : Did you have a dream in childhood that you still remember?

Last Answer : Yes, many. One I particularly recall many decades later was about my dad shortly after he passed away. We were riding in an invisible vehicle (kind of a go-cart), very close to the street. I was ... and were thrown into the grass. He disappeared, and I suddenly realized he was dead and I was alone.

Description : Did my dream make me like my crush?

Last Answer : answer:You dreamt about him because he was on your mind already. Maybe that means you were starting to like him before the dream, maybe it only occurred to you later. But what really matters is how you feel and what you think while you are awake. Only you know whether or not you really like him.

Description : I had a dream that my best guy friend hugged me?

Last Answer : Next time you see him, run up and hug him fiercely, and all will be determined.

Description : What does my dream mean?

Last Answer : Not saying you might have been abducted by aliens, but… You might have been abducted by aliens.

Description : What do you think my dream means?

Last Answer : Anxiety

Description : Any ideas what this dream about a bear means?

Last Answer : answer:Dream Mood says that bears represent strength, independence, death and renewal. It says bears are a symbol of life. Incidentally if you dream that a bear attacks or runs after you, it ... Something completely normal, as seen through the bear being the cycle of life, and you healing it.

Description : Same dream different scenery about a girl I like?

Last Answer : That you might have a crush on her.

Description : If you dream about some incidents and then wake up, does that necessarily make it a bad dream?

Last Answer : No. You woke up. ~ it’s your body you can decide.

Description : What's the weirdest dream you've had?

Last Answer : This one.

Description : What is a recurrent dream?

Last Answer : answer:I usually remember that I had the dream before when I wake up. It is usually a subject that is haunting me - unfinished business. I used to dream about the house I grew up in ... I incorporated into my real life memories until I was older and realized that they couldn't have happened.

Description : What does it mean to dream about your crush?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to ask-public! Yes, the experience has everything to do with the dream. It is as simple as this: You really like this person. His feelings are not being reciprocated as quickly as you desire ... red hair and being kissed on the cheek by some boy on a beach, how would you interpret it?

Description : Regardless of money or other things, what's your 3 dream jobs?

Last Answer : answer:Doing musicals on Broadway Owning a wildlife sanctuary for all kinds of animals imaginable Research psychology (with people, not animals…not like any kind of creepy animal studies)

Description : I had a strange dream...

Last Answer : No big deal, you dreamed he found you nice.

Description : Is there something fundamentally different between recalling an experience and recalling a dream of an experience?

Last Answer : answer:I can't speak to the science of this, but I suffer from having very vivid dreams, often of mundane activities, that I believe are actual events. As a child, I had many exquisitely ... recollection of real or dreamed events. Both spark the same range of emotions and physical responses for me.

Description : Have you ever had a dream like this?

Last Answer : Yes. I have dreamt of the nuclear apocalypse and subsequent alien invasion herding the remaining humans into camps

Description : What did you dream about last night?

Last Answer : I slept so lousy last night I never dreamed a thing. It was the first real warm humid night and right before I went to bed, it started to storm, so I had to close most of the windows so the house stayed warm all night. I thought your ears would be popping from me yawning. Lousy answer #1. :)

Description : Is it a foolish dream to marry a celebrity?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. If it wasn’t, I’d be in LA stalking Gale Harold right about now. Who cares if he’s over double my age? Love can’t tell time!~