What is the next great challenge in computing?

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Description : How do you do most of your computing?

Last Answer : I still prefer, Luddite that I am, to use a desktop. I just got a new one. Laptops are clumsy to me. I don’t like the small screen size on Smart phones. Have not had much experience with a tablet. Do you think I would like that?

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Last Answer : answer:Well, it depends what aspect you are talking about, graphics, memory, processing, honestly the biggest overall bottleneck I would say is the internet, the speed at which we can transfer data, ... 100gb/s upload/download everywhere, research would be able to take pace at a much faster rate.

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Last Answer : answer:I have said for a long time that the hard drive was the big bottleneck. And the SSD seems to have proved me right. Right now I am running iTunes and typing this and have about 10 other apps running ... For 95% of the people the CPU's are fast enough. Everyone would see a big boost from a SSD.

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Last Answer : I heard about something where you can contact anyone in the world, literally, some sort of inter-whada or something. Seems neato but I think all the computers might join together and try to kill us. As for now I’m off the to shop to get a chocolate malt and then head off to the roller rink

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Last Answer : Until someone more knowledgeable responds to your question, here is my understanding. Quarks are inside of subparticles and cannot be directly manipulated. However, there is serious work going on to build quantum computers that, I believe, use quantum properties of electrons.

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Last Answer : this is not exactly my field, but i would say http has much more to do that mysql. with http you are loading everything, where mysql is just loading data. i guess it could depend on the site and whats on it, but for the most part http will be doing most the work.

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Last Answer : Yes, MobileMe from Apple. Can't complain, the synchronization between three desktops, two laptops (one a Windows PC) and the iPhone has been flawless. I also use the online storage for precious file backup. ... worth the money. Oooh, it also locates my iPhone if I forget where I put it. Very cool.

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Last Answer : I like to be in control of my data. See this and this.

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Last Answer : The software you want is called “Remote Desktop Client.”