What is on your nightstand right now?

1 Answer

Answer :

On top of it, a fake plant, a lamp and an alarm clock.

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Last Answer : The Last Stand of Fox Company. Korean war, and very highly recommended.

Description : What book are you reading right now?

Last Answer : I'm reading through Barbara Michael's mystery/romances. I love her writing (as Elizabeth Peters too) and am working on collecting her complete works. So I buy a bunch at the used book store ( ... those. Fell behind with reading the complete Stephanie Plum series before I got ahold of the new one!

Description : What's on your nightstand or bedside table?

Last Answer : My alarm clock and a lamp that has a Curious George stuffed animal hanging off of it.

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Last Answer : A bedside table is a simple four legged table, while a nightstand is more akin to a cabinet or drawer chest.

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Last Answer : I see you have a hard time understanding abstract fiction :P I don’t think it’s bad in itself. It just means you are a simple and straightforward thinker. But it could rub people who are more concerned about social etiquette the wrong way.

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Last Answer : I'm reading Perestroika in Paris by Jane Smiley. It's a fantasy about an escaped racehorse who goes to live on the Champs de Mars next to the Eiffel Tower and who is befirended by a dog and a crow. ... beach read, 28 Summers by Elin Hillebrand, a sort of Same Time, Next Year, was quick and fun.

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Last Answer : Generally yes, but I’m picky. Not all mysteries are worth reading. I like police procedurals more than horror-based mysteries. Early Jonathan Kellerman stuff was good, when he was fresh. Now he’s repeating himself. And so on.

Description : Can I read this pdf online legally?

Last Answer : Try Gutenberg http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/eng/The_Colossus_and_Other_Poems From their website Encourage the Creation and Access of copyright-protected eBooks[electronic books]. In general, this Project is ... copyrights, our hope is to eventually bring readers a million eBooks on this site.

Description : Is anyone else from Fluther on Goodreads?

Last Answer : I have one, rarely used it. I never liked the layout and it didn't make much sense to me. I tracked what books I read/wanted to read and that was it. Never did anything else and barely kept up with ... books I suppose. I just don't prefer the site. (I go to goodwill and buy 3 million books instead)

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Last Answer : I think it was Dick and Jane but I’m not positive. This was in the early 70’s.

Description : What are some tips to focus on reading textbooks?

Last Answer : Read and highlight keywords as you read the text the first time before reading it the second or third time. Make yourself believe that whatever you're learning is important because tricking the brain into thinking ... it helps or if you like it. Just make sure nobody is around I hope that helps.

Description : Is there an article you think would be very interesting for many people?

Last Answer : body language and social dynamics › sonamics sonamics.com

Description : Those of you who read non-fiction, what are you currently reading?

Last Answer : I’m not really reading any non-fiction these days. I do enough serious, real life reading throughout the day that when I don’t sit down to read at leisure I want pure escapism.

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Last Answer : what do you do to pass the time? That's depressing. All we have is time - and very little of it. Many people are afraid of silence and stillness because (I believe) it brings up some troubling ... back at time I spent with my wife and wished I had spent it doing something to pass the time .

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Last Answer : I only read about half of it but then I’ve read and known a lot about the Holocaust.

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Last Answer : For some Jellies yes, but not in my case. There is often another perspective, or a nuance that can be added, to give a more helpful answer, or to dispute an answer that is not factual.

Description : Are these work bench lamps usable in an apartment?

Last Answer : Well yes, they are usable. But a light that's good at 10 pm should be good at 3 am; it doesn't get darker.lights really don't change with time. Also, they aren't very pleasant to ... whatever you are reading will be bothersome. That's why lightbulbs designed for reading at home are soft white .

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Last Answer : Finished George Washingtons life story a few weeks ago, getting ready for another Mark Twain this weekend (my fav author!)

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Last Answer : One can vote once a day for your favorites.

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Last Answer : The Lake District in England. I devoured the Swallows and Amazons books when I was a kid, pored over the maps, knew everything about it. I am the only one in my family of origin who hasn’t been there.

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Last Answer : Because they are less attentive or too much involved with what they are doing?

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Last Answer : Swiping cards has been almost completely eliminated here in MA. It’s all chip readers or Android/Apple pay. I suspect the swipe will be eliminated there soon.

Description : What books from your childhood have you reread and still loved?

Last Answer : Wrinkle in time Watership Down Lord of the Rings Lensmen Series Just to name a few

Description : Book recommendations?

Last Answer : Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee if you haven’t read it My Antonia by Willa Cather That should get you started.

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Description : How do I import free books from Project Gutenberg to my Kindle?

Last Answer : answer:I figured it out, and it was much too simple. However, I’m still interested in other sources for free books.

Description : How do you pronounce "Goudie"?

Last Answer : Who’s Mrs Goudie in it? I must be forgetting someone. In any case, I think I would say Mrs. Goo-dee but Mrs Proudie is Prowd-ee.

Description : What was the last book you read?

Last Answer : I've just finished Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty. It is the story of a very respectable lady with a high powered career and a family who has an affair with disastrous consequences. It is written in a way ... want to read on. It wasn't my usual kind of book but it gripped me from start to finish.

Description : Any recommendations for easy reads on ancient mythology?

Last Answer : answer:That made me smile. Ancient mythology is fiction. There are numerous kids' versions, including d'Aulaire (link: https://www.amazon.com/DAulaires-Greek-Myths-Ingri-dAulaire/dp/0440406943 ), ... fact that they frequently bypass our logical processes is part of their power to teach and reveal.

Description : What are the 4 books you plan to read in 2017?

Last Answer : answer:Peter Berresford Ellis, The Druids. Non-fiction, by one of my favourite scholars of Celtic history and anthropology. Continuing my venture into Dune-lore, I'm going to start on the House novels. I' ... shelf I haven't read yet. Probably get into those when I have some junk food reading time.

Description : Do you "supplement"?

Last Answer : I always watch spoilers before I decide to watch a movie or not.

Description : Would you recommend a book to me?

Last Answer : answer:My name is Red by Orhan Pamuk The Hunchback of Notre Dome by Victor Hugo Antigone by Sophocles The Scaffold by Chinghiz Aitmatov Perfume by Patrick Suskind Humiliated and Insulted by Fyodor ... The Divine Comedy by Dante Many more, but not sure if there is English translation online.

Description : What accounts for the increase in misreading on social media?

Last Answer : I think it’s a matter of unrepresentative sampling. There are so many ways you could think the misreading happens more often than it used to, even when that’s not the case. Thus, I’m not inclined to believe that to be the case until I see some reliable numbers on it.

Description : How is an e-book different from a regular book?

Last Answer : answer:If it resides on your device, you can lend your device to another person and it is no different than if you lent them a real book. What you may not do legally is copy it electronically and give that to ... to take a paper book to a copier, and run off a whole copy and give it to a friend.

Description : Which do you prefer, softback or hardback books?

Last Answer : I almost never read books so I'm probably not the person to answer this, but when I do read if it's a book I'm not very concerned about it looking like it has some wear I prefer a softback. It's ... thing. If I want it to stay as perfect as possible and be on my shelf, then a hardback is preferred.

Description : Can I do anything about the brightness of my book light?

Last Answer : I ended up solving my own problem after posting this question, by taping a small piece of orange paper over the light, so now it has a pleasant warm glow rather than blinding bright white light. I’d still like to hear more permanent solutions or good light recommendations! Thanks!

Description : What are you reading?

Last Answer : answer:Catching up on my New Yorker issues. Summer happens, the magazines piled up. What is hitting me most is the velocity of Jill Lepore’s output. I don’t understand how one person can write in such depth on so many subjects. The New Yorker – Jill Lepore

Description : In your opinion what is the next greatest Ken Follett book?

Last Answer : answer:Well, if you liked Pillars of the Earth, you should read the sequel: World Without End. I believe those are his only books in that genre. He usually writes modern thrillers. I just read on Wikipedia ... third book in the Pillars series in the works. I'm now looking forward to that one. ^_^

Description : Can you help me find a book similar to these?

Last Answer : answer:I would give Siddhartha a try and once you finish that read everything else by Hesse. Then move on to Kafka. The world will be a bit different once you read everything both of them wrote.

Description : Is there a way to sort my Kindle purchases by my own reviews?

Last Answer : I know I sort mine by author name, as I read a number of books at a time. (Don't ask exactly how many it is appalling!) I'm just not sure if you could sort by your own ratings. Incidentally, I ... s Desk, so check them out if you want to. I try not to spend too much money on Kindle books either.

Description : Can you help me find a book to read?

Last Answer : answer:The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry might work for you. Or: The Unliekly Pilgrimage of Harold Fry or: Something by Rumer Godden such as Greengage Summer. or: Have you read Pride and Prejudice?

Description : ask-publicites, care to suggest some good books to read?

Last Answer : Calvin and Hobbes the complete collection. Any Dilbert books.

Description : What's "women's fiction", and is it okay if I, as a man, read it?

Last Answer : answer:I wouldn’t ridicule you. And that looks like a really good book. I’ll keep it in mind. I don’t know what “men’s fiction” would look like. In my experience women tend to read more than men.

Description : Book Recommendations?

Last Answer : answer:To start with, if you like an author then try some of their other work. I loved the 100 Year Old Man and then read The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden which was just as excellent. I loved ... for all ages so try some of his YA stuff first I found this website that looks good - Teen Reads

Description : What is the name of the book I'm looking for?

Last Answer : I’d know it if I saw it.