What is critical to your life?

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Description : How many critical moment were there in your life?

Last Answer : Every moment is critical, isn’t it? Couldn’t I cause things to go horribly wrong in any number of ways at just about any time? If I were to drop my pants right now, my life would take a very unpleasant turn. Under different circumstances the same action could have a much more positive outcome ahem.

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Last Answer : In my experience, people who suffer from severe depression often put their loved ones (or whoever cares about them) in a double bind . Its not you. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Sometimes everything you do is wrong in some people’s eyes.

Description : Do you find this to be true; individuals who are overly critical of others are most likely jealous?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think so, but I guess it depends on what you mean by overly critical. I'm very critical about the people that are taking care of my family (wether it's doctors, nurses, daycare ... just nitpicking what other people do, I suppose jealousy could be a part of it, depending on the people.