Is there a half-decent substitute for coffee on the market?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not really, no.

Related questions

Description : Why does McDonald's only have half and half as a standard with their coffee? Do you know if they are supposed to accomodate requests for regular milk with their coffee?

Last Answer : Where do you think you are dining? The Ritz? McDonald’s has no requirement to supply milk. They probably only have milk in small cartons. You could purchase one with your coffee.

Description : What type of coffee cup do you prefer?

Last Answer : Just a plain old coffee cup. But anything will do in a pinch. And my wife recently bought me a Yeti thermos for work, keeps my coffee hot all night. Works great, for cold beverages as well

Description : So what is going on with all of the questions about coffee this morning?

Last Answer : Because it’s morning? :D

Description : Do you drink complimentary coffee?

Last Answer : Yeah I do at the dealership when I get my truck serviced.

Description : Is it better to buy coffee already ground or to grind the coffee beans yourself first?

Last Answer : Some people have very sensitive taste and they can tell the difference I cannot.

Description : Can anyone suggest an excellent coffee from Europe?

Last Answer : Europe does not produce coffee

Description : Describe in detail what you want in an expensive cup of coffee?

Last Answer : I want a really well-made coffee from great beans, such that I can't make myself at home. Which is hard . (I have a great source of beans that I love, a milk frother, and I grind my beans and do a ... oz, though it doesn't really need to be more than one shot of espresso, even if it's over 16 oz.

Description : Is coffee just really thin bean soup?

Last Answer : Actually coffee “beans” are fruit stone or pit like a cherry . . . so it is fruit stone tea.

Description : A local coffee shop in my city is giving a free cup of coffee to anyone who is Asian or Asian-American. How do you feel about this?

Last Answer : Update: I discovered that it’s actually a customer “paying it forward” to 5 customers that are Asian or Asian American, and its first come, first serve. It’s not the store doing it as an official giveaway. My apologies.

Description : Can horses have coffee?

Last Answer : They prefer beer—Guinness more specifically. I don’t know about the specific risks of coffee, but I would be concerned about the stimulant effect on the horse. Could they get jumpy and hurt themselves/someone else? What would be the benefit?

Description : Why and how did you start drinking coffee?

Last Answer : I drink a cup or two of half-caff every morning and I began drinking coffee (without any sort of consistency) probably around the age of 6? My grandmother used to give me coffee mixed with milk and honey… about half coffee and half milk, lol.

Description : Assuming that it's the same blend, do hot coffee and iced coffee carry the same amount of caffeine?

Last Answer : I know you can get Mochas and Lattes iced and hot so I would think they do?

Description : How much would your coffee cost?

Last Answer : $2.25 “May I have a medium coffee with room for milk? Thanks!”

Description : Does your Keurig coffee maker eliminate the delicous aroma of morning coffee?

Last Answer : I'd say that's true. With the Keurig the smell of coffee doesn't waft through the house. The person drinking the coffee still gets the coffee aroma from the cup. Plus, we use reusable filters and our ... smell, which you wouldn't get if you just pop one of those pre-made pods into the machine.

Description : Can you coffee drinkers clear up this question for me? Please see inside for details?

Last Answer : Some coffee drinkers do love the taste and the warmth, like tea drinkers do.

Description : How can I make a K-Cup without a Keurig or coffee grounds?

Last Answer : You have to be patient, but it is possible. The way that a Keurig coffee maker works is as follows. 1) the machine pokes a hole in the top of the K-cup for the water to come in 2) the ... filter and pour boiling water over it to brew. Both of these are workable alternatives. Why are you a thief?

Description : Shouldn't the cream be poured in before the coffee?

Last Answer : Yes, I do that at home. But stirring or just walking to work with a cup in hand mixes it up easily enough.

Description : What do they put in my coffee?

Last Answer : A female friend at work told me the same thing once. Said I’m a cranky jerk before my morning coffee, after that she wanted to love me and hug me. Now I know why she slways had coffee on when I got to work. I thought she was just being nice. What do they put on that shit?

Description : Is the coffee from a Nespresso machine as good as coffee made from a stove espresso pot or a french press?

Last Answer : It’s different. I like my Nespresso and I use it all the time. Is it “as good”? Probably not. But it’s better than Keurig.

Description : How often can you reuse ground coffee?

Last Answer : It depends on what you use it FOR. Seriously-when I forget to change it even within the hour, the hot beverage result LOOKS like coffee but weaker than tea and not fit to drink. For drinking, ground ... glue off your hands after its used-or for a facial scrub or maybe its good for the plants.

Description : What do you think of convenience stores selling instant coffee to go (instead of real coffee)?

Last Answer : answer:There may be areas of the US where instant coffee MIGHT be accepted-cultural norms do differ and there are parts of the the world where instant coffee is quite acceptable. Personally? If I would ... parts of the world where it is the norm, is just not acceptable. Unless it is Starbucks Via

Description : What is on the front of your favorite coffee cup?

Last Answer : Nothing. Mu cup is solid red and very big. I hate small coffee cups. haha

Description : Which Nespresso coffee maker should I get?

Last Answer : My son has the one that makes a big glass of coffee; his wife’s is the smaller one and needs to be cleaned – run through with hot water – each time. I like the bigger one which seems to be called Virtuoline; i’m not a coffee maven though.

Description : Am I the only one who doesn't like Starbuck Coffee?

Last Answer : Don’t like it either – too strong and bitter for me. And I don’t want to drink fancy coffee drinks that have 600 calories in them.

Description : What misnamed items ( like coffee beans ) are there out there?

Last Answer : Most fruits/vegetables/seeds. Fruits are the ovary of any plant and contain seeds. Vegetables are technically limited to root vegetables (no seeds). The seed is the ovule of the plant and has ... the literal seeds are within that structure. The flesh of the strawberry is actually just floral tissue.

Description : Coffee lovers, do you like any unusual flavors in your coffee?

Last Answer : Hell no. Grounds and good water. That is coffee, when anything else is added it is a coffee based drink but no longer coffee.

Description : After drinking coffee, do you do anything to improve the smell of your breath?

Last Answer : I chew some sugar free mint gum.

Description : What is your favorite brand of coffee?

Last Answer : answer:Nothing exciting about my coffee, so sorry about that. I have Nescafe Alta Rica. I will occasionally have Nescafe Dolce Gusto Pods. I do really really enjoy a Costa Latte though.

Description : How do you make your coffee at home?

Last Answer : I used a fancy-schmancy Keurig for two years and then a few months ago decided I was hating the coffee. So now I use a small, no-frills Mr. Coffee. Takes no more time to set up than the Keurig and the coffee tastes just fine.

Description : What's interesting in the following video, re. coffee assault and parking in handicap spot?

Last Answer : There’s no link to a video.

Description : Who does NOT drink coffee in the morning?

Last Answer : I rarely do. Generally have tea because I can drink it without any sweetener. Coffee I need milk and lots of sugar; also, regular gives me the jitters.

Description : What would you think of a coffee shop in Michigan named Beaners?

Last Answer : I think it’s cute.

Description : Can I successfully make my own coffee (think tea) bags for steeping single cups of coffee?

Last Answer : They already have those , seen them at hotel rooms, for the little coffee maker they keep in each room.

Description : Where else do we find the nutrients found in coffee?

Last Answer : answer:There are lots of good nutrition in coffee- polyphenols, magnesium, anti-oxodants, helps fight Diabetes and Alzheimers. There is a minimal effect on calcium absorption that can be offset by adding milk to your coffee. If you don’t like the taste of coffee, don’t drink it.

Description : Do you have a favorite "go cup" for coffee or tea?

Last Answer : answer:You may end up paying a lot for one of these but it is worth it in the long run!

Description : If you drink a machine made espresso coffee first thing in the morning does it give you a kick-start or have a bad effect?

Last Answer : Anything hot that I drink first thing in the morning makes me go to the bathroom. It’s for that reason that I have coffee or tea every morning. It’s part of my morning routine (get it done, take a shower, clean for the day and no dealing with going to the bathroom anywhere else but at home).

Description : What is the correct protcol for Keurig coffee maker usage?

Last Answer : Mmmm, I’ve never reused a K cup, I just throw it out every time I make coffee just so I won’t have to do it when I make my next cup. As for the cost, I couldn’t care less. It’s an easy way to make a fairly decent cup of coffee—that’s my only criterion. Besides, I drink only one cup per day.

Description : Has something in the law changed since the woman won her case about spilling hot coffee on her lap?

Last Answer : answer:What is it that we are supposed to learn from this story? The story has been used as “proof” that litigation is out of control because someone simply spilled coffee on herself. If she suffered serious injury, it’s a different story.

Description : What am I missing from not drinking instant coffee?

Last Answer : O.k. I’m boiling the water and I opened the package…Wish me luck. edit yuck… I’ll add some honey. edit too hot… I’ll let it cool off. edit still too hot I will add some tap water.

Description : What is your preferred way to brew coffee and why?

Last Answer : I grind my own beans and use drip. I have a French press but don’t use it often.

Description : Has my body built up an intolerance for coffee?

Last Answer : answer:No intolerance build up that I know of. Think of all the folks that drink multiple cups a day for the better part of their lives (54% of US adults drink coffee everyday) You can build ... in a short time, the feeling is going to be different. More from wikipedia - Health effects of caffeine

Description : How do you like your coffee? And how much?

Last Answer : answer:I like my coffee to be a dark roast (Sumatra), pretty strong (use a lot of beans per cup water), and I consume it with cream or whole milk. Absolutely no sugar or flavored coffee. I have some in ... brewing. Now I just get Peet's or Starbucks from the market. It's stale, but I'll drink it.

Description : How much does a large 12 oz (350 ml) coffee cost you?

Last Answer : I never added it up, but I would not leave out the price for the hot water because our gas and electric bills are sky high.

Description : I've just started drinking home made coffee what do you suggest I experiment with next?

Last Answer : I love Starbucks beans, the dark roasts like Cafe Verona, Sumatra, etc.

Description : The fruit that holds the coffee bean is edible. What does it taste like and how many calories in a cup?

Last Answer : It’s apparently not considered a valuable fruit.

Description : Does coffee affect your nerves, give tummy trouble or trigger panic attacks?

Last Answer : It can bother my stomach, not all the time, but sometimes. I never have this problem with tea!

Description : Is my coffee consumption becoming out of control?

Last Answer : answer:If four cups of caffeinated coffee does not jump start you, maybe you need intervention. That's a serious amount of caffeine in your system. Is there a Caffeine Anonymous? Perhaps cut down to ... decaff. Jeez. The newly released DSM-5 considers you a legitimate addict. Help is on the way

Description : Have any of you ever tried Kopi Luwak coffee, aka Civet coffee?

Last Answer : I have never tried it but I have heard of it. Coffee

Description : How do you take your coffee?

Last Answer : I like it girly style… sweet and creamy.

Description : Best Irish Coffee recipe?

Last Answer : Gotta be strong black coffee with Bushmills. Nothing else.