Do you think killing in order to show that killing is wrong is okay?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, I don’t believe that’s fine.

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Last Answer : nope. The injustices of the past must go (for the most part) unaddressed,

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Last Answer : Considering Trump’s penchant for lying and for going back on his word I sure as shit wouldn’t trust him.

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Last Answer : Whatever he said, it is probably horrible. ACAB

Description : How is this in any way justice?

Last Answer : Car insurance was never meant to replace your car, just to pay off damages. Although I have seen commercials that say they will replace your car now. I’m sure it is very expensive and the lady that has been involved in many accidents probably couldn’t afford it. No, I don’t think this is fair.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd say that there is justice, and we just saw it properly administered. The FBI - the premier investigative agency in the US - did their work and essentially cleared Hillary Clinton. ... -hatred so strong that anything that doesn't fit your narrative of the world is immediately suspect?

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Last Answer : Sure, why not.

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Last Answer : Well there was also the suspect standing in front of the cops, hands over his head, and the cops shot him. What comes around goes around. Both sides need to remove heads from butts.

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Last Answer : GOOD COP - OFFICER MARK ENGRAVALLE He was called to a Walmart in Kansas to pick up a shoplifter. He was faced with a homeless mom and her barefoot kids. He noticed at least three of the ... morning-mix/wp/2015/07/11/officer-buys-diapers-and-shoes-for-homeless-mother-caught-shoplifting-for-her-kids/

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Last Answer : answer:Here's an article about that. Oxford University Press - The FIFA scandal and the extraterritorial reach of US law Two of the 14 individuals indicted were US citizens, another was a ... , the indictment simply does not support a claim that contact with the United States was incidental.

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Last Answer : Who told you I was on Jury Duty (true!). It might be helpful if you mentioned some of those gross inequities. I think Body Cameras are a big step forward, as were the existence of all these cell phone ... him lunging at the cops with a knife. The claims and evidence didn't get a lot of media play.

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Last Answer : In terms of continuing to do it by lethal injection the problem is that the chemicals they used to use are not being produced much any more because the countries that produced them have outlawed ... seen as cruel and unusual punishment. But we do manage to euthanize our companion animals humanely.

Description : If I am pissed off enough, does that excuse my violent actions.

Last Answer : Some may think so, but in reality nope.