Not just signing up (7M) but how many have paid for Obamacare?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:You could go to Blue Cross and ask how many of their new enrollees have paid and you could not get a definite answer today. The premiums are paid to many, many different insurance companies and few of the payments for recent enrollees would even be processed by now. But of course, people without any numbers or facts who hate Obama will take every opportunity to throw doubt and misinformation into the discourse. What they have to say isn’t informative, useful, honest, or interesting.

Related questions

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Last Answer : answer:I would suppose the glitches were that bad. The numbers trying to apply were in the millions. PS: It has not been two weeks since October 1st!

Description : So. How is Obamacare working for ya?

Last Answer : I am so happy! Not for me, because I already have good insurance through my work, but my son and his wife got a great Humana plan for $52 a month. Before Obamacare, my son was paying $120 a month ... he never got around to it. But, he discovered last night that he gets a nice tax break, at least.

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Last Answer : answer:I do know that most of the people I know, including myself, cannot afford the ludicrous prices for mandatory health insurance. Mandatory or not, if I can't afford it, I am not getting ... do not have faith in this program, and furthermore, do not welcome government control of my health care.

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Last Answer : I think so. If your insurance policy isn’t in compliance with the regulations of Obamacare, it either gets canceled, or you get a fine for not having insurance with Obamacare. And that’s even if your insurance is better. Nice folks, huh?

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Last Answer : answer:The main pro is that more people will have access to affordable healthcare coverage and thus will get covered, thereby reducing the charity care and other burdens created by under- or uninsured persons. ... . I don't think anyone ever claimed that it would but we have to start somewhere.

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Last Answer : I believe that is just to get coverage for this year.

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Description : If I sign up for an exchange within Obamacare, can I cancel it if I don't wish to continue having insurance mid-way through?

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Last Answer : Overall? I don't know, but I know a few who definitely have fared better, in that they had coverage (thanks to the ACA) when they got Covid, that they previously didn't have because they were dropped ... to get care (which the uninsured often don't do) is a good thing, and benefits all, ultimately.

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Last Answer : I would be really sick, health-wise, and feel as if my health insurance just crapped out.

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Last Answer : I don’t know the answer to your question but how can you call Republicans loudmouths? Democrats are so loud, aggressive and out of control .

Description : Are there people who still don't understand what "Obamacare" is?

Last Answer : I have health insurance, it is not obamacare.

Description : What happens to your medical insurance when you quit your job now in the Obamacare days?

Last Answer : As a student your income might be low enough you wouldn’t be subject to the penalty for not having insurance. Check with your tax guy. You might be able to keep your insurance under the COBRA rules but I’m not sure how quitting affects that.

Description : Have you heard that the Texas rejection of Obamacare will cost the state one hundred billion dollars in federal Medicaid money?

Last Answer : answer:Texans have shown that ideology (radical right wing) is more important to them than serving citizens or saving money. The way I see it, they're so full of themselves they could care less ... when Houston has floods and the governor asks from FEMA help. Then they like the federal government.)

Description : What is your take on the congresswoman who blames Obamacare for her husband's death?

Last Answer : Sorry, I didn’t read the full article. It sounds like she has a problem with ACA. Fine. Who doesn’t? Now, will she get working on a universal single-payer healthcare system?

Description : Is this a wise choice for a health care program? Republicans name their alternative to Obamacare P-CARE. Is this final victory for urologists?

Last Answer : answer:Those types of people are often well, not very imaginative. The KKKanadian conservatives once came up with Conservative Reform Alliance Party. Seriously. For that matter, ObamaCare was their ... basically the same system as RomneyCare. They disowned it when the other guys adopted it.

Description : What is your personal experience with Obamacare?

Last Answer : It actually seemed pretty easy to sign up. My only real question is that I’m not sure where dental fits in to all this. (Yea, I signed up…)

Description : Is it true that Obamacare will force many volunteer firehouses to close?

Last Answer : I have no answer to this question. I have heard nothing. I am with you that it must be a misinterpretation. I am looking forward to learning what other jellies have to say regarding this. I am GQing this because if it is a legitimate concern, I think we all should be made aware ASAP.

Description : Doesn't this prove that Obamacare is hurting workers, getting more moved to part time.

Last Answer : Anyone who asks a question with a negative – as in “Doesn’t this prove….” has already closed their mind to reasonable answers.

Description : To what degree are the problems with the Obamacare website due to sabotage?

Last Answer : Possibly, but a question for any IT folks out there is, wouldn’t the site have been thoroughly beta tested or am I being naive?

Description : Does it mean anything to you that health care providers want Obamacare to pass?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t yet know a ton about it but I thought the insurance companies were all for it because it would generate a lot more business? I am for single payer so not delighted about that aspect. And – “Obamacare” has passed. it is the law of the land.

Description : What are the main cons of Obamacare?

Last Answer : The main con is that it didn’t require states to actually take care of the most needy people. Thus, 20+ states will have hundreds of thousands of people trapped in the gap of making between 22% and 75% of the poverty level with absolutely no coverage options.

Description : Do you support 'Obamacare'? What are your reasons?

Last Answer : answer:It's not that great, and has led to some really stupid outcomes, like companies refusing employees full time work to avoid paying the costs. Still, it's an improvement over the nothing that was ... , it's coming and at this point rolling it back is returning to an even dumber status quo.

Description : What are the requirements for being exempt from the "Obamacare" laws?

Last Answer : Exemptions are permitted for religious reasons, members of health care sharing ministries, or for those for whom the least expensive policy would exceed 8% of their income. Affordable Care Act ( ObabmaCare ) will guide all medical insurance. You can also move to a foreign country. ;>)

Description : Under Obamacare how much money of my paycheck will be deducted?

Last Answer : From what I have read you don’t make enough to be effected.

Description : What are your thoughts about the delay announced yesterday regarding ObamaCare to not impose a penalty until 2015 on businesses that don't insure?

Last Answer : answer:Typical, business gets the breaks. And, only businesses with over 50 employees I believe. Maybe this is the first step in a single-payer universal health care plan. Not sure how but I can hope can’t I?

Description : Does Obamacare force parental retiree healthcare plans to cover children?

Last Answer : seekingwolf Do you mean does medicare cover the children also? That is an interesting question. I’m betting it doesn’t, but I have no real knowledge on the topic. Or, you mean health coverage offered by a company to retirees?

Description : Should Justice Kagan recuse herself from Obamacare ruling?

Last Answer : I suspect she will not, as Thomas will not. I think she feels as if she should stay in to balance him.

Description : Will ObamaCare cover breast augmentation?

Last Answer : The "ObamaCare" health insurance reform bill does not generally provide insurance itself, but requires people to have private insurance among other changes. Insurance will almost certainly not pay for breast augmentation, regardless of the recent changes in law.

Description : Suggestion: Could ask-public incorporate a captcha code when signing up?

Last Answer : Good idea except there is no development work being done for ask-public. The founders have moved on to other ventures.

Description : When did Gmail first start signing up people by invite only?

Last Answer : answer:The invitation only beta version started April 1, 2004. (Seriously, no kidding at all!) I started mine in September 2004. it was opened up in general in 2007.

Description : What are the advantages of signing up with Facebook, Twitter or Google?

Last Answer : answer:Well, the advantages are - your personal data are mined and then sold to 3rd party companies without your permission or knowledge so you can be spammed with personalised advertisment - ... then ruin your relationships with your family, friends and acquaintances. What is not to like?

Description : Who is signing up for NaNoWriMo 2009?

Last Answer : Oh, ooh, me! I’ve been meaning to ask this question (I haven’t been on Fluther for quite some time; wouldn’t have known this question was posted if I hadn’t been following Fluther on Twitter), so thank you for doing so. I’m excited. Very much so.

Description : Do you think signing up for the Air Force a good life decision?

Last Answer : We need more details. Why is joining the Air Force the solution to your problems? Because they will hand you a job and tell you what to do and it's not quite as hard or dangerous as other ... If you think joining the Air Force is going to solve your problems, you are likely to be sadly mistaken.

Description : About how long after signing up and being accepted I think I was till you can start beta testing parallel kingdom?

Last Answer : bout a month or less