What argument did you have recently that you know you are right?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Ugh. My house is being torn down to make room for more public beach in October. I have only one neighbor, and she’s a stubborn broad. The day I was told by the city government they were tearing my place down I thoroughly read the California statutes on being pushed out and my rights. I made notes from those statutes. Then I was given a relocation assistance agent who gave me a list of my rights in writing. They matched the state statutes exactly, which is no surprise. My neighbor got the same packet, which she admitted she hasn’t read. I try to explain what our rights are to her and she just tells me I’m wrong and that we are getting a ton of money for having to move and that she doesn’t even have to pack her things… That a moving company will pack her things for her. It is so frustrating because she is going to shoot herself in the foot if she doesn’t wake up and smell the coffee, but I’m done beating my head against the wall over this. She just insists that I won’t let it go and I just want to be right, but she KNOWS real estate laws and that I’m wrong. She’s going to be out in the cold waiting on a paycheck that isn’t coming, and that frustrates me.

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