Can someone figure out what I should do with my life?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Welcome to ask-public. What a great first question. We may have various suggestions for strategies to address some of the issues that you’ve raised (and quite well, too – that’s very good writing), but as to the topic question ”... figure out what I should do with my life”, only you can do that. Always and only you. As to your details, I would not be shy about admitting that to an interviewer in IT. There are lots of things that you can do in IT that don’t involve “writing code”, and in fact whoever interviews you (for a non production code-writing position) may be gratified to hear an honest appraisal of your lack of proficiency in that area. (I would imagine that everyone else that he interviews is “the best coder ever”.) Finally, when you do start to write code – or do anything else after a long time away from the activity – you’re bound to be rusty and forget certain things. It is a rare person indeed who can pick up a technical skill after a long time away from it and proceed with no kinks, no stops-and-starts and no hiccups. And since so few people write messages by hand any more, lack of handwriting skill is nothing, really. And that’s another thing that you can improve with practice if you want to.

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