How do you do it?

1 Answer

Answer :

I remember when I was in elementary school. We had recently moved here. I entered the sixth grade, and to say that I was not welcome would be an understatement. My parents were struggling to survive week to week and my mother was depressed and angry. Life in school continued to be hell when I entered the seventh grade. Almost on a daily basis boys in my class waited for me to leave school and would pound me until I cried. I hide in the school’s basement and they searched for me there, but never found me. I was so angry at my mother, who constantly criticized me, that I fantasized putting poison in her coffee. I was also so depressed I wanted to die and even ran in front of an oncoming truck that fortunately for me stopped just in time (years later looking back on that I realize that the poor driver must have had nightmares about what could have happened). All I can tell you is that it will get better, although it may take years before you realized that your life has turned out much better than you ever imagined. I am 82. I have had many failures in my life and experienced many tragedies over the decades. But as I look back at the ups and downs I’ve been through, I am glad to be alive today. Things began to turn around in my forties. I suspect that having survived that long gave me time to acquire a broader perspective, and not see myself as alone in the center of my life. Hang in there. The early teen years are tough, but since you are able to put your feelings into words, I have not doubt your life will be much better before you are in your twenties.

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