What is the default accessibility for members of a struct? 

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Related questions

Description : What is the default accessibility for members of an interface?

Last Answer : public

Description : What is the default accessibility for a class?

Last Answer : internal for a top level class, private for a nested one. 

Description : What is the difference between a Struct and a Class? 

Last Answer : Structs are value-type variables and are thus saved on the stack, additional overhead but faster retrieval. Another difference is that structs cannot inherit.

Description : Can you derive from a struct? 

Last Answer : No

Description : Can a struct have methods?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Is a struct stored on the heap or stack? 

Last Answer : Stack

Description : What is a struct?

Last Answer : Unlike in C++ a struct is not a class – it is a value type with certain restrictions. It is usually best to use a struct to represent simple entities with a few variables. Like a Point for example which contains variables x and y.

Description : What is the difference between a Struct and a Class?

Last Answer : Structs are value-type variables and are thus saved on the stack, additional overhead but faster retrieval. Another difference is that structs cannot inherit.

Description : Can a class or a struct have multiple constructors?

Last Answer : Yes, a class or a struct can have multiple constructors. Constructors in C# can be overloaded.

Description : Briefly describe the five accessibility requirements of the Certified for Windows logo program.

Last Answer : The five requirements are o Support standard system settings. This requires your application to be able to conform to system settings for colors, fonts, and other UI elements. o Be ... information by sound alone. This requirement can be met by providing redundant means of conveying information.

Description : Why can’t you specify the accessibility modifier for methods inside the interface?

Last Answer : They all must be public, and are therefore public by default. 

Description : Describe the accessibility modifier “protected internal”. 

Last Answer : It is available to classes that are within the same assembly and derived from the specified base class.

Description : Can nested classes use any of the 5 types of accessibility?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : What is private accessibility?

Last Answer : Access is restricted to within the containing class. 

Description : What is protected internal accessibility?

Last Answer : Access is restricted to types derived from the containing class or from files within the same assembly.

Description : What is internal accessibility?

Last Answer : A member marked internal is only accessible from files within the same assembly.

Description : What is protected accessibility? 

Last Answer : Access is restricted to types derived from the containing class. 

Description : What is public accessibility?

Last Answer : There are no access restrictions. 

Description : Why can’t you specify the accessibility modifier for methods inside the interface?

Last Answer : They all must be public, and are therefore public by default.

Description : Describe the accessibility modifier “protected internal”. 

Last Answer : It is available to classes that are within the same assembly and derived from the specified base class.

Description : Why can’t you specify the accessibility modifier for methods inside the interface? 

Last Answer : They all must be public. Therefore, to prevent you from getting the false impression that you have any freedom of choice, you are not allowed to specify any accessibility, it’s public by default.

Description : Describe the accessibility modifier protected internal. 

Last Answer : It’s available to derived classes and classes within the same Assembly (and naturally from the base class it’s declared in). 

Description : What is the default index of an array? 

Last Answer : 0

Description : What is the default value for a bool? 

Last Answer : false

Description : If I have a constructor with a parameter, do I need to explicitly create a default constructor?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : C# provides a default constructor for me. I write a constructor that takes a string as a parameter, but want to keep the no parameter one. How many constructors should I write? 

Last Answer : Two. Once you write at least one constructor, C# cancels the freebie constructor, and now you have to write one yourself, even if there’s no implementation in it.

Description : Briefly explain the difference between Public (public), Friend (internal), and Private (private) access levels as they apply to user-defined types and members.

Last Answer : In user-defined types, Public (public) classes can be instantiated by any element of the application. Friend (internal) classes can be instantiated only by members of the same assembly, and Private ( ... the same assembly, and Private (private) members can be accessed only from within the type. 

Description : Briefly describe what members are, and list the four types of members.

Last Answer : Members are the parts of a class or a structure that hold data or implement functionality. The primary member types are fields, properties, methods, and events.

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Last Answer : Use the Imports keyword (Visual Basic .NET) or the using keyword (Visual C#) to make a .NET Framework namespace visible to your application. 

Description : Can properties hide base class members of the same name?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Can the members of an interface be private?

Last Answer : No. 

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Last Answer : C) 34

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Last Answer : a) Compulsory winding up by the tribunal.

Description : State true or false for Java Program. i) Data members of an interface are by default final ii) An abstract class has implementations of all methods defined inside it. A) i-false, ii-false B) i-false, ii-true C) i-true, ii-false D) i-true, ii-true

Last Answer : C) i-true, ii-false

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Last Answer : write a C plus plus program to declare a class which accept and display student information such as roll number division and percentage use get data and put data with required parameters

Description : What si the difference between interface and abstractclass Select Answer:  1. interface contain only methods  2. we can't declare a variable for interface  3. interface contain only events  4. None  5. All

Last Answer : Ans : 2 The only Difference between Interface and Abstract class is we can declare a variable in abstract class but we can't declare in variable interface

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Last Answer : 1. Item stored in ViewState exist for the life of the current page AS any web application works on request and response basis ,so on every post backs, The data in control gets lost. To retain page ... control with data. The life cycle of the view state exist for life of current running page only. 

Description : Which one of the following tools is used to view the metadata information contained in a .NET assembly? Select Answer:  1. al.exe  2. ilasm.exe  3. vbx.exe  4. csc.exe  5. ildasm.exe

Last Answer :  5. ildasm.exe

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Last Answer : You can ensure that registry entries are removed, as well as perform any other “clean-up” tasks, by creating an Installer class and writing the appropriate code in the Rollback event handler. Then create a new Custom Action and set the InstallerClass, and EntryPoint properties to appropriate values.

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Last Answer : First, create a file search to search the file system for the specific file. Then create a launch condition to evaluate the results of the search. You can connect the launch condition to ... in the search's Property property in the expression specified by the launch condition's Condition property. 

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Last Answer : A bootstrapper application automatically detects if Windows Installer is installed on the target machine. If Windows Installer is not present, it installs Windows Installer before proceeding with the rest ... Installer 1.5 already installed) or have had Microsoft Installer 1.5 installed previously.

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Last Answer : A native image is a precompiled version of a .NET assembly. You can create a native image of your application by using the Ngen.exe utility.

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Last Answer : XCOPY deployment is a simple method of deployment where the DOS command XCOPY is used to copy the application directory and any subdirectories to the target machine. You can use XCOPY ... an application requires a more complex deployment or references shared assemblies, you cannot use XCOPY.

Description : What is a shared assembly? How would you create one?

Last Answer : An assembly is an assembly of which only a single copy is installed per machine. This copy can be shared by multiple applications. To make an assembly a shared assembly, you must first assign it a strong name, and then install it to the global assembly cache.

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Last Answer : Imperative security is implemented by calling methods of Permission objects in code at run time. Declarative security is configured by attaching attributes representing permissions to classes ... request assembly-wide permissions using the Assembly (assembly) directive with declarative security.

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Last Answer : You must first create an instance of AppSettingsReader to read the configuration file. You can then call the GetValue method to read values represented in the configuration file. To add configuration ... used to retrieve the entry. The value can be changed between executions of the application.

Description : Describe how to use code to retrieve resources at run time.

Last Answer : You must first create an instance of the ResourceManager class that is associated with the assembly that contains the desired resource. You can then use the GetString method to retrieve string resources or the GetObject method to retrieve object resources.

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Last Answer : To sign your assembly with a strong name, you must have access to a key file or create one with the strong name utility (sn.exe). You then specify the key file in the AssemblyInfo file and ... identity, a strong name is required if you want to install your assembly to the Global Assembly Cache.

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Last Answer : You display a preview of a printed document with the PrintPreviewDialog control by first setting the PrintDocument property of the PrintPreviewDialog instance to the PrintDocument you want to preview, then by calling the PrintPreviewDialog.Show command to display the dialog box. 

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Last Answer : Globalization refers to the application of culture-specific format to existing data. Localization refers to providing new culture-specific resources and retrieving the appropriate resources based on the culture setting.