In what year was decimal currency introduced?

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Description : When was the decimal system of currency introduced in India? -Do You Know?

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Description : When was decimal coinage introduced in India

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Last Answer : Answer : 1. Maxwell 2. A.A. Manavalan 3. 1957 4. Because of tectonic activities 5. Chandragupta I 6. Ecosystem 7. Nargis Dutt 8. Flint glass 9. Japan Sea 10. Narasimhavarman 11. Amour 12. Mohd. Azharuddin 13 ... 16. Governor 17. Unit north pole 18. V. K. R. V. Rao 19. Iceland 20. Alauddin Khilji

Description : When was the currency system in India converted into decimal system? A. April 1 1959 B. April 1 1957 C. April 1 1955 D. April 1 1953

Last Answer : B. April 1 1957 Explanation: The Indian currency system was converted into decimal system by Indian Coinage (Amendment) Act 1955 which brought into force from April 1, 1957.