Simplest Radioactive atom is?

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Related questions

Description : How does an atom of a radioactive substance know when it is to decay?

Last Answer : We know that when we have a certain amount of radioactive material, that after a certain period, half of its atoms will have decayed. But we do not know which atom will decay at what point. No one knows. Especially not the atom.

Description : Can measurements of atomic structure made frequently enough eternally prevent decay of a radioactive atom?

Last Answer : answer:I am having a hard time imagining setting up the experiment so that the measurement happens often enough to produce the eternal isotope. It seems to me that the device doing the measurement ... from each other is fantastic. Observing one has an instantaneous affect on the other. Simply weird.

Description : From which part of the atom of the radioactive element is the radioactive ray emitted ?

Last Answer : The radioactive ray is emitted from the nucleus of the atom of the radioactive element.

Description : When nucleus of an electrically neutral atom undergoes a radioactive decay process, it will remain neutral after the decay if the process is (a) An `a

Last Answer : When nucleus of an electrically neutral atom undergoes a radioactive decay process, it will remain neutral ... a`gamma`-decay D. a K-capture process

Description : A radioactive atom `X` emits a `beta-`particle to produce an atom `Y` which then emits an Particle to give an atom `Z` (1) the atomic number of `X` is

Last Answer : A radioactive atom `X` emits a `beta-`particle to produce an atom `Y` which then emits an Particle to give ... C. 2 and 3 are correct D. 3 is correct

Description : When a nucleus in an atom undergoes a radioactive decay, the electronic energy levels of the atom.

Last Answer : When a nucleus in an atom undergoes a radioactive decay, the electronic energy levels of the ... decay processes D. Change for type of radioactivity.

Description : What type of decay involves only the release of high-energy photons and therefore does not change the mass of an atom of a radioactive isotope?

Last Answer : High-energy photons are gamma rays; the decay is called gamma decay. Please note that the mass of an atom DOES change, since a loss of energy is accompanied by a loss in mass.

Description : Pick out the wrong statement. (A) The disintegration rate of a radioactive substance cannot be increased by heating it (B) Electrons have negligible mass and unit negative change (C) Deuterium atom has one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus (D) Cadmium is capable of absorbing neutrons

Last Answer : (C) Deuterium atom has one proton and two neutrons in its nucleus

Description : What is the average life of a radioactive atom having a 'half life period' of T? (A) 1.44 T (B) 0.144 T (C) 14.4 T (D) 2T

Last Answer : (A) 1.44 T

Description : The emission of a positron from a radioactive atom is generally accompanied by the emission of one of the following. Is it accompanied by the emission of: w) a meson x) a baryon y) an antineutrino z) a neutrino

Last Answer : ANSWER: Z -- A NEUTRINO

Description : Simplest atom (based on atomic mass) is that of?

Last Answer : Hydrogen

Description : The simplest atom is?

Last Answer : Hydrogen (H)