How dangerous are hammerhead sharks?

1 Answer

Answer :

Only the Great Hammerhead is considered dangerous, simply because of it's size.

Related questions

Description : Are whales more dangerous than sharks?

Last Answer : no cuz sharks kill more ppl each year

Description : which zone does the hammerhead shark live in?

Last Answer : they live in The Twilight Zone also the middle zone.

Description : Which is the biggest out of tiger shark, whale shark, and hammerhead shark?

Last Answer : I need to know...

Description : Have you heard about frilled sharks?

Last Answer : Okay, that is the most horrendous, disgusting, and screwed up fish I have seen. Murder every single frilled shark. I have never heard of it before. Wish I never did.

Description : Cockamamie question #1 : You open your eyes and you are a great white shark, how could you convince people you are a human being trapped in a shark's body?

Last Answer : Tap out a sequence of prime numbers. After people take note of this remarkable feat, you eat them.

Description : Are sharks as abundant as they were in WWII?

Last Answer : answer: Around the world, sharks and rays are taken in fisheries ranging from small subsistence fisheries in inshore waters, to large industrialised fisheries in the open ocean. Since the 1950s, ... every year. Around the world many shark fisheries have declined or collapsed from fishing. Sources

Description : Are you allowed to carry a gun with you while you swim at a beach, as self-defense from sharks? If not, what can you carry to defend yourself from them?

Last Answer : My favorite shark defense is not going into the water when there’s a shark risk. I’m not a gunologist, but I’m pretty sure they generally don’t work underwater anyway. And sharks (live ones, at least) are only found underwater.

Description : What year did the living seas at epcot disney world have tiger sharks on display?

Last Answer : They had them in 2007 I believe. Here are the details. Disney's Epcot Center's Living Seas Pavillion, Orlando (USA) Was successful in displaying a tiger shark for 3.3. years in a its massive ... of 21660 m3 of water. The specimen shared the exhibit with other shark species, rays, and teleosts.

Description : Are the tiger sharks on display at the new england aquairum?

Last Answer : yes. they were sand tiger sharks.

Description : Do bull sharks congragate?

Last Answer :

Description : Sharks seem like the KING of the ocean. Do any oceanic animals hunt shark?

Last Answer : Giant squids?

Description : How can I learn more about sharks?

Last Answer : Watch Shark Week on Discovery Channel. Going on right now!

Description : Imagine you are on a sinking raft in the middle of the Pacific with great white sharks surrounding you. How do you stop this predicament? -Riddles

Last Answer : Stop imagining!

Description : This is because the embryos eat each other before birth, only the strongest are born. I can't remember the name of that species.

Last Answer : intrauterine cannibalism sand shark (Carcharias taurus)

Description : Are Sharks color blind?

Last Answer : Yes, sharks are color blind. Sharks are unable to distinguish colors, even their closest relatives have same color vision, despite of their high cone number.

Description : What does Great white sharks mean?

Last Answer : agressive,known to attack humans

Description : Do lemon sharks lay eggs or give live birth?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What Kinds of sharks end with o?

Last Answer : Mako Sharks are one type.

Description : Do sharks live in swamps?

Last Answer : Sharks live in salt water but some can live in rivers. Swampsare generally not deep enough or have enough oxygen.

Description : When will all the sharks go extinct?

Last Answer : All the sharks might eventually go extinct in a little more thana decade later. Some scientists estimates that all the sharks mighteventually go extinct in 2,030, especially if we continue tofurther poach them down. This is just 12 years after 2018.

Description : What is a sharks evolution?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How meany theeth do sharks have?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What remora fish has an adaptation that allows it to attach to a shark and it feeds on scraps of food left over from the shark's meal. What type of symbiotic relationship is this?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Are bull sharks warm blooded?

Last Answer : no

Description : Do orcas eat great white sharks?

Last Answer : They have been known to eat each other, but this is not terribly common. By and large, the two species avoid each other or only consume the other if it is dead. The primary reason for this ... by the possibility of being seriously injured by the target. YouTube has a documented Orca vs Great White.

Description : What are the goblin shark's predators?

Last Answer : squid, and sea turtles eat them......... and they eat plankton there small fish.

Description : Why are most sharks a lighter color underneath?

Last Answer : because it makes them less visible from below.

Description : Do sharks live in Southern Ocean?

Last Answer : Yes. Most sharks are found in warm seas.

Description : How much do sharks weigh?

Last Answer : In water, sharks can weight 50 pounds, land they weight to 100 to 500.

Description : What (giant) sharks actually existed in the Age of Dinosaurs?

Last Answer : The megalodon ( /ˈmÉ É É™lÉ™dÉ'n/ MEG-É™-lÉ™-don; meaning "big tooth", from Greek Î¼Î­Î³Î Ï (mega, "big") and á½€Î´Î ÏÏ (odon, "tooth")) is an extinct species of shark ... largest and most powerful predators in vertebrate history.[2] C. megalodonlikely had a profound impact on structuring of t

Description : Why do sharks swim with their fins out of the water?

Last Answer : It is mostly just a scare-tactic used in the media to symbolize a shark. In the wild, animals typically adapt to the hunting method that is most likely to succeed. For example, if a shark were to ... come from underneath, the bird most likely would not be aware of the shark until it was too late.

Description : Do tiger sharks eat other sharks?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Do all sharks attack humans?

Last Answer : No. Very few shark species will attack a human unprovoked . Often, in stories one hears, a shark mistakes the figure of a human on a surf board for a seal. The best way to avoid sharks is to avoid splashing and not to cut yourself.

Description : Do sharks eat other sharks?

Last Answer : They simply do it for food, to be blunt. The same way we eat animals, I know we (well most of us humans anyway) don't eat other animals but sometimes it is just in their natural behaviour to eat other sharks or they have no other food. then it starts a shark cannibalism frenzy

Description : How do sharks mate?

Last Answer : they dance

Description : How many species of sharks are there?

Last Answer : 354 shark species in 2010

Description : How many bones are in a shark's body?

Last Answer : Sharks are a type of fish that have no bones, only cartilage. Some parts of their skeleton, like their vertebrae, are calcified. Cartilage, a strong fibrous substance, is softer than bone; our nose ... the rays, skates, and ratfish. The Elasmobranchii are all fish that have no bones, only cartilage.

Description : Are there sharks under Golden Gate Bridge?

Last Answer : the menacing shark infrequently ventures under the Golden Gate Bridge to pay us a visit. However, there are 11 different species of shark that do call the SanFrancisco baykeepers.

Description : Do dolphins protect humans from sharks?

Last Answer : Yes.ANSWERI don't think it is safe to say that dolphins would always save humans from a shark attack. However, there ARE several accounts of humans, who were attacked or threatened by a shark, and were rescued by an onslaught of dolphins who attacked the shark.

Description : How do sharks communicate with each other?

Last Answer : its a very complex method using hi tech equipment and sonar. the green ones dont communicate very well. the blue ones do though. hope this helps.

Description : What do you call a pack of sharks?

Last Answer : because there cute

Description : What would happen if sharks died out?

Last Answer : everything will come out so bad

Description : Do people eat sharks Why?

Last Answer : Sharks mistake humans for seals, they do not deliberately target humans and usually spit them out when they note their mistake. But it is rare you would die from them. Because we taste ... other coastal locations, the behavior of deep and ocean water sharks is far more predatory and unpredictable.

Description : Do sharks eat remora fish?

Last Answer : Sharks do not tend to mind these parasites sticking to them all the time, remoras just stick to sharks to either get around or to eat the dirt off them. Remoras are streamlined so that it will not affect the shark's swimming.

Description : What type of sharks are around Alcatraz?

Last Answer : Nurse sharks, port Jackson's, sand tigers (not for about 50 yrs), 5 or 10 reef sharks nothing deadly. 300 years ago there where great whites but authorities took them out

Description : How different are the swimming strategies in osteichthyes and in chondrichthyes? Why do sharks need to agitate their body to swim while bony fishes do not?

Last Answer : Bony fishes have a specialized organ called a gas bladder, or swim bladder, whose interior can be filled with gas liberated from gas glands. The swim bladder works as a hydrostatic organ since ... helps to reduce their body density relative to water. Fish Facts - Image Diversity: swim bladder

Description : Which of the following are warm blooded animals? (1) Whales (2) Whale Sharks (3) Alytes (4) Dram

Last Answer : (1) Whales Explanation: Animals, such as mammals and birds, that maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the temperature of the surroundings are called warm blooded ... a relatively higher blood temperature, and maintain thermal homeostasis primarily through internal metabolic processes.

Description : Sharks and dogfishes differ from skates and rays because (a) gill slits are ventrally placed (b) head and trunk are widened considerably (c) distinct demarcation between body and tail (d) their pectoral fins distinctly marked off from cylindrical bodies

Last Answer : (d) their pectoral fins distinctly marked off from cylindrical bodies

Description : Sharks and dogfishes differ from skates and rays because (a) gill slits are ventrally placed (b) head and trunk are widened considerably (c) distinct demarcation between body and tail (d) their pectoral fins distinctly marked off from cylindrical bodies.

Last Answer : (d) their pectoral fins distinctly marked off from cylindrical bodies.

Description : Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals? (a) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon (b) Whales, Dolphins, Seals (c) Trygon, Whales, Seals (d) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks

Last Answer : (b) Whales, Dolphins, Seal