How many bones are in an elephant's trunk?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are no bones in an elephant's trunk, but many strong muscles. It is just a long, powerful nose.An elephant's trunk, a union of the nose and upper lip is a highly sensitive organ with more than 100,000 muscle units. It uses its trunk to rub an itchy eye or scratch its ear. Trunks are also used to threaten, and to throw objects. It drinks by filling its trunk with water and then pouring the water into it's mouth. It is used as a snorkel when swimming and to smell. It would be difficult for an elephant to survive if it's trunk were damaged.

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Description : These are the neighbors who live above us. Specifications: prefabricated house. A new party has moved in, and they either have concrete slippers, or they have made "floating floors" on their own, or both. Before, ... that could be survived. So I don't know - is it a common standard or am I unlucky?

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