Avoid The Kimkins Diet To Be Safe?

1 Answer

Answer :

While the Kimkins Diet program may have a great online support community, the actual diet program itself is not safe. It encourages both low carb and low fat intake, which are at scientifically considered starvation levels. This is not a great approach for losing weight. In addition, the program was created by someone who is still in really bad shape. What kind of credibility does the creator have if she doesn't practice what she preaches? To be on the safe side and to find longer term fat lass results, you're better off using your money to purchase some of the more trusted diet books out there that suit your needs.

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Last Answer : Imformation on kimkins diet can be found in websites such as www.kimkins.com/what-is-kimkins/, lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/populardietplans/a/kimkinsdiet.htm, and if you do decide to try it www.kimkins.com/ is a good place to look.

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