Where can i find before and after weight loss pictures?

1 Answer

Answer :

Womenshealthmag.com has 67 befor and after photos and stories of weight loss stories. The Stories include tips on how they lost the weight, what inspired them and how they are contuing to lose or maintain the weight loss.

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Description : Where can I find befire and after weight loss pictures?

Last Answer : Many doctors, companies, clinics and patients post before and after weight loss pictures. You can view some of them at www.YouTube.com/watch?v=RrDpEI9FpZ0, www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/...lost/before-and-after-weigh, and www.womansday.com/...Weight-Loss/10-Incredible-Weight-Loss.

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Last Answer : http://www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/photo-gallery/ provides information and before and after photos of people who have had weight loss surgery. It provides the age of the patient and the doctors name.

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Last Answer : Since its inception, bariatric surgery has been widely used as a means of weight loss with great results. For testimonials and additional information on the procedure, please visit www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com.

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Last Answer : Asking them is polite. Don’t identity them, unless they approve.

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Last Answer : In most cases, the minimum qualification for consideration as a candidate for admittance is 100 lbs. above ideal body weight or those with a Body Mass Index of 40 or greater.