Are blood pressure supplements safe?

1 Answer

Answer :

High blood pressure is a serious conditions and its treatment is best supervised by your medical care provider even when taking over the counter supplements. Both medications and supplements, even natural ones, can have side affect. Some people recommend COQ10 and fish oil. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website, studies testing the use of potassium to lower blood pressure have proven promising. Their website provides good information about the treatment of high blood pressure:

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Last Answer : If you are looking for high blood pressure supplements, it would be best to get a prescription from a medical professional. However, some pharmacies sell them over-the-counter.

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Last Answer : There have actually been recent studies done claiming that there are some Vitamins and Supplements that can help people who have depression.���depression-supplements.html

Description : are fish oil supplements safe for bodybuilders?

Last Answer : Yes, fish oil supplements are safe for bodybuilders. You should take these supplements before you work out to maximize their potential. It will help tremendously.

Description : What are some good high blood pressure supplements?

Last Answer : Fish oils, antioxidants, lipoic acid, calcium, magnesium and CoQ10 are all good, natural supplements for high blood pressure. All of these are sold as their natural name, as opposed to brand names, and at varying strengths so consuting your doctor is important for safety

Description : Are there natural supplements that help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are only a few natural remedies for high blood pressure that I know of. Adding garlic to your diet and lowering sodium intake will help. Also, if you are over weight and aren't very active, exercising will help to lower your blood pressure.

Description : Where can I find natural supplements for my high blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are natural foods and supplements that can help with high blood pressure. The best thing to do is to take a prescribed medication though, from a doctor.���Hypertension.htm

Description : Are there any health supplements for high blood pressure?

Last Answer : Consult your Doctor first in any medical changes. Here are a few supplements that may work: Vitamin B12, Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Calcium, Vitamin C, Saw Palmetto (for men), and Black Cohosh (for women)

Description : What are some supplements to help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : One of the best things you can take to help lower your blood pressure is potassium. You should be able to get enough of this in your diet without needing supplements.

Description : What are some supplements to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are quite a few supplements that can help lower blood pressure. Supplements like Potassium, calcium, and magnesium are essential if you want to reduce blood pressure.

Description : Does it matter what brand of supplements I use to lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : Yes it does matter what brand of supplement you are using to lower your blood pressure because some supplements can be harmful. You will want to use natural supplements since they are the healthiest for your body and condition.

Description : What are some natural supplements for high blood pressure?

Last Answer : If you have high blood pressure, you need to take aspirin to try and dull down your system a bit. You should not be taking excess calcium pills or Vitamin D pills.

Description : Do they have over the counter supplements to lower your blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are many over the counter pills to lower blood pressure. To see what ones are available to you you should check at your local pharmecy. Many times there are generic types of prescription brands, you can get over the counter.

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