What are good foods for someone with type o blood?

1 Answer

Answer :

A good website for foods for all types of blood types including type O is runtheplanet.com. It has a list of what foods to avoid and the ones that are good to eat. I would definitely check out this website it has very good information.

Related questions

Description : What kinds of foods should people with positive type o blood eat?

Last Answer : People with Type O blood should focus their diets on consuming protein rich foods. This includes meat and nuts. They should avoid foods such as dairy and carbohydrates.

Description : What foods should a blood type O eat?

Last Answer : It is suggested that people with blood type O eat, meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. The blood type diet in question also suggests that grains, beans, and legumes be limited for those with blood type O.

Description : What foods should people with type O blood eat?

Last Answer : According to the blood diet, people with type O blood should eat lean, organic meats, fish and poultry. They should avoid foods containing grains, gluten and dairy. Diet food lists for type O blood can be found at http://www.drlam.com/blood_type_diet/blood_o.asp

Description : What foods should a B.O blood type eat?

Last Answer : The best foods for the O blood type are foods such as poultry, meats, yams, seafoods, nuts, beans, vegetables. They are the types of foods that were correlated with tropical environments and the O blood type originated there.

Description : What foods can a person with a O negative blood on the blood type diet?

Last Answer : Type O negative blood type are suppose to eat high protien foods. Meats poultry and fish as well as fruits and vegetables and eggs would benifit you. You can also supplement with vitamins as well.

Description : What are some foods that are healthy for individuals with o type blood?

Last Answer : A diet that is good for people with O blood type is food with high proteins, such as meat and fish, and low dairy products. People with O blood type should also take part in lots of exercise.

Description : What specific foods are beneficial for certain blood types, specifically Type A and Type O blood?

Last Answer : Both A and O blood types benefit from a diet high in deep ocean seafood and avoiding dairy. That is where any similarities end. Type O blood types thrive on a diet containing mostly protein while limiting dairy and grain. Type A types benefit from a mostly vegetarian diet limiting red meat.

Description : What are foods that you should eat if you are blood type O?

Last Answer : They should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They should avoid dairy and wheat products that can upset their gastrointestinal system. Organic meats are also considered healthy for those with blood type O.

Description : What foods should people with type O blood type eat and avoid in their diet?

Last Answer : People with the type O blood type should eat more lean protein, such as low-fat chicken, turkey, fish or lean cuts of beef. Eating nuts and seeds are need for high protein,fruits and ... system in balance and fresh vegetables. Type O blod type should avoid eating cooked vegetable such as potatoes

Description : What kind of foods are there on an o blood diet?

Last Answer : When I first brought my cat home from the Humane Society she was a mangy, pitiful animal. She was so thin that you could count her vertebrae just by looking at her.

Description : What foods do people with O blood types like?

Last Answer : Some theories suggest that blood type is directly related to the types of food one prefers and should eat. In the blood type diet, a person with type O blood should eat a diet high in protein, while eating less grains and dairy foods, and and AB type diet would prefer a more mixed diet.

Description : What kind of foods should someone with a positive blood type eat?

Last Answer : As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a wellrounded diet of foods that are good for you.

Description : What are the best diet foods for someone who has blood type b?

Last Answer : Instead of fatty, sugary snacks, indulge in lots of whole foods. Vegetables, and fruit. Snacks are not good for your diet with this blood type. maintaining a healthy fruit/ vegetable oriented diet is very good for your body.

Description : Is there a diet designed for someone with type O negative blood?

Last Answer : There are no diets directed towards blood type that are legitimate. The best thing to do is find a healthy diet and follow it regardless.

Description : Where can someone find more information about the risks of a type O blood type diet?

Last Answer : Doctor Peter D'adamo specializes in blood type diets. They are specific diets to tailor to the specific needs that arise in individuals while certain blood types. To find out specifics about a diet for blood type O you can go to www.dadamo.com.

Description : Can someone who has the blood type B negative donate blood to someone who is O positive?

Last Answer : No, only someone with Blood type O can donate to a person with Blood type O. Blood type B negative can donate to anyone with blood type B (positive or negative) and blood type AB.

Description : What kinds of food should someone with o type blood eat?

Last Answer : Foods have proteins called lectins that react with your blood. Type A will do best with a vegetarian diet. B should avoid corn, peanuts, lentils and the list goes on. AB does not metabolize meat well. O thrive on animal protein.

Description : What is a good diet for someone with o negative blood type?

Last Answer : A good diet for someone with O negative blood type should consist of lots of exercise. There is no specific diet to follow, as it should be a lifestyle change. However, some foods that should be avoided are breads, grains, legumes, and beans.

Description : What diet is recommended for someone with type O negative blood?

Last Answer : For blood type O negative, it is advisable to consume plenty of meat and fish. They can also eat certain vegetables, nuts, and egg in moderation. Persons with blood type O negative are discourage from consuming high carbohydrate diet and dairy products.