Understanding Bladder Cancer?

1 Answer

Answer :

The primary function of the bladder is to the store the urine drained into the bladder from the kidneys and urinary tract. Bladder cancer develops when the cells within the bladder begin to grow abnormally. Similar to other types of cancer, bladder cancer can spread to other organs in the body. Common organs where bladder cancer spreads include the bones, lungs, and liver. In the United States, men are diagnosed with bladder cancer at a higher rate than women.Types of Bladder CancerThe appearance of cells when looked at under a microscope determines that type of bladder of cancer present. Three common types of bladder cancer exist, which include urothelial carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the bladder, and squamous cell carcinoma. Urothelial carcinoma is the most common type of bladder cancer and accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all bladder cancer cases. Urothelial carcinoma is directly connected to cigarette smoking. Two percent of bladder cancer cases result in adenocarcinoma of the bladder, which is strongly associated with prolonged infection and inflammation of the bladder. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for one percent of all bladder cancer cases and is also associated with infection and inflammation of the bladder.SymptomsThe most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine, which in most cases can be seen with the naked eye. Individuals may experience times when no bleeding is present, which causes many people to assume that the problem has disappeared. Other symptoms may include a frequent need to urinate or the inability to hold urine.DiagnosisThe most common way to diagnose bladder cancer is to investigate the cause of blood in the urine. A physician typically orders a urine test first to determine if blood is present in the urine and if an infection has occurred in the bladder. A doctor may order a urine cytology, which test for cancer cells in the urine. If the test comes back positive, it is a good indication that the individual has bladder cancer. An ultrasound, CT scan, or an MRI can determine if a tumor is present in the bladder.

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Description : Bladder cancer?

Last Answer : DefinitionBladder cancer is a cancerous tumor in the bladder. The bladder is the organ in the center of the lower abdomen that holds urine.Alternative NamesTransitional cell carcinoma of the ... may contribute to its development:Cigarette smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing bladder c

Description : What is the best bladder cancer treatment?

Last Answer : Go to a healthcare professional if you suspect you bladder cancer and consult your doctor or a specialist if you find out you do. Depending on the stage of the cancer, they may put you on chemotherapy before either remove the tumor(s) or removing your bladder/part of your bladder.

Description : Are there specific symptoms or signs that indicate bladder cancer?

Last Answer : The most common sign that indicates bladder cancer is blood in urine. Other symptoms include back or abdominal pain, pain on urination, and loss of apetite.

Description : Where can I learn the signs of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : There are a few common signs that you have bladder cancer. You can look for urine that is generally a green shade of color. Even if your urine happens to be a natural color, if it smells different than it should you need to go to a doctor.

Description : What are the effects of diet in regards to bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Bladder cancer is something that should be taken seriously. You are required to be on a strict diet and not following it could eventually lead to death. Please consult your nutritionist about this.

Description : What type of treatment is available for bladder cancer?

Last Answer : The four main current choices for treatment are: Radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, and biologic therapy. There are two other treatments that are currently in testing: Chemoprevention and photodynamic therapy.

Description : What are signs of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Signs of bladder cancer include having to go to the bathroom more often, having bloody urine, being tired, having a UTI, abdominal pain, Back pain, and problems urinating.

Description : What does it mean when you are diagnosed with bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Conditions are diagnosed by a Doctor Who will follow a set of steps to come to the best and most probable conclusion and then follow through with testing. The doctor will review the symptoms and ... the best possible choices of a condition and then order tests to come up with the right condition.

Description : What causes bladder cancer and how common is it ?

Last Answer : Bladder cancer is caused by abnormal cells in the bladder and usually starts in the inner lining of the bladder. Men are twice as likely to acquire bladder cancer than women. Some risk ... , chronic inflammation of the bladder and ethnic background (Bladder cancer is more common in Caucasians).

Description : Bladder Cancer Symptoms?

Last Answer : Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that originates within the bladder, or the balloon-shaped organ in your urinary system that is responsible for the storage of urine. More than 69,000 people ... and make lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking, so that they don't develop cancer again.

Description : Bladder Cancer Information?

Last Answer : Recently, singer Andy Williams announced that he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is somewhat rare, although almost 70,000 Americans that are diagnosed with the disease each year. Bladder ... in order to determine if you are at risk for the disease and need frequent screenings.

Description : What are symptoms of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Some of the symptoms for bladder cancer include blood in urine, constant need to go to the bathroom, Back pain, and never being hungry. It really though depends on the person

Description : Where can I find more information on bladder cancer ?

Last Answer : call local hospitals to ask for info where you can find out more information about this. do a search for cancer at mayo.com or another medical site. look at the symptoms for bladder cancer & also talk to your doctor about the options for help

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : According to webMD, symptoms of cancer in the bladder include: blood or blood clots in the urine, urinating frequently only small amounts, pain when urinating, and frequent urinary tract infections. Some symptoms that indicate bladder cancer also indicate other bladder conditions.

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