Where can I learn the signs of bladder cancer?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are a few common signs that you have bladder cancer. You can look for urine that is generally a green shade of color. Even if your urine happens to be a natural color, if it smells different than it should you need to go to a doctor.

Related questions

Description : Are there specific symptoms or signs that indicate bladder cancer?

Last Answer : The most common sign that indicates bladder cancer is blood in urine. Other symptoms include back or abdominal pain, pain on urination, and loss of apetite.

Description : What are signs of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Signs of bladder cancer include having to go to the bathroom more often, having bloody urine, being tired, having a UTI, abdominal pain, Back pain, and problems urinating.

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : According to webMD, symptoms of cancer in the bladder include: blood or blood clots in the urine, urinating frequently only small amounts, pain when urinating, and frequent urinary tract infections. Some symptoms that indicate bladder cancer also indicate other bladder conditions.

Description : What are signs of bladder problem?

Last Answer : The major signs of a bladder problem are very frequent urination or no urination at all. The bladder problem could also be from dehydration and should be checked out by a doctor.

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Last Answer : The most common signs are frequent urination, urgency of urination, having to urinate in the middle of the night (3 or more times) & urge incontinence.

Description : Bladder cancer?

Last Answer : DefinitionBladder cancer is a cancerous tumor in the bladder. The bladder is the organ in the center of the lower abdomen that holds urine.Alternative NamesTransitional cell carcinoma of the ... may contribute to its development:Cigarette smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing bladder c

Description : What is the best bladder cancer treatment?

Last Answer : Go to a healthcare professional if you suspect you bladder cancer and consult your doctor or a specialist if you find out you do. Depending on the stage of the cancer, they may put you on chemotherapy before either remove the tumor(s) or removing your bladder/part of your bladder.

Description : What are the effects of diet in regards to bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Bladder cancer is something that should be taken seriously. You are required to be on a strict diet and not following it could eventually lead to death. Please consult your nutritionist about this.

Description : What type of treatment is available for bladder cancer?

Last Answer : The four main current choices for treatment are: Radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, and biologic therapy. There are two other treatments that are currently in testing: Chemoprevention and photodynamic therapy.

Description : What does it mean when you are diagnosed with bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Conditions are diagnosed by a Doctor Who will follow a set of steps to come to the best and most probable conclusion and then follow through with testing. The doctor will review the symptoms and ... the best possible choices of a condition and then order tests to come up with the right condition.

Description : What causes bladder cancer and how common is it ?

Last Answer : Bladder cancer is caused by abnormal cells in the bladder and usually starts in the inner lining of the bladder. Men are twice as likely to acquire bladder cancer than women. Some risk ... , chronic inflammation of the bladder and ethnic background (Bladder cancer is more common in Caucasians).

Description : Understanding Bladder Cancer?

Last Answer : The primary function of the bladder is to the store the urine drained into the bladder from the kidneys and urinary tract. Bladder cancer develops when the cells within the bladder begin to grow abnormally. ... An ultrasound, CT scan, or an MRI can determine if a tumor is present in the bladder.

Description : Bladder Cancer Symptoms?

Last Answer : Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that originates within the bladder, or the balloon-shaped organ in your urinary system that is responsible for the storage of urine. More than 69,000 people ... and make lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking, so that they don't develop cancer again.

Description : Bladder Cancer Information?

Last Answer : Recently, singer Andy Williams announced that he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is somewhat rare, although almost 70,000 Americans that are diagnosed with the disease each year. Bladder ... in order to determine if you are at risk for the disease and need frequent screenings.

Description : What are symptoms of bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Some of the symptoms for bladder cancer include blood in urine, constant need to go to the bathroom, Back pain, and never being hungry. It really though depends on the person

Description : Where can I find more information on bladder cancer ?

Last Answer : call local hospitals to ask for info where you can find out more information about this. do a search for cancer at mayo.com or another medical site. look at the symptoms for bladder cancer & also talk to your doctor about the options for help

Description : How common is gall bladder cancer?

Last Answer : Gallbladder cancer is a rare condition. Symptoms indicating gallbladder cancer include jaundice, fever, stomach pain, nausea, abdominal lumps, and bloating.

Description : What is the best URL to learn more about bladder pain?

Last Answer : There is quite a lot of website or URL that you can learn about bladder pain, here is a few : www.bladderhealthawareness.org/ www.aboutkidshealth.ca/bladder www.webmd.com/pain-management/bladder-pain

Description : Through which of the following activities does the patient learn to consciously contract excretory sphincters and control voiding cues? a) Biofeedback Cognitively intact patients who have stress or urge ... functional incontinence. d) Bladder training Habit training is a type of bladder training.

Last Answer : a) Biofeedback Cognitively intact patients who have stress or urge incontinence may gain bladder control through biofeedback.

Description : What is the pupose of the Cancer warning signs posted almost everywhere.in California?

Last Answer : answer:Nanny state. Some lobbying group back in 1985 decided that people needed to be warned about things they might come in contact with. So they got a law passed, which is entirely stupid and ineffective. Read all about it(1986)

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Last Answer : answer:I believe it has to do with Proposition 65, SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1986 You often see labeling that is required by the act on products that reads something like: WARNING: This ... does California know that my state doesn't know? What's my state not telling us? :-)

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Description : Signs of Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : Oftentimes, colon cancer signs are not obvious unless you are actively looking for them. There is a wide range of symptoms associated with the disease, from severe to mild. Understanding the symptoms is ... your doctor closely to determine the cause of any symptoms, and plan a course of treatment.

Description : what are the signs of colon cancer!?

Last Answer : can colon cancer be cured? WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF COLON CANCER

Description : Can you have colon cancer without having any signs of colon cancer?

Last Answer : No. One of the early signs of colon cancer is constipation. Another sign is an unexplaned weight gain of 15lbs or more.

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Last Answer : Some signs of Kidney Disease are Protien or blood in the urine, abnormal blood tests of the kidney, high blood pressure, swelling of various parts of the body due to fluid build-up, burning sensation when urinating, and matallic taste in the mouth.

Description : What warning signs could alert someone of the presence of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Junty color and pain in your side are two of the leading signs of colon cancer. You should get it checked every year and remember that march is colon cancer awareness month.

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Last Answer : Some syptoms of mesothelioma cancer are coughing,drastic weight loss and fatigue.

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Last Answer : The most apparent sign of skin cancer is the appearance of irregular moles. These moles are asymmetrical, have fuzzy edges, and can change shape while regular moles do not.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately, the sings and symptoms of liver cancer are variable so it is difficult to diagnose - often liver cancer is initially mistaken for other medical disorders.

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Last Answer : signs and symptoms of lung cancer are breathing hard and coughing up blood, not being able to finish sentences, short of breath all the time and weak in general.

Description : Identifying The Signs Of Kidney Cancer?

Last Answer : Kidney cancer or renal cancer occurs when a tumor begins to form in one or both of the kidneys in the body. This tumor will grow if not treated and can potentially destroy the kidneys ... to pool in the legs causing swelling. Ultimately, anemia will result because the body cannot process nutrients.

Description : Ovarian Cancer Signs and Symptoms?

Last Answer : Ovarian cancer starts in a woman's ovaries and often spreads to other places within the abdomen and pelvis if left undetected. Knowing and recognizing the symptoms of ovarian cancer are imperative in ... category for this type of cancer. A family history of breast ovarian cancer increases your risk.

Description : What are the signs of ovarian cancer?

Last Answer : Signs of ovarian cancer include being sleepy all the time, being bloated, having abdominal pain, frequent urination, menstrual bleeding that is not normal, and feeling nauseated.

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Some signs of colon cancer include bleeding from the rectum, varied changes in the bowel movements, the feeling that all of the bowel isn't gone when it is, etc.

Description : Mouth Cancer Signs: What to Look For?

Last Answer : Many people worry at some time in their life that they have a serious condition like cancer, and thankfully more often than not such concerns prove to be unfounded. However, if you have noticed ... if you do notice signs. Early detection and early treatment or critical with this type of cancer.

Description : The Warning Signs Of Thyroid Cancer?

Last Answer : The thyroid is located right below the adam's apple, at the base of the neck. The thyroid's main function is to create hormones that regulate the body's temperature, weight and metabolism, heart ... spread. For the most part, long-term survival rates are high for people who develop thyroid cancer.

Description : Colon Cancer Symptoms- Initial Warning Signs To Watch For?

Last Answer : Colon cancer is a serious disease that will progress very slowly in your colon and is highly unnoticeable if you don't know the signs to keep watch for. Early detection of colon cancer is very ... doctor. Colon cancer can sometimes lead to a loss in appetite and a feeling of nausea after eating.

Description : What are signs and symptons of colon cancer?

Last Answer : Change in bowl habits, rectal bleeding, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, the feeling your bowls dont empty all the way, all of these can be symptoms of colon cancer. A proper diagnosis must be made by your physician.

Description : What are the signs of bowel cancer?

Last Answer : The signs of bowel cancer consist of changes in your bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea, and blood in your stools. Signs may also include abdominal discomfort,fatigue, and stools that are to thin.

Description : What are the signs of skin cancer?

Last Answer : One of the main signs of skin cancer in a mole or bump that is brown in color, and changes size. If the moles on your arm have changed recently, I would have them checked by a doctor.

Description : Lymphoma Cancer Symptoms & Signs?

Last Answer : There a number of different cancers involving blood that originate in the lymph system. The name for these types of cancers is lymphoma. Many of the signs and symptoms of lymphoma are nonspecific, ... a unique combination of mild symptoms that if caught early enough make the disease easier to treat.

Description : Where can I find information on skin cancer signs and symptoms?

Last Answer : You can find information on skin cancer signs on the following site: http://www.webmd.com/melanoma-skin-cancer/slideshow-precancerous-skin-lesions-and-skin-cancer. They have a bunch of information.

Description : Are there any websites that could help me find skin cancer signs and symptoms?

Last Answer : You can go to www.skin-cancer-experiences.com/ to find out some basic information on skin cancers. Nothing beats the advice of your regular doctor. If you think you might have a problem, don't turn to the internet. Go see a doctor.

Description : What are early signs of kidney cancer?

Last Answer : Early signs of kidney cancer are rare. Usually symptoms do not occur until later stages, but some of the earliest stages are blood found in urine, persistent Back pain, and feeling tired most of the time.

Description : What are early signs of cervical cancer?

Last Answer : Some early signs of Cervical cancer are bleeding, back or pelvic pain, loss of appetite or loss of weight.

Description : How to Recognize the Early Signs of Breast Cancer?

Last Answer : According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed female cancer in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also one of the deadliest. This is why ... under their arms and around their breasts. Any lump in the breast area should be taken

Description : Which of the following statements regarding hypercalcemia are true? A. The symptoms of hypercalcemia may mimic some symptoms of hyperglycemia. B. Metastatic breast cancer is an unusual cause of ... fluid volume deficit. E. Urinary calcium excretion may be increased by vigorous volume repletion.

Last Answer : Answer: ADE DISCUSSION: Markedly elevated serum calcium levels produce polydipsia, polyuria, and thirst. Vigorous volume repletion and saline diuresis correct the extracellular fluid volume ... , from bony metastasis. The calcitonin effect on calcium is diminished with repeat administrations

Description : Learn 5 Effective Ways to Survive Cancer ?

Last Answer : 5 Ways to Avoid Cancer: 1. Avoid Tobacco Products. 2. Exercise regularly. 3. Eat healthy. 4. Get vaccinated. 5. Get cancer screening.

Description : I would like to learn how to teach art therapy for cancer patients, where I can get that education?

Last Answer : The American Art Therapy Association offers continuing education in the area of art therapy. They even have a journal and show current areas in need of help, such as Haiti. ArtTherapy.com is their website.