Creating A Concise Resume For Success?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are many instances, especially when applying for jobs online, when the first impression an employer receives of an applicant is based on the resume that is submitted. Over the years, many different philosophies have emerged around what makes a great resume and what things should be avoided. A resume should be a concise summary of relevant job experience and really nothing more. Portfolios, work samples, references, and other peripheral submissions can all be used to expand on the basic qualifications that are laid out in a resume. Before an employer even looks at a resume, the first thing that should appear is a cover letter. This is some brief text that acts as an introduction to the resume, while also stating the position applied for and any other details that might be important. Using a cover letter is essential to ensure resumes are not lost when faxed or emailed. The cover letter should be very short, however, and the resume should speak for itself. Under no circumstances should a cover letter apologize for any part of the application process, or the underlying resume itself. When creating a resume, it should be tailored directly for the position being applied for. Experience that is irrelevant can be left out, or only briefly summarized if it must be listed. Gaps in employment should be explained if they are significant. Unlike some other cases, a resume is one place where industry specific jargon can be used when appropriate since it will be read by people within the field. As much effort as possible should be placed into making the resume only a page or two long when printed so that it is compact and to the point. A resume can be creative in certain ways, but should still follow the established resume pattern that an employer or human resources manager expects. Including clearly defined fields for employment history, certifications, objectives, and education is vital. When a resume seems to be getting too long, individual skills or job responsibilities should be compressed into an accurate, but more readable form. Some job seekers attempt to use highly creative or non-traditional methods of presenting a resume. This can be appropriate for some situations or fields of work, but can backfire in others. When a resume starts to become difficult to write, format, or otherwise assemble, sometimes it can help to use a professional resume preparation service.

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