What online website can I use to get photography training?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are many institutions that provide online Photography courses. Proud Photography provides courses for beginners and amateurs where you can learn in the comfort of your own home and according to your schedule.

Related questions

Description : Does Amazon sell books on digital photography training?

Last Answer : Yes, Amazon does sell books on digital Photography training. You can find a listing by going to www.Amazon.com and searching the keywords digital photography training under the books category.

Description : How do I make money on the photography (fine art) website I'm starting soon?

Last Answer : answer:You don't. Make money, stop people stealing images - all of the above. There are quite literally tens of millions of photographers since the advent of cheap digital cameras. Even stock ... it won't be easy. Even well established wedding photographers are in price wars with each other.

Description : Do you think it's a good idea to sell photographs on a stock photography website?

Last Answer : I don't see how it could be a terrible thing unless you believe micro stock selling is killing the stock photography industry. I've got some photos on a few sites but don't really see ... results. Check out Micro stock diaries for some examples of revenue, tips and tricks and general information.

Description : What's a good name for an online fine art photo gallery focused on music, fashion, and celebrity photography?

Last Answer : SomeClass.com

Description : Where can I go to build a Photography Portfolio online?

Last Answer : Flickr.com is the only one I know of.

Description : Are there any good online photography classes?

Last Answer : Thats cool, I just took a few classes in highschool, what I do is get inspiration from other amazing photographers, and keep messing with my camera until I get it right! Goodluck on your search for photography classes!

Description : What are the best ways to have my photography seen (both online & in the real world)?

Last Answer : I use DeviantART to get my photo's out to the Online Community. In the real world you can try entering some photography competitions or find a local gallery willing to show some of your work. Try and find ... to get some criticism about your work and ways to improve it. What ever you do, good luck!

Description : How to make money with photography online?

Last Answer : Here are a few ways you can earn a living as a photographer online: The website Fiverr and Tenerr have a way for people to list their skills for sale. You can post a job on one of these sites and ... But if you are looking to make real money, then stick with your own blog or working for magazines.

Description : Can I get an online degree in photography?

Last Answer : You can get an online degree in Photography by visiting sites such as: http://online.academyart.edu/schools/photography , http://www.photographydegreeonline.net/ , and http://www.degree.com/arts/photography-degree .

Description : Where can I find online photography classes I can enroll in?

Last Answer : There are many Photography classes online that you can take. I would check with my local community college for advice on the best classes available to you.

Description : Are there any online resources for learning photography ?

Last Answer : There are many online resources for learning Photography so that you never have to pay for a lesson or go to a community class! There are hundreds of websites out there but one ... the most in recomendation is www.schoolofphotography.com/. This website offers online photography lesson courses.

Description : What are the best online resources for learning photography?

Last Answer : YouTube is the place to go first. There’s plenty of free videos and tutorials on there about Photography, editing, and how to use a camera. So go there first and learn all you can from there.Then when ... for free a day or you can pay and watch the whole series of courses on your chosen subject.

Description : What is the best 35mm camera to use for black and white photography? my photography class has a lab that uses a darkroom...

Last Answer : Get your hands on a Canon AE-1 or similar. It’s awesome to learn on.

Description : How did Holmes use the knowledge that Mr.wilson's assistant liked photography to solve the case?

Last Answer : How did Holmes use the knowledge that Mr.wilson's assistant liked Photography to solve the case.

Description : Which are the top photography apps to use in 2019?

Last Answer : There are a lot of photography apps which are quite good and it is a matter of choice to choose one among them... 1.lightroom cc 2.adobe Photoshop express 3.VSCO cam 4.snapseed 5.carbon 6.afterlight 2 7.darkroom 8.touchretouch 9.filmborn 10.enlight

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Last Answer : They had the shutter open for up to 277 hours, or 12 days. Not at all remarkable considering the Hubble is hoping to capture light from billions of light years away.

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Last Answer : Don’t get in a hurry about it. Ask your friends and neighbors to think of names, then mull it over. My idea? “Flash Point Photography.”

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Last Answer : Simply it takes a longer exposure ! You have frozen the aperture.

Description : Can I access my Facebook photography page if I deactivated my own personal account?

Last Answer : That page should be a separate log-in from your personal page. You should just be able to log in with the e-mail address you registered it with and the password.

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Last Answer : Long response was just lost and wrists too tired to rewrite. Will post at some point. Shit!

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Last Answer : answer:You register it with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The video will guide you through the process. Good Luck!

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Last Answer : You might make the final images, but you take pictures of real people who have rights to their own image or real places.

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Last Answer : Looks like two sets of lights to me. There is a set of blue lights that is filling the room with the “neon” look, and a set of smaller natural spectrum spots showing up the faces in normal color.

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Last Answer : answer:One of my many talented nephews spent two years in a traditional liberal arts degree program at the University of Vermont. Then he transferred to Parson School of Design in NYC, got his degree in ... works about an 80 hour week, travels all over the world and is about 41 now. More info

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Last Answer : answer:I totally found it. http://www.bloor-yorkville.com/Directory/Art-Galleries.aspx

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe five or ten a day. I think it is fucked people are so concerned about “sharing” that they only see the cool things through a lens. Dancing at a concert is a lot more fun than recording it and getting a few likes on youtube.

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Last Answer : answer:Do you have a Petco store in your area? They have a dog / pet washing and grooming section, and they would not hire you under the table. A lot of startups do tend to pay under ... dealer - but you're going to have to grow into respectable employment. The right landlord would understand.

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Last Answer : Interesting, I haven’t tried a lot of different lighting techniques for a Romanticism style. But I will and let you know.

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Last Answer : No. I actually think men look better with clothes on. I love men and I think I always will, but I just think they look better clothed.

Description : Photography ideas?

Last Answer : I've known people who collected photographs of chandeliers, doorways, children of different countries, trash receptacles, and toilets. I think it's important for you to choose your own theme or subject. ... thing like friendship or anger. Find what's in you that would inspire your camera work.

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Last Answer : This is my online portfolio I am working on it. It is my least favorite part of the deal. I’d rather just print things off and frame for shows. I don’t much like to advertise.

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Last Answer : answer:Opeth’s The Grand Conjuration video is pretty great. Of course, as always I will avoid the word “best”. There is no “best”. ^_^

Description : Does anyone have any photography tips, as far as profile pictures?

Last Answer : answer:Have at least 2 light sources and avoid direct camera flashes. Indoors find an overhead light slightly behind you, stand next to a window with a sheer to filter direct light that is off ... sun you can use that to reflect the sunlight to the other side for almost professional looking shots.

Description : Would you participate in Kirlian photography?

Last Answer : Sure, I would participate and be interested in hearing the interpretation. If the reading required payment, then no. I’m quite content with the readings received from my mood ring.

Description : Can you please help me upload a portrait photo from a photography site to Facebook?

Last Answer : answer:Are you using Windows Vista or Windows 7? They include the Snipping Tool for capturing what’s on your screen. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Use-Snipping-Tool-to-capture-screen-shots

Description : Do you ever purchase photography for interior artwork?

Last Answer : Yes. I have friends that are photographers and I have purchased some of their work at shows,galleries and fairs.I have traded some of my own for theirs and some photos were given to me as gifts.I don't buy art ... on my mood and when I die I hope it all goes to someone who loves it as much as I do.

Description : Photography Question - What Canon lens to purchase next?

Last Answer : answer:For that chunk of change I wouldn't poll Fluther-the only person I'd know to really trust on this isn't on Fluther anymore anyway. Go to various photo review websites like http://www.dpreview. ... a teleextender so you could do good nature work. If that's what you're interested in, of course.

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Last Answer : You can buy one-time use underwater cameras for between $5 and $10. Depending on how many exposures they have, though, it might be cheaper in the long run to spend $100 or so on a waterproof ... for underwater photography it seems like you'd have to be willing to spend at least a couple hundred.

Description : Help me make up a cool username for my new photography tumblelog?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea what a tumblelog is, but I take a lot of photos, so I’m interested in the subject. How about these: Picture This Photobeast Shutterbeast The Click Clique Focus Pocus Photo Corner(s) Expozure Pix Elation and last, but not least Flutherbug : )

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Last Answer : answer:More lighting in the tank. NO FLASH. ALWAYS, use a tripod.

Description : What are some good themes for a photography shoot?

Last Answer : I had a phase where I’d take pictures of wood in its different forms, like tree bark, parquet floors, etc.

Description : Why do camera flashes sometimes cause red eyes in photography?

Last Answer : Because their irides are dilated and the light flash illuminates their retina inside their eyes, which is red by virtue of being well supplied with blood and having no pigmentation.

Description : What's a good photography project for my sister (who's almost 10) and I to try?

Last Answer : answer:Go to some place where there are abandoned farm houses or barns, or even where there are many abandoned industrial buildings. Each of you photograph the same subjects and try and capture ... see. Compare your pictures afterword and discuss why you photographed the subjects the way you did.

Description : What do you think about Lomo Photography?

Last Answer : Don’t you mean Lomography?

Description : Has the nature of photography changed significantly with digital photography and camera phones?

Last Answer : The nature of it has, in my mind, changed with the dramatic ability to edit post-shot. Also, I think, because of that a lot of the fascination in seeing that perfect shot is mitigated but at ... which I don't hold in any great esteem, but there are still many that have fond memories associated.

Description : What do you think makes photography "art"?

Last Answer : To me? Composition, hands down.

Description : I want to enter the photography competition, any help?

Last Answer : http://www.olympusamerica.com/files/oima_cckb/FE-4000_X-925_X-920_Instruction_Manual_EN.pdf

Description : What is a "roto shot" for photography?

Last Answer : The rotogravure was a method of mass-printing black and white photographs as for newspapers.

Description : How would one go about selling their photography?

Last Answer : Hey ube my friend has a gallery in northern liberties. he started out by showing in coffee houses, restaurants, etc. he gets pretty good coin for them too. i’d suggest something like that. Higher Grounds and Random Tea Room in NoLibs show local artists. talk to them.