Diet to cure molluscum contagiosum?

1 Answer

Answer :

There is a cure for molluscum contagiosum.The main one being a healthy diet.You should eat lots of fresh fruits ad vegetables and avoid fatty foods.

Related questions

Description : Where can I find more information on how to cure molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : It's always worth getting a doctor's opinion on a skin condition, just in case, but here are some sites that provide information on Molluscum Contagiosum. They may help you to ... everyone.htm

Description : What is the best diet for molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : Not to fear, you can continue eating whatever you would like, since you do not have to change anything in your diet. Your diet does not affect molluscum contagiosum in any way.

Description : How can you treat Molluscum Contagiosum through changing your diet?

Last Answer : Molluscum can improve greatly with changes in your every day diet. A healthy diet will cleanse your body of all toxins that cause contribute to molluscum.

Description : What diet should a person with molluscum contagiosum be on?

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Description : What diet is good for molluscum contagiosum treatment?

Last Answer : The list of things to eat is a lot longer than the list of foods not to eat so I'll just mention those. Mostly it's recommended to stay away from sugar and any junk foods. This will aid in the treatment.

Description : Where can I find a diet for molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : The following site will provide good information on a diet for molluscum contagiosum at the following ... skin az list molluscum contagiosum index

Description : What is the best diet for people with molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : With the disease molluscum contagiosum since it is a new found disease it is still being developed and looked into which diet is the most proper for your needs. As long as you eat healthy and work out normally you should be fine.

Description : What is the best diet to prevent Molluscum Contagiosum?

Last Answer : Molluscum Contagiosum can be treated by changing diet to include more fruits and vegetables. Curettage (scraping them) or freezing them can be done by a doctor or applying wart removers can help them go away, though they typically go away on their own in a few months.

Description : Where can I find out more on molluscum contagiosum treatment?

Last Answer : Molluscum contagiosum usually goes away on it's own, but there are medications, similar to those used on warts, that can help as well. They can also be removed by surgery.

Description : How can I tell if I have Molluscum Contagiosum?

Last Answer : Molluscum Contagiosum is a type of genital virus that affects the skin with wart-like spotting. They look red, some with white heads. This disease is easily treated so be sure to seek your doctor's advice.

Description : Where can I find Molluscum Contagiosum pictures, as I would like to compare them to the rash on my skin?

Last Answer : You can find pictures at health sites such as,, or All have photos as well as descriptions of Molluscum Contagiosum.

Description : What are the most common treatments for molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : Molluscum Contagiosum is treatable by freezing, creams. viable information can be found on the NHS website also any pharmasist should be able to perscibe a cream for Molluscum Contagiosum.

Description : Is Molluscum Contagiosum a blister?

Last Answer : Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus and usually causes a mild skin disease. The virus affects only the outer (epithelial) layer of skin and does not circulate throughout the body in healthy people.

Description : What are the visual characteristics of Molluscum Contagiosum?

Last Answer : The molluscum contagiosum is suppose to look like a long tube stretched out and the colors may vary depending on which one you are looking at. Hope this helps.

Description : How contagious is molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : It is very contagious but fortunately it is benign. It stems from the poxvirus and will sometimes disappear for absolutely no reason. Treatment for it very often includes freezing it off.

Description : How do I treat molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : Mooluscum can be treated with over the counter cream. It should help ease the pain and destroy the fungus. Eating healthy can also help with this condition. Eating healthy can also help with this condition. Eating healthy can also help with this condition.

Description : What in the world is molluscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection, it can occasionally infect the mucous membranes as well. It causes blistery bumps on the skin that can be painful and is spread by direct ... that is mainly found as a sexually transmitted disease.

Description : Is there any medication for Mollusscum contagiosum?

Last Answer : Healthy people may not need treatment for molluscum contagiosum, because the bumps usually go away on their own in 2 to 4 months. Some people choose to remove the bumps because they don't ... like cantharidin or potassium hydrochloride. Using liquids or creams, such as those used to treat warts.

Description : How does freezing molluscum work?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Where can I find information about how to treat molluscum rash?

Last Answer : There are many websites devoted to molluscum contagiosum and include sections on symptoms, causes and treatment. Your family doctor can also offer advice on the subject.

Description : What is the treatment for molluscum contagium?

Last Answer : There is a cure for molluscum contagiosum but it does not involve drug treatment.The cure is all about eating a healthy diet and cleansing your body from toxins.

Description : What does molluscum contagiosom look like?

Last Answer : You can find pictures of molluscum contagiosum on images or you can find it by searching up bio pictures of how the body works and hopefully you'll find it.

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