Is there anything you can change in a diet to cure herpes?

1 Answer

Answer :

No there is no cure for herpes but there are several treatments to help ease the symptoms. YOu can find out more on the following

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Description : Cure or quick fixes for oral herpes outbreaks?

Last Answer : My sister has a terrible time with cold sores, when she's incredibly stressed out they can cover her entire lower lip so I feel for you. Lysine (an amino acid) can help in ... of these help you I strongly suggest speaking to your doctor about Valtrex a prescription medication for Herpes.

Description : How to cure Genital herpes naturally?

Last Answer : _*Before people said there is no cure on herpes virus but today many people have now believe that there is a cure.of herpes virus can be cured through Africans root and harms,and ... found from Chala*_dr.chalaherbalhome@gmail. com or 🌠🌠🌠ðŸ'ƒðŸ https://drchalaherbalhome.godaddysites. com

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Last Answer : I’m a bit off topic but I was wondering if you have had the shingles vaccine? My mom had shingles a lot brought on by stress but never had the vaccine.

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Last Answer : answer:Hemorroids. Nifedepine. You asked.

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Last Answer : The 14 Best Ways to Burn Fat Fast Start Strength Training Strength training is a type of exercise that requires you to contract your muscles against resistance. It builds muscle mass and increases ... fat than aerobic exercise alone. Follow a High-Protein Diet including more protein-rich foods i

Description : Can one catch the flu or infection, like herpes or cold sores, from a breathalyzer test?

Last Answer : They have sterile coverings, just like the thermometer at the doctor.’s office.

Description : Your herpes outbreak treatment?

Last Answer : I only have oral herpes, but when it breaks out, I take a lot of lecithin. Works almost immediately. It’s fastest if I chew it.

Description : Why aren't vaccines for all of the herpes viruses available?

Last Answer : Last I heard, they are working on that.

Description : Can we discuss herpes and HPV, please?

Last Answer : If you’re exchanging any body fluids you’re at risk for either virus.

Description : How do I get rid of the smell of herpes?

Last Answer : answer:I've had oral herpes my whole life-I realize it's probably very different for you. I know that anti-viral drugs have gotten MUCH better since I was little. I used to take lots of pills when I ... , and I hope you get some answers from the women here to help with the odor issues. Best wishes.

Description : If you get genital herpes, does that mean your dating life is over?

Last Answer : answer:Since approximately 65% of the United States population is seropositive for HSV-1 by the fourth decade of life and approximately 25% of the United States population is seropositive for HSV-2 by the ... 'll find about 1,710,000 results for herpes + people to find other herpes + individuals.

Description : How can I get rid of my Herpes ?

Last Answer : Sorry, no way to get rid of it. The meds will counteract it but you have it forever.

Description : Can you get oral herpes from someone who doesn't have it?

Last Answer : You should go for STI tests periodically anyway, so get checked out. No harm in looking after your sexual health :) don’t worry, I’m sure you’re fine.

Description : Is it herpes simplex?

Last Answer : answer:I realize that you went to the hospital…but, I’d get a second and/or third opinion. Don’t infectious disease folks get into this? I’m not an expert…haven’t seen this ever.

Description : Can you spread the different herpes to different body parts?

Last Answer : Google is a beautiful thing. Click and click.

Description : Get herpes, marry girl, divorce girl, need new dating plan?

Last Answer : There are plenty of herpes dating sites.

Description : If you frequently kiss someone prone to cold sores, what are the chances that you've contracted that strain of herpes?

Last Answer : Depends if he has herpes-related sores or plain old cold sores. If he just gets cold sores, she’s not going to contract herpes.

Description : what exactly are canker sores? a variation of cold sores? ie herpes simplex?

Last Answer : Canker sores are merely ulcers in your mouth, not caused by herpes simplex

Description : Is a canker sore necessarily a symptom of herpes?

Last Answer : No it isn’t. But you must see a doctor…quickly. Don’t spread it if you do have it. It isn’t the end of the world…but it is grossly unfair to give it to others…even if someone might have done that to you. You need to know. Only a doctor can tell you.

Description : Is oral herpes a big deal?

Last Answer : maybe i’m a prude (and believe me I’m not a prude) but i would not want to go near him. i would not want anything that would be in me forever.

Description : If it is herpes, does it heal on its own and how long does it take to recover ?

Last Answer : You do not recover on your own. You can use Iconet Plus ointment. Use for 7 consecutive days. They will be fine too.

Description : Which cream is most effective for ringworm ? My hands , feet , waist and many other parts of the body have herpes. It is slowly increasing. I will use any cream or ointment to get rid of this ... not talk about any fake or ointment that does not work. Ointment or cream that will work. Name it.

Last Answer : : The best cream for ringworm is fungicide and xfine . You can buy either one. And take antibiotics on the advice of a doctor.

Description : What is the way to get rid of ringworm ? My thighs were chipped and then I used Pavison Cream. Within a few days , I was completely healed . But after a few days, the same place again herpes ,,, !! Now I am using Drug International Ltd.'s MyCofry but not decreasing ,,, !! What should I do now ?

Last Answer : Gacozima Use the Gacozima cream. Note: Please read the usage rules. And let's just say that if you had used Pavison Cream for a few more days at that time, you probably wouldn't have had this ... off. Stop reading underwear for a while. If possible, wear lungi during the day and lungi at night.

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Last Answer : It is best to avoid acidic foods for cold sores and to apply toothpaste for a night. It will dry it in the morning and you will have it after a few days.

Description : HOW TO YO GET HERPES

Last Answer : Herpes is a chronic, lifelong infection. It will never go away. Even though there is no cure, antiviral medicines can help to: Treat the symptoms, Lower your chances of having an outbreak, Lower the ... fam sye' kloe veer) also called Famvir, and Valacyclovir (val ay sye' kloe veer) or Valtrex.

Description : how can you contact herpes 1 with not having ***

Last Answer : First of all, I don't think you mean (contact) herpes. You can't give herpes a text message or a phone call. I believe the word is contract spelled (contract)The Herpes virus is very contagious and can be ... *** in order to get the herpes virus. This holds true to both men and women at any age.

Description : Herpes simplex?

Last Answer : DefinitionHerpes simplex is a viral infection that mainly affects the mouth or genital area.Causes, incidence, and risk factorsThere are two strains of herpes simplex viruses:Herpes simplex virus type ... HSV-1. The likelihood of childhood infection is higher among those with lower socioeconomic st

Description : Herpes labialis?

Last Answer : DefinitionHerpes labialis is infection of the lips, mouth, or gums with the herpes simplexvirus. It leads to the development of small, painful blisters commonly called cold sores or fever blisters.Alternative ... in the same area, but are not serious.Herpes virus type 2, which usually causes

Description : What is the difference in the appearance of pimples and herpes?

Last Answer : Pimples are clogged pores with oil and dirt. Herpes is a virus called herpes simplex and can be spread from one person to another.

Description : Where are the best pictures of herpes found?

Last Answer : To find images of herpes, visit medical websites and you will find a plethora of pictures to look at. Also, an encyclopedia would be beneficial as well to look in to find images and additional information. To be correctly diagnosed, a doctor would be best to go to.

Description : Is there a genital herpes treatment that gets rid of the virus for good?

Last Answer : It is true that when you get herpes, you have it for life. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure, just medications. Some treatments include antivirals, oral and topical medications, and more.

Description : Treatment Options For Genital Herpes?

Last Answer : Genital herpes affects millions of people worldwide. The condition is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Two types of genital herpes have been identified by scientists. The simplex virus-2 is ... treatment regimen may be recommended, involving an antiviral drug being taken on a daily basis.

Description : All About Genital Herpes Treatment?

Last Answer : Sexually active couples can fall victim to many sexually transmitted diseases. Genital herpes is a common type of disease and studies show there are over 40 million people affected with genital herpes in ... your physician on a regular basis to ensure your health and the health of your partner.

Description : Genital Herpes: Symptoms, Testing and Treatment?

Last Answer : Herpies is a common sexually transmitted disease that affects at least one-fifth of the population of the United States. Approximately 80% of people with herpes do not know they have the ... a warm bath and wearing lightweight clothing. Pain medications such as aspirin can also provide relief.

Description : Herpes Infection?

Last Answer : One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is also the hardest to detect and one of the most embarrassing to contract. Herpes is a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and ... that any potential lovers are given advanced warning that they are highly likely to get infected.

Description : Herpes Treatments - There is Relief?

Last Answer : Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD.) The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that one out of six people in the United States carry the herpes HSV-2 virus. ... a healthy, fruit and vegetable rich diet with very few processed foods helps to prevent herpes outbreaks.

Description : What are the treatment options for genital herpes?

Last Answer : There are a few treatment for genital herpes. Most doctors will prescribe a form of medication to help alleviate some of the annoying symptoms so that you can enjoy life.

Description : The Risks of Taking Famciclovir for Herpes Treatment ?

Last Answer : Famciclovir is an oral drug used to reduce the time period of a herpes outbreak and suppress subsequent outbreaks. After taking the prescribed dose, it takes an average of five days until the ... have a kidney impairment. This herpes treatment is also not suitable for pregnant and nursing women.

Description : Where can I find a list of herpes symptoms?

Last Answer : If you have herpes you will notice bumps that are somewhat blister like. These blisters will disapear and reapear. You will also notice that the area where the blisters are will be very itchy.

Description : What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

Last Answer : Genital herpes symptoms are somewhat similar. When you have genital herpes it will be itchy and painful. Another symptom of genital herpes is painful blisters on the genital area.

Description : Do you have Genital herpes test?

Last Answer : _*Before people said there is no cure on herpes virus but today many people have now believe that there is a cure.of herpes virus can be cured through Africans root and harms,and ... found from Chala*_dr.chalaherbalhome@gmail. com or 🌠🌠🌠ðŸ'ƒðŸ https://drchalaherbalhome.godaddysites. com

Description : Do i have Genital herpes?

Last Answer : _*Before people said there is no cure on herpes virus but today many people have now believe that there is a cure.of herpes virus can be cured through Africans root and harms,and ... found from Chala*_dr.chalaherbalhome@gmail. com or 🌠🌠🌠ðŸ'ƒðŸ https://drchalaherbalhome.godaddysites. com

Description : Herpes?

Last Answer : share needles thats how u get it

Description : Herpes?

Last Answer : share needles thats how u get it

Description : Is there any way to treat herpes naturally?

Last Answer : Using herbal natural remedy was what got me tested negative to HSV 2 after been diagnosed for years.I have spend so much funds on medications like acyclovir (Zovirax), Famciclovir (Famvir), and ... totally. Quickly contact Dr felix herbal home now on his contact field on his whatsapp +2349068063760

Description : A tetrovirus is (A) Polio virus (B) HIV (C) Herpes virus (D) Tobacco mosaic virus

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : The following statement(s) is/are true concerning viral infections. a. The most common post-transplantation viral infections are caused by herpes viruses and include CMV and herpes simplex virus ... HSV) infection primarily presents with a mononucleosis-type syndrome with fever, lethargy, and cough

Last Answer : Answer: a, c, Solid organ transplant patients are prone to develop viral infection by virtue of exogenous immunosuppression. The most common post-transplantation viral infections are those ... transplant patient or as painful herpes zoster in patients who have previously developed chicken pox