What foods does a diverticulosis diet consist of?

1 Answer

Answer :

A diverticulosis diet consists of primarily whole grain foods, fresh fruits and veggies, beans, cereals, and lots of water. Trying one of these diets can be rewarding but leave you very hungry and craving sweets. Good luck.

Related questions

Description : What is a diverticulosis diet and does it work?

Last Answer : A diverticulitis diet is something your doctor might recommend as part of a treatment plan for a mild case of acute diverticulitis. It depends to the person if it works or not.

Description : What is the diverticulosis diet?

Last Answer : Many diets are not effective, so it is imperative that you checks with your physician before you begin any diet. The answer to this question would be best answered by searching WebMD.com. One should consult with a physician before beginning any diet.

Description : Diverticulosis Diet?

Last Answer : If you are afflicted with diverticulosis, you will need to keep some dietary considerations in mind on an ongoing basis. Additionally, if you have an acute episode of diverticulitis, you will need to ... not add high-fiber foods, such as salad or whole fruits, until you have completely recovered.

Description : Where can I find out more about diverticulosis diet?

Last Answer : The Ohio State University Medical Center has put together a wonderful document that explains more about diverticulosis and the high-fiber diet that can be helpful in treating it. You can find this ... at http://medicalcenter.osu.edu/patiented/materials/pdfdocs/nut-diet/nut-other/diver-tic.pdf .

Description : Where can I find more information on diverticulosis diet?

Last Answer : You can consult your physician about this diet but can also find information at www.mayoclinic.com/health/diverticulosis-diet or www.spakpeople.com/free_diet_plans/.

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Last Answer : For people with diverticulosis, a diet high in fiber is recommended to prevent further diverticulosis as well as preventing the feared complication of diverticulosis: diverticulitis. Though ... but lately clinical evidence is showing that such foods may not actually aggravate diverticulosis.

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Last Answer : If you have diverticulitis you must drink plenty of fluids. Additional information can be obtained at the following: thediverticulitisdiet.net/a-proper-diverticulitis-diet

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