how can i avoid wage garnishment?

1 Answer

Answer :

If it is not your debt you have rights attached to the garnishment letter that you need to follow to the letter, if it is a true debt your only option is to change employers. The only option I can see is call the client you owe and work out a payment option but make sure once you do this let the company know you have worked out a payment plan. pay your bills.

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Last Answer : The best way to avoid having your wages garnished is to avoid being sued in the first place.Contact your creditors, tell them why you can't repay your debt, offer a reduced monthly payment ... financial progress. This a much more effective way to handle debt problems and avoid writs of garnishment.

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Last Answer : i dont know what to do i work for the com that isgarnishing my wages can i do any thig You will need to contact an attorney about your garnishment.

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Last Answer : Sometimes it's as quick as the same week, other times it takes a month or so. It all comes down to pay periods and the company entering the information into the payroll for the garnishment. It varies for ... about 2 weeks on average, but I don't know your situation and it could be faster or slower.

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Last Answer : Check out, they have a great guide on how to stop wage garnishment. Yahoo answers has a good thread on stopping wage garnishment. That should point you in the right direction.

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Last Answer : A court order to close a customer's account on a bank is called a garnishment order.

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Last Answer : Yes, it can. And if the sale price of the auto is not enough to settle the debt, the remaining debt may still be garnished from your wages.

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Last Answer : No that had to go to court to be able to do that. You will have to prove how much you need to live on and they will take the rest. Unfortunately, this is very legal. You should have received a legal notice informing you of the garnishment.

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Last Answer : If you are being garnished for a set amount and are able to pay that in total then you should be able to get the garnishment lifted. If it's not for a set amount, then probably not.

Description : How to Stop a Garnishment of Wages?

Last Answer : A garnishment of wages is used by creditors, usually as a last resort, to obtain payment for a debt. A garnishment order is issued by the court and generally follows a judgment.When a debt is ... will have to deal with judgments and having a chunk of money taken from your bank account or paycheck.