State and describe use of pointer operator and address operator. Give one example of each. 

1 Answer

Answer :

Pointer operator:- *

It is used to declare a pointer variable. Also used as "value at" operator to read value stored inside the address pointed by pointer.


int *ptr;

Address operator:-&

It is used to retrieve address of a variable. With address operator address of a variable can be stored in pointer variable.


int a,*ptr;


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Last Answer : :: Scope resolution operator: This operator allows access to the global version of a variable. Scope resolution operator is also used in classes to identify the class to which a member function belongs. :: ... and assigns it to the variable on its right. It is used with cin statement to input data.

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Description : Describe multiple constructor by giving example.

Last Answer : Multiple constructor: Multiple constructors is a category of constructor in which a class can have more than one constructor. This is also known as constructor overloading. All constructors are defined with the same name as the class ... constructor 1 integer(int a, int b) { m = a; n = b; cout

Description : Describe constructor with syntax and example.

Last Answer : A constructor is a special member function whose task is to initialize the objects of its class. It is special because its name is same as the class name. The constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class ... )//constructor declaration { a=0; } }; void main() { ABC x; }

Description : With example, describe multiple inheritance. 

Last Answer : A derived class with multiple base classes is called as multiple inheritance. A derived class inherits properties of all the base classes. It also can have its own properties. Syntax:- class base _class _name1 { ____ } ... clrscr(); derived d; d.get2(); d.put2(); getch(); }

Description : Describe with example importance of virtual base class.

Last Answer : A virtual base class (Grandparent class) is a class that avoids duplication of inherited data in derived class (child class) derived from parent classes (parent1 and parent2) which in turn derived ... duplications class L is declare as virtual base class while defining base classes B1 and B. 

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Last Answer : Definition: The constructor where we can assign default values for one or more parameters at the time of function declaration is called as constructor with default argument Example: class complex ... and 3.0 to img., because the actual parameters, when specified overrides the default value.

Description : How to define virtual function? Give example.

Last Answer : A virtual function is a member function that is declared within a base class and redefined by a derived class. To define virtual function following syntax is used: Class baseclass { virtual function_name() { } ... } }; Example: #include class Base { public: virtual void show( ) { cout

Description : What is structure? How user declare structure? Give example.

Last Answer : Structure is a collection of different data types written under a common name. It is a user defined data type. To Define a structure following Syntax is use:- struct structure_name { data_type variable 1; data_type ... () {  Person p1; cout>; cout> p1.age; cout> p1.salary; cout

Description : What is base class? What is derived class? Give example.

Last Answer : Base class: In inheritance a new class is derived from an old class. The old/existing class is referred as base class whose properties can be inherited by its derived class. Derived class: In inheritance a new ... as well as base class. Example: class base { public: void putb() { cout

Description : What is abstract class? Give one example of abstract class.

Last Answer : An abstract class is a class that is designed only to act as base class. It is not used to create objects. An abstract class is used to define an implementation and is intended to be inherited by child classes. Example: ... >a; } void display() { coutb; } void display1()  { display(); cout

Description : Explain friend function. Give example.

Last Answer : Friend function: The private members of a class cannot be accessed from outside the class but in some situations two classes may need access of each other s private data. So a common function can be declared which can be made friend of ... xyz x1; a1.get1(); x1.get1(); add(a1,x1); }

Description : Define multiple inheritance. Give example.

Last Answer : Multiple Inheritance: When a single class is derived from more than one base class then it is known as multiple inheritance. A derived class can inherit the attributes of all base classes from which it ... derived class derived from two base classes base class Test and base class Sports .  

Description : What do you mean by default argument? Give its suitable example.

Last Answer : Default argument  Initializing an argument with a value while defining a constructor is referred as constructor with default value. When a constructor with default value is declared in a class, it does not require object to pass value ... void main() { ABC obj1(5); ABC obj2(20,30); }

Description : State and describe visibility modes used in inheritance with their effects.

Last Answer : Visibility modes: private protected public Private: o When a base class is privately inherited by a derived class, public members and protected members of the base class become ... class Syntax: class derived: protected base { //Members of derived class; };

Description : State and describe access specifiers used inside class to declare members.

Last Answer : Access specifiers: 1. private 2. protected 3. public Private access specifier: Class members declared as private can be accessed only from within the class. Outside class access is not allowed for private members of ... { private: int a; protected: int b; public: void display() { cout

Description : State and describe types of inheritance.

Last Answer : Types of inheritance: o Single Inheritance o Multiple Inheritance o Multilevel Inheritance. o Hierarchical Inheritance o Hybrid Inheritance Single Inheritance o The mechanism of deriving a new class from existing single ... : public B, public C { // class D body; };

Description : State any two access specifier with example.

Last Answer : Access specifier: 1. private: 2. protected: 3. public Example: class sample { private: int a; protected: int b; public: void display() { cout

Description : Describe structure of C++ program.

Last Answer : General C++ program has following structure. INCLUDE HEADER FILES DECLARE CLASS DEFINE MEMBER FUNCTIONS DEFINE MAIN FUNCTION Description:-  1. Include header files In this section ... Functions This section the programmer creates object and call various functions writer within various class.

Description : What is constructor? How user can declared constructor in derived class? Explain with example.

Last Answer : Constructor:- Constructor is a special member function which has same name as a class name and is used to initialize object during compile time of program. Declaring constructor in derived class If a base class contains a ... derived d(2,5); d.displaybase(); d.display(); getch(); }