
1 Answer

Answer :

DefinitionA chalazion is a small bump in the eyelid caused by a blockage of a tiny oil gland.Alternative NamesMeibomian gland lipogranulomaCauses, incidence, and risk factorsA chalazion develops in the glands that produce the fluid that lubricates the eye. These are called Meibomian glands. The eyelid has approximately 100 of these glands, which are located near the eyelashes.A chalazion is caused by a blockage of the duct that drains one of these glands.SymptomsEyelid tendernessIncreased tearingPainful swelling on the eyelidSensitivity to lightSigns and testsAn exam of the eyelid confirms the diagnosis.Rarely, the Meibomian gland duct may be blocked by a skin cancer. If this is suspected, you may need a biopsy.TreatmentA chalazion will often disappear without treatment in a month or so.Th

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Last Answer : I am not an ophthalmologist however am a dentist. I too have had a chelasion removed. It's possible that the headaches are caused by the procedure, because what they do is, create a tiny cut in the ... , not a nerve block. Give it a few days, paracetamol, and you should be right as rain.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: A