What is the prime factorization for 27 and 63?

1 Answer

Answer :

3 x 3 x 3 = 273 x 3 x 7 = 63

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Description : Ram is 3 times as old as his brother. Ram’s father is 3 times older than Ram. In 9 years , Ram will be 1.5 times the age of his brother. What will be the age of Ram’s father when Ram is 1.5 times the age of his brother? a) 27 b) 36 c) 45 d) 54 e) 63

Last Answer : Let the age of Ram be R, brother be B R=3B And (R + 9 ) =1.5(B + 9) 3B + 9 =1.5B + 13.5 1.5B =4.5 or B = 3 years R= 9 years. Father current age = 4R(Since father is 3 times older than Ram, his ... R + 3 R, and not 3R) Father age when Ram is 1.5 times the age of his brother = 4R + 9 = 45. Answer : c

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Last Answer : Answer- 4 (69) Explanation:- lets digit at tens and ones place be 2x and 3x So,number is 2x*10 + 3x After interchanging number will be 3x*10 +2x so, [3x*10 +2x] – [2x*10 + 3x]27 we get,x=3 so number =69

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Last Answer : Answer: C