What was the migration of the boer's into the interior of Africa called?

1 Answer

Answer :

great trek

Related questions

Description : Name any two factors which promoted migration into Bombay. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Introduction of railways. (ii) Establishment or textile industry.

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Description : (i) What is meant by pull migration and push migration ? -Geography

Last Answer : (i) Pull Migration: There is a vast scope of employment in industries, trade, transport and other services in the urban centres. So, the urban centres act as magnets for the ... primarily engaged in secondary and tertiary activities of which industry, trade, transport and services are important.

Description : Differentiate between inter-state migration and intra-state migration. -Geography

Last Answer : Iinter Migration: When people migrate from one state to another. e.g., W.B. to Maharashtra, UP to Tamil Nadu, etc. Intra-State Migration: When people migrate within the same state. e.g., Kanpur to Varanasi, Ahmedabad to Vadodara , etc.

Description : Discuss one positive and one negative social consequence of migration. -Geography

Last Answer : Positive Consequence: People migrate to other city or state or to overseas to earn, send remittance to their families at home, resulting in economic prosperity. Negative Consequence: ... overpopulation and hence growth of slums in cities. It puts tremendous pressure on the infrastructures.

Description : Give three reasons for the large-scale migration from rural to urban areas. -Geography

Last Answer : Three reasons for largescale migration are: 1. Employment - people migrate in large number from rural to urban areas as the urban areas provide vast scope of employment in industries, trade, transport and ... laws place of residence once married. A large number of girls move to the cities as well.

Description : Explain any three reasons for in-migration to the urban city of Lucknow. -Geography

Last Answer : The three reasons for immigration to the urban city of Lucknow are : 1. Urban centres like Lucknow provide vast scope for employment in industries, transport, trade and other services. 2 ... offer hospital facilities, healthcare centres, legal advice and also other services that can be availed.

Description : Give three positive consequences of migration. -Geography

Last Answer : Positive consequences of migration are as follows: Economic in Nature : Remittances, both from international and internal migrants, to their families home add to the economic prosperity. Social in ... the mental horizons of people. Rural to urban migration also helps in urban development.

Description : (i) Name two cities in India which have grown rapidly due to migration. -Geography

Last Answer : (i) Mumbai and Delhi. (ii) Two factors that led to decline in population growth: 1. Population stabilization programmes of the government which includes family planning and inverted red triangle policy. 2. Increasing consciousness among people about the ill-effects of population growth.

Description : Which migration stream of females is dominant in both inter-state and intra-state migration in India? -Geography

Last Answer : Rural to rural (R-R)

Description : In the rural areas male-selective out migration leaving their wives behind puts extra physical as well -Geography

Last Answer : (i) Cooperation (ii) Social respect and feeling of gratitude (iii) Make them empowered in all respect. (Women Empowerment)

Description : Explain economic consequences of migration on both the internal and international areas in India. -Geography

Last Answer : Economic Consequences: (a) A major benefit for the source region is the remittance sent by migrants. Remittances from the international migrants are one of the major sources of ... Western Uttar Pradesh accounted for the success of their green revolution strategy for agricultural development.

Description : Age and skill selective migration from rural areas has not affected adversely to which of the following demographic attribute? -Geography

Last Answer : (d) Balance in age and sex composition

Description : What are the Economic consequences of migration in India ? -Geography

Last Answer : A major benefit for the source region is the remittance sent by migrants. Remittances from the international migrants are one of the major sources of foreign exchange. Punjab, Kerala and ... Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Delhi is a negative consequence of unregulated migration within the country.

Description : What is migration ? What is its impact ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Shifting of people from one region to another within country or to another country, usually for work or other economic opportunities is known as migration. The process of migration is converting ... because migrants bring with them their own culture and tend to form a different social community.

Description : Write any three factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Most Indian indentured workers came from the present day regions of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Bihar. Central India and the dry- districts of Tamil Nadu. In the mid-nineteenth century these ... In hope for better future in other countries many workers from India started migrated in other countries

Description : When and why was indentured labour migration abolished ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : It was abolished in 1921 as it was opposed by Indian leaders.

Description : When and why was indentured labour migration abolished ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : It was abolished in 1921 as it was opposed by Indian leaders.

Description : Mention any three factors which promoted migration to Bombay or presently. Mumbai. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Bombay now Mumbai; was the hub of trade in opium and cotton. (ii) Bombay (now Mumbai) was also at the junction head of two major railways. The railways encouraged a large number o! people to migrate into the city. (iii)The establishment of textile mills.

Description : Mention any two factors which promoted migration to Bombay. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) It was the hub of trade in opium and cotton, (ii) Bombay was also at the junction head of two major railways. The railways encouraged a large number of people to migrate into the city.

Description : Indentured labour migration from India – discuss its causes and its impact. -SST 10th

Last Answer : A bonded labourer under contract to work for an employer for a specific amount of time, to pay off his passage to a new country or home is called an Indentured labourer. ... where things from different places get mixed, lose their original characteristics and become something entirely new.

Description : Write any three factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The three factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India were : (i) In mid-19 th century cottage industries had declined in India and land rents had risen. (ii) Lands were ... . To escape from poverty or oppression in their home villages, many Indians migrated to other lands.

Description : Write any three factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Factors responsible for indentured labour migration from India: (i) In the mid-19th century, cottage industries declined, land rents rose, lands were cleared for mines and plantations.This affected ... order to escape poverty or oppression at home and in villages many migrants agreed to work.

Description : What could be some of the reasons for the migration of people from villages to cities ? -Other

Last Answer : A large number of people are forced to migrate to cities from their villages, looking for various means of livelihood. The land in the villages is limited for agriculture. When the families ... to the cities to earn their livelihood. Sometimes because of frequent natural calamities like storms etc.

Description : How is migration a determinant factor of population change? -Social Science

Last Answer : Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories. Migration can be internal (within the country) or international (between the countries). Internal migration does not change ... Migration plays a very significant role in changing the composition and distribution of a population.

Description : Which was not a common reason for Jewish migration in the Middle Ages?

Last Answer : Conquering Jerusalem.Apex.

Description : What is Migration ?

Last Answer : Migration is the movement of animals from one place to another in order to obtain food , reproduction and favorable environment and then return to it.

Description : What is migration ?

Last Answer : Migration is the migration of many animals from one habitat to another due to low temperature , lack of food supply , reproduction, etc.

Description : What is the level of migration ?

Last Answer : migration level S

Description : What is the symbol of migration ?

Last Answer : migration symbol s .

Description : In what year did the migration take place ?

Last Answer : 622 Khishtabde.

Description : What is migration signal ?

Last Answer : migration signalS .

Description : Ants migrate in the middle of the kitchen every spring. What should I do against them?

Last Answer : You can get an ant writer for this purpose! It helped us!

Description : Migration is

Last Answer : Migration is A. Outward movement of individuals B. Inward movement of individuals C. Two - ... of all the individuals D. Starvation bassed mortality

Description : Wildlife conservation aims at : 1. Maintainng the ecological process. 2. To enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species. 3. Preventing migration

Last Answer : Wildlife conservation aims at : 1. Maintainng the ecological process. 2. To enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species ... (a), (b) D. (b), (c)

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : The first forced migration was referred to as the Transatlantic Slave trade. This included Africans enslaved in Africa and sold to slave traders. Once in America, a second forced migration (internal ... . A third migration was voluntary, where Africans migrated to the the northern states of America.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How many Puritans were part of the first major migration to the New World?

Last Answer : In 1630 seventeen ships carried approximately one thousandPuritans to the New World to escape persecution in England. JohnWinthrop led this group of new colonial settlers.

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Last Answer : Red-tailed Hawks migration is normally less than 1000 miles

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Last Answer : I know sikee I don't I asked you this is a waist of my time!

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Description : In what way did the 1842 expedition of John Fremont contribute to the westward migration?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?