What are the colors of the Black history month and what they mean?

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Need answer

Related questions

Description : How are you celebrating Black History Month?

Last Answer : Is that a holiday there or just a celebration day? I could suggest searching for George Washington Carver to learn and appreciate the man. Basically he was a Black scientist who was born as a slave. And also I’m really curious about that CRT post :P

Description : Why is Black History Month the shortest one of the year?

Last Answer : I don’t think it means anything. What other entire months do we have set aside for any remembrances?

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Last Answer : Tasty mmm… fried chicken.. I just ordered Pizza Hut. One medium pizza cheese lovers.

Description : How did blacks get an entire Black History Month, and Native Americans not even get one N A Day?

Last Answer : Under-representation? I can’t think of even one NA politician.

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Last Answer : It went the way of the Mohicans?

Description : Who was the father of black history month?

Last Answer : Carter G. Woodson

Description : What is the theme for Black History Month in 2021?

Last Answer : 2021- The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity.

Description : What was the cause of black history month?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Dogs see on a greyscale and are colorblind, does that include every color on the color spectrum?

Last Answer : Dogs can see other colors but not as many as humans and the colors are not as rich. In tests, dogs see mainly yellows, blues and greys. Red or orange is difficult for a dog to see and may appear as a very dark grey or black. So skip the red toys - they are that color to please you.

Description : When making albums for black and white photos what other colors aside from black or white would look good as background?

Last Answer : Try tan or beige.

Description : Is black the presence of all colors and white the absence of all colors?

Last Answer : Other way around.

Description : White is made of seven colors. What is black made of?

Last Answer : The depends. If you talking pigment, black is basically all colors mixed together. If you talking about the light spectrum (which I assume you are), black is an absence of color.

Description : If you only saw black and white and god came down to give you a chance to see 3 more colors, what would it be?

Last Answer : Red blue and green. Colors which combinations create all other colors.

Description : I come in many colors, but folks prefer me in black or blue, also be careful not to misspell my name with the letter 'i'. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am a PEN!

Description : Natalie had fourteen balls. Each one color. She alternated the colors each day, there was a blue, pink, purple, green, red, yellow, black, white, orange, turquoise, tan, neon pink, and brown. Each day of the ... the week will she go to Arby's? What ball will she have while she is at Arby's? -Riddles

Last Answer : She will go to Arby's on Monday, for that is the first day of the week and A is the first letter of the alphabet. So on Tuesday she would go to Burger King. On Wednesday she would go to Chick- ... because red is the first color of the rainbow. So on Tuesday she would have a Orange ball. And so on.

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Last Answer : Black....

Description : Is it fashionable to wear black gloves with a brown coat, or should the colors match?

Last Answer : You can wear black gloves with a brown coat, however it should be noted that many people wear gloves which match the color of the shoes they are wearing for a great fashion statement.

Description : Are black and green two different colors?

Last Answer : Yes, black and green are two different colors.

Description : What literary term is illustrated by Edgar Allan Poe's use of different colors for the rooms, especially the black room, in "The Masque of the Red Death"?

Last Answer : Symbolism

Description : Why does a black board appears black in color? (1) It reflects black color (2) It absorbs black color (3) It reflects all colors (4) It absorbs all the colours

Last Answer : (4) It absorbs all the colors Explanation: When white light falls on an opaque body, it absorbs all the colors except one color which it reflects; this reflected color is the color of the body.

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Last Answer : B. Red, Yellow, Blue (Answer)

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Last Answer : D. Red, Green, Blue (Answer)

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Last Answer : answer:As a Southerner, born and bred, in no way do I want to see a Confederate History Month. There is so much more about the South to celebrate than the Civil bloody War and the ... long-reaching ramifications, yet can't we move beyond this pinhole camera focus to encompass the broader picture?

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Last Answer : Little Debbie

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Last Answer : Get back to me when blacks owned whites like you own your xbox.

Description : Should the United States have a white history month?

Last Answer : Yes it should, it should have a red, yellow, black, and white history month, all spectrums of every color of the rainbow to celebrate diversity. Also Disneyland needs not only ... African instructions including Ukrainian and German and French and Italian etc. Let's celebrate diversity together.

Description : Should the United States have a white history month?

Last Answer : Yes it should, it should have a red, yellow, black, and white history month, all spectrums of every color of the rainbow to celebrate diversity. Also Disneyland needs not only ... African instructions including Ukrainian and German and French and Italian etc. Let's celebrate diversity together.