Is both of sexual and asexual have genetic variations?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, there will always be mutations.However, with sexualreproduction, there is a tendency for greater geneticvariations.

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Description : Why does asexual reproduction result in more genetic diversity than sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : In asexual reproduction there are 2 daughter cells produced thatare identical to the parent cell. In sexual reproduction there are4 genetically different daughter cells produced that are ... of different haploid DNA to produce adiploid offspring which is genetically different from bothparents.

Description : Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variations in a species?

Last Answer : Because the offspring have genetic material from bothparents

Description : Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variations in a species?

Last Answer : Because the offspring have genetic material from bothparents

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : A: Asexual reproduction is the process of producing offspring without the involvement of gametes or fertilization, while sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two individuals to produce offspring with genetic diversity.

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : A: Asexual reproduction involves the production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent, while sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents to produce genetically diverse offspring.

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : A: Asexual reproduction involves the production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent, while sexual reproduction involves the production of genetically diverse offspring from two parents.

Description : Give two reasons for the appearance of variations among the progeny formed by sexual reproduction. -Biology

Last Answer : Now, the two major reasons for appearance of variation among the progeny formed from sexual reproduction are; crossing over in which the DNA gets exchanged between the homologous chromosomes during the meiosis that causes variation in the offspring.

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Last Answer : The answer is C. Gametes

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction ?

Last Answer : asexual reproduction 1. Occurs in lower class organisms. 2. No gametes are created. 3. Biodiversity is not seen. 4. The number of organisms produced is many. 5. Produced organisms are less tolerant. . ... low. 5. The offspring are more tolerant. . Occurs through the union of male and female gametes.

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Last Answer : Sexual reproduction is the method of evolution of evolutionary animals and plants. Some protostas and fungi also perform asexual reproduction in this way. Sexually reproducing organisms are two different ... cells and the union of two germ cells is called asexual reproduction. Data source Wikipedia

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Last Answer : They are sexual.

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Last Answer : Birds use sexual reproduction.

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Last Answer : Ans:(d)

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Last Answer : In protozoans reproduction is sexual or asexual. The most frequent form of sexual reproduction is binary division, or scissiparity, in which the cell divides itself by mitosis originating two ... mosquito, the definitive host, and the zygote undergoes mitosis (sporogony) creating many sporozoites.

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Last Answer : (3) Sexual reproduction Explanation: Genes located on different chromosomes will be inherited independently of each other. Mendel observed that, when peas with more than one trait were crossed, the progeny did not always match the parents.

Description : Give comparison of asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : Asexual Reproduction: - i) Only one parent is involved. ii) No meiosis takes place. iii) No gamete formation. iv) No fertilization takes place. v) No variations, offspring are ... leading to variations and production of new varieties. vi) Less rapid increase in number. 

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Last Answer : Sexual propagation

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Last Answer : (d) alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phases of an organism.

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Last Answer : a. Where parasite asexual cycle occurs.

Description : why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variation in species?

Last Answer : It combines different sets of DNA, instead of replicating the same set.

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Last Answer : Sexual reproduction is important to avoid genetic monotony the result of asexual reproduction where generation after generation exactly identical progeny develops sexual reproduction produces an endless variety ... each organism develops from a unique set of characters coming from different parents.

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Last Answer : What is the Genetic material for SEXUAL REPRODUCTION

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Last Answer : What is the Genetic material for SEXUAL REPRODUCTION

Description : Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variation in a species?

Last Answer : It mixes the chromosomes of the two parents

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Last Answer : Mutation

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Last Answer : a) new genetic combination leading to variation

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Last Answer : (c) Sexual reproduction

Description : Which statement best explains the evolutionary advantage of meiosis? (a) Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction. (b) Genetic recombinations are possible from generation to generation. (c) Meiosis ... to generation. (d) The same genetic system is passed on from generation to generation.

Last Answer : (b) Genetic recombinations are possible from generation to generation.

Description : The most common form of asexual reproduction in protozoa is called as A A. Binary fission B. Multiple fission C. Both D. None

Last Answer : Binary fission

Description : Assertion A: Basin walls have to be of much greater height than dock walls. Reason R: Tidal basins are subject to fluctuations of levels due to tidal variations Select your answer based on the coding system given below: (A ... of A (C) A is true but R is false (D) A is false but R is true

Last Answer : (A) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A