Is a bird sexual or asexual reprodution?

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Description : What is an example of sexual reprodution?

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Description : Is a bird sexual or asexual reproduction?

Last Answer : Birds use sexual reproduction.

Description : Is a bird sexual or asexual reproduction?

Last Answer : Birds use sexual reproduction.

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : A: Asexual reproduction is the process of producing offspring without the involvement of gametes or fertilization, while sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two individuals to produce offspring with genetic diversity.

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : A: Asexual reproduction involves the production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent, while sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents to produce genetically diverse offspring.

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : A: Asexual reproduction involves the production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent, while sexual reproduction involves the production of genetically diverse offspring from two parents.

Description : Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction. -Biology

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Description : In the human anatomy, eggs and Sperm are a form of which of the followingA.Asexual reproduction B.Sexual reproduction C.GametesD.Somatic cells?

Last Answer : The answer is C. Gametes

Description : What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction ?

Last Answer : asexual reproduction 1. Occurs in lower class organisms. 2. No gametes are created. 3. Biodiversity is not seen. 4. The number of organisms produced is many. 5. Produced organisms are less tolerant. . ... low. 5. The offspring are more tolerant. . Occurs through the union of male and female gametes.

Description : What is sexual reproduction and what is asexual reproduction ?

Last Answer : Sexual reproduction is the method of evolution of evolutionary animals and plants. Some protostas and fungi also perform asexual reproduction in this way. Sexually reproducing organisms are two different ... cells and the union of two germ cells is called asexual reproduction. Data source Wikipedia

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Description : Why does asexual reproduction result in more genetic diversity than sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : In asexual reproduction there are 2 daughter cells produced thatare identical to the parent cell. In sexual reproduction there are4 genetically different daughter cells produced that are ... of different haploid DNA to produce adiploid offspring which is genetically different from bothparents.

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Description : Is sexual or asexual reproduction more beneficial?

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Last Answer : sexually

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : They are sexual.

Description : Is both of sexual and asexual have genetic variations?

Last Answer : Yes, there will always be mutations.However, with sexualreproduction, there is a tendency for greater geneticvariations.

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Last Answer : They are sexual.

Description : Bacteria reproduce (a) By sexual method only (b) By asexual method only (c) Mostly by sexual method (d) Mostly by asexual method

Last Answer : Ans:(d)

Description : What is the type of reproduction, sexual or asexual, that occurs in platyhelminthes?

Last Answer : Platyhelminthes may present sexual or asexual reproduction.

Description : Is reproduction in sponges sexual or asexual?

Last Answer : Reproduction in sponges can be asexual by budding, gemmation or fragmentation (regeneration) or sexual with larval stage (a ciliated amphiblastula larva). Sponges Review - Image Diversity: amphiblastula

Description : Do protozoans have sexual or asexual reproduction?

Last Answer : In protozoans reproduction is sexual or asexual. The most frequent form of sexual reproduction is binary division, or scissiparity, in which the cell divides itself by mitosis originating two ... mosquito, the definitive host, and the zygote undergoes mitosis (sporogony) creating many sporozoites.

Description : Mendel's principles of inheritance are based on – (1) Vegetative reproduction (2) Asexual reproduction (3) Sexual reproduction (4) All of the above

Last Answer : (3) Sexual reproduction Explanation: Genes located on different chromosomes will be inherited independently of each other. Mendel observed that, when peas with more than one trait were crossed, the progeny did not always match the parents.

Description : Give comparison of asexual and sexual reproduction?

Last Answer : Asexual Reproduction: - i) Only one parent is involved. ii) No meiosis takes place. iii) No gamete formation. iv) No fertilization takes place. v) No variations, offspring are ... leading to variations and production of new varieties. vi) Less rapid increase in number. 

Description : Reproduction of plants through seeds are also called: a. Asexual propagation b. Vegetative propagation c. Sexual propagation d. Tissue culture

Last Answer : Sexual propagation

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Last Answer : (d) alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phases of an organism.

Description : An intermediate host is a. Where parasite asexual cycle occurs. b. Always a nonhuman host c. Where parasite sexual cycle occurs. d. The human host between two other animal hosts.

Last Answer : a. Where parasite asexual cycle occurs.

Description : How does one find companionship and love as an asexual homoromantic transgender?

Last Answer : answer:There are plenty of websites for those with not-so-mainstream interests/qualifications. I am not saying it will be easy, but I will tell you the same thing I tell anyone else: go out ... And, find the dating sites that are popular with people who have interest similar to yours. Good Luck.

Description : How did male and female evolve from an asexual organism?

Last Answer : It is not clear that they did. The two forms of reproduction could have developed separately.

Description : What are people's thoughts on Asexual tendencies?

Last Answer : answer:Sexual abuse, trauma, PTSD, clinical depression-among others. Dopaminergic dysfunction. This can also extend to social anxiety and simply never having the experience or being guilted out of it. ... on creativity and reduce the noise incurred in that period by desires etc. Monk-ish practice.

Description : Is anyone else Asexual?

Last Answer : I’m asexual I’ve known it since i was 12 didn’t confirm it until i was 15.

Description : Asexual ors, what is your story?

Last Answer : Never been in a relationship and no one wants to go on a date with me, so I have no interests into falling in love and being intimate with anyone. Just don’t care. I only care about myself.

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Description : Why are offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction referred as clones? -Biology

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Description : What is asexual reproduction ?

Last Answer : Asexual reproduction is the process of making gametes or gametes in the process of miosis and the formation of separate offspring from a single organism without the attachment of gametes of two different sexes.