What did the home stead act of 1862 offer Western settlers?

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Description : What did the homestead act of 1862 offer westerns settlers?

Last Answer : 160 acres of free land to farm

Description : What did the homestead act of 1862 offer westerns settlers?

Last Answer : 160 acres of free land to farm

Description : When in 1862 what did Congress pass that made land free to settlers?

Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Yes, that works. It's not common wording for today's speech but it does work.

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Description : What was the purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862?

Last Answer : The Homestead Act of 1862 was meant to encourage settlers towestern lands and create farmlands. The US government would allowsettlers from the East to claim Federal western lands to ... requirements. When these requirements wereaccomplished, the settlers would have free land from the USgovernment.

Description : What way did the 1862 homestead act help pull immigrants to the united States?

Last Answer : it provided immigrants a place for inexpensive land.

Description : What Confederate general was called to Richmond in early 1862 to represent the army's view on the Confederate's first conscription act?

Last Answer : With many volunteers due to end their service to the Confederatearmy, Major General James Longstreet was summoned to Richmond toprovide his input on the contemplated conscription act and newpolicies ... America that draft lawswould be enacted. In 1863, the Union also passed a conscriptionact.

Description : What were the results of the Union Militia Act of 1862?

Last Answer : The most important feature of the Union's Militia Act of 1862, was the goal of enlisting 300,000 recruits for the Union army. As was the enlistment practices of the time, US state governors were ... new recruits were added to the Union army. Changes would be made but that would wait until 1863.

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Last Answer : (d) 1866

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Description : 1862

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Description : What was the Confederate plan of attack at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862?

Last Answer : General Albert S. Johnson led the Confederate Army of theMississippi. His plan of a surprise attack seemed to be workingfine as the Federals were hastily forced into a retreat. Johnston' ... advance of the linesof attack were not properly coordinated which hampered theeffectiveness of the attack.

Description : What are Two forts captured by the union in 1862?

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Description : What law was passed in 1862?

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Description : What does an 1862 1 cent coin look like?

Last Answer : Type in 1861 Indian Head cent in the search box on your homepage. This will bring up images of these coins.

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Last Answer : it provided federal support for the building of the firsttranscontinental continental railroad and allowed the government togrant public land and issue bonds to fund construction of therailroad

Description : What famous college did Confederate General James Longstreet use as his headquarters in 1862?

Last Answer : With the fall of Yorktown on May 3, 1862, the Confederates werein a mass retreat as Union forces under the command of MajorGeneral George B. McClellan began their pursuit of theConfederates. The Rebels ... was founded in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1693. It wasthe first college to create a law school.

Description : What did Confederate General James Longstreet predict how the Union's operations would be conducted during the 1862 Peninsula campaign?

Last Answer : Confederate General James Longstreet was present at the meetingin Richmond where strategy was formed on the best way to counterthe Union's attack on the Peninsula. Longstreet accuratelypredicted ... . Therefore,prudent but effective defensive actions would slow down the battlecautious Union general.

Description : What were the details contained in General McClellan's letter to President Lincoln in July 1862?

Last Answer : While based on Harrison's Landing on July 7, 1862, General McClellan wrote an extensive letter to President Lincoln concerning his views on the way the Union should conduct its war to end the ... troops must be treated as high crimes; and* Military arrests of civilians must not be tolerated.

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Last Answer : Using the terminology of the 1860's President Lincoln meets with a "Deputation of Negroes" to persuade them to sign on to his plan of colonizing free Blacks somewhere in tropical South America. ... if Blacks sought equality within the USA, rather than taking his offer of relocation was "selfish".

Description : How did the lack of training for new recruits hurt the Union efforts at the Battle of Antietam in 1862?

Last Answer : The US Civil War required that proper training and drilling exercises were vital to success on the battlefield. A perfect example of this was when a number of Union regiments were raised in the Summer of ... in a few minutes the collapsed. They were taken out of the battle because of poor training.

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Last Answer : The Union's War Department headed by Secretary Stanton, believed in June of 1862 that the South would soon surrender. He therefore ordered recruitment offices to close in order to save money.

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Last Answer : On July 25, 1862, General in Chief Henry W. Halleck, accompanied by Major General Ambrose Burnside visited Harrison's Landing to confer with General McClellan. Halleck's purpose is to pressure ... Virginia. McClellan commits to nothing. He is placing himself and General Pope's mission in jeopardy.

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Last Answer : In late October of 1862, Major General William Rosencrans took over the Army of the Cumberland from General Don Carlos Buell. Hallecks instructions to Rosencrans were the following:* Apply pressure on the ... of Tennessee to prevent it from moving West to hinder the operations of General US Grant.

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Last Answer : After President Lincoln removed George B. McClellan from the position of general in chief, Lincoln and Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton had attempted to manage the war without a general in chief. In the wake of ... Halleck to be the Union;s general in chief. He assumed the position on July 23, 1862.

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Last Answer : (1) 1862 Explanation: Madras High Court established in 1862. It consists of 74 Judges and a chief justice. Sanjay Kishan Kaul is present Chief justice of Madras court.

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Last Answer : (4) 1862 Explanation: Indian Penal Code is the main criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code, intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. It was drafted in 1860 and ... in 1862. It has since been amended several times and is now supplemented by other criminal provisions.

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