What did the new western lands offer?

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What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : (C) Both in the cities and in the rural areas, the life of the natives is worse than that of the European New Zealanders.

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Last Answer : It doesn't really mean anything, it was a dream. Much of dreaming is essentially defragging your consciousness, and sampling fragments as your brain cleans things up. It took a number of disparate thoughts and ... /narrative. That is all. But now you can use it to develop a screenplay or a novel!

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Last Answer : There have been lots of local variations since, but the 1930s property names are Atlantic City, New Jersey streets.

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Last Answer : If they speak my language and treat me nice, yes.

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Last Answer : There’s a long history of the conflict dating 50–60 years back. Check out this for more details.

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Last Answer : They or their insurance companies get billed for services rendered. If they can’t pay, the taxpayer usually picks it up.

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Last Answer : When I was younger and kinda stupid I had my sportbike up to three digits just for the hell of it. I stopped that real quick, it scared the shit out of me.

Description : Alien ship lands. An emissary disembarks and reads, "Take me to your realed." What do you do?

Last Answer : answer:Mod him: “Your question has too many typos. No biggie! Just fix them and no one will be the wiser. There’s not really a question in your question. See if you can reword it so that you’re asking something” That should get rid of him

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Last Answer : answer:Not exactly the heat. What happens is that the compression of the air also ionizes it, and it's the ionization that causes the blackout. The space shuttle was partially able to ... the signal. Realistically, we cannot do much without serious technological advances. Physics are what they are.

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Last Answer : I do. To punish him for stealing my spaceship.

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Last Answer : answer:Most important question would be, Is there more wine? If yes, toss the buggy one. If no, choose to believe that it’s a sterile situation.

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Last Answer : Nope, I can't. About a month ago I was on my balcony, and a spider fell on me. I swiped it off my shoulder and it landed on the front of my shirt, and I attempted to hit it again and lost it. ... . I the took a shower went back to the living room and used the broom to carry my clothes to the washer.

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Last Answer : answer:No one. I’d tell the alien that they made a wrong turn somewhere ..best to come back some other century. Ok fine, if I absolutely had to lead the alien being to someone…I might take the alien to Nelson Mandela.

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Last Answer : I would guess they are also rock climbers.

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Last Answer : Well, I’m Jewish, so I can’t say. But me, I wouldn’t be thinking about religion if they had a cookbook called “To Serve Man.”

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Last Answer : 50%. It's always 50%.

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Last Answer : The answer as you can see, is that it didn't use the most common letter of E.

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Last Answer : Nothing. Beijing is 3hrs behind Sydney.

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Last Answer : No it does not collapse. Because it has driven a half mile - you would subtract the gas used from the total weight of the truck

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Last Answer : 4 bees and 3 flowers.

Description : A large truck is crossing a bridge 1 mile long. The bridge can only hold 14000 lbs, which is the exact weight of the truck. The truck makes it half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the truck. Does the bridge collapse? -Riddles

Last Answer : No, it does not collapse. Because it has driven a half mile - you would subtract the gas used from the total weight of the truck.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : "Yes. Satellites pay close attention to the" hot side "and" cold side "(there is quite a significant temperature difference between the sunny side and the shady side). This should be taken into account in the orbit. It 's a pretty complicated area of ​​satellite production.

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Last Answer : A weed, which has invaded many forests lands of India is A. Parthenium hysterophors B. Chenopodium alba C. Lantana camara D. Echhornia crassipes

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Last Answer : Earliest settlers on barren lands or the farmers of nature are A. Diatoms B. Lichens C. Moss and grasses D. Ferns

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Last Answer : The often-told story is that European Imperialism towards Africa was caused by a thirst to exploit Africa's riches. And that is lasted for centuries, while in truth it only lasted some 80 ... European country effectively took over the the control of the army, the finances and of foreign policy.

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Last Answer : The Caucasus Mountains

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Last Answer : The 1500’s saw the Spanish establish settlements and in 1620 theEnglish Pilgrims arrived.

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Last Answer : Land's End to John o' Groats is traditionally a distance by road of 874 miles (1,407 km)

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Last Answer : It is important for farmers to cultivate their farms so the plants or crops grow nicely.

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Last Answer : We didn't cross the border; the border crossed us. (APEX)

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Last Answer : County of Cornwall, England

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer