Zero degrees Kelvin is equal to what temperature on the Celsius scale?

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Description : A rise in temperature of 20 Kelvin degrees is equal to a rise of: w) 20 degrees Celsius x) 36 degrees Celsius y) 68 degrees Celsius z) 293 degrees Celsius


Description : A temperature scale whose zero point is absolute zero, the temperature of “0” entropy at which all molecular motion stops.  a. Celsius  b. Fahrenheit  c. Kelvin  d. Rankine

Last Answer : Kelvin

Description : What is the Celsius temperature corresponding to 100 degrees Kelvin?


Description : What is 20 degrees Celsius in degrees Kelvin? w) 70 degrees x) 293 degees y) 100 degrees z) 212 degrees

Last Answer : ANSWER: X -- 293 DEGREES

Description : What is the thermodynamic temperature scale in the English system?  A. Kelvin scale  B. Celsius scale  C. Fahrenheit scale  D. Rankine scale

Last Answer : Rankine scale

Description : What is the thermodynamic temperature scale in the SI system?  A. Kelvin scale  B. Celsius scale  C. Fahrenheit scale  D. Rankine scale

Last Answer : Kelvin scale

Description : Which of the following is standard temperature and pressure (STP)?  A. 0 degree Celsius and one atmosphere  B. 32 degree Fahrenheit and zero pressure  C. 0 degree Kelvin and one atmosphere  D. 0 degree Fahrenheit and zero pressure

Last Answer : 0 degree Celsius and one atmosphere

Description : How is the kelvin scale different from the fahrenheit and celsius scales?

Last Answer : bru im asking yall

Description : At zero degrees Celsius and one atmosphere (STP), the volume of a gas is 1,000 milliliters. If the temperature is increased to 25 degrees Celsius and the pressure is doubled, what is the new volume of the gas? w) 546 milliliters x) 500 milliliters y) 1,000 milliliters z) 273 milliliters

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- 546 MILLILITERS

Description : At what point is the temperature the same on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales? w) Absolute zero x) Zero y) Negative 40 degrees z) Never


Description : _______ codified the first two laws of thermodynamics and deducedthat the absolute zero of temperature is 273.15° C. she was honouredfor this with the naming of the Kelvin temperature scale.

Last Answer : William Thomson

Description : What is the ideal efficiency of a reversible heat engine cyclically operating between a source temperature of 600 degrees Kelvin and a sink temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin?

Last Answer : ANSWER: 75 PERCENT

Description : _____________ is the base unit of thermodynamics temperature.  a) Celsius  b) Fahrenheit  c) Kelvin  d) None of the above

Last Answer : Kelvin

Description : The volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its  a. pressure  b. Celsius temperature  c. Kelvin temperature  d. Fahrenheit temperature

Last Answer : Kelvin temperature

Description : What is the Si unit for temperature?  a. Kelvin  b. Celsius  c. Fahrenheit  d. Rankine

Last Answer : Kelvin

Description : The unit of temperature in S.I. units is  (a) Centigrade  (b) Celsius  (c) Fahrenheit  (d) Kelvin  (e) Rankine.

Last Answer : Answer : d

Description : In physics, zero on the Kelvin scale is also known by which term?

Last Answer : Rankine

Description : Name any THREE of the four elements that are ferromagnetic at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius).


Description : A gas at 0 degrees C and at normal atmospheric pressure has a volume of 273 cubic centimeters. If it is held at constant pressure until its volume is doubled, its temperature will be which one of the ... it be w) 2 degrees Celsius x) 200 degrees Celsius y) 273 degrees Celsius z) 546 degrees Celsius

Last Answer : ANSWER: Y -- 273 DEGREES CELSIUS

Description : Ten calories of heat are added to 2 grams of water. The temperature of the water rises to a total of how many degrees? Is it: w) 2 degrees Celsius x) 5 degrees Celsius y) 10 degrees Celsius z) 20 degrees Celsius


Description : The radiator of a room contains 10 kilogram of water. If the water gives off 50,000 calories of heat to the room, the drop in temperature of the water is: w) 1 degree Celsius x) 2 degrees Celsius y) 5 degrees Celsius z) 10 degrees Celsius


Description : How does minus 23.33 degrees celsius read on the Fahrenheit scale?

Last Answer : -23.33 Celsius = -9.994 Fahrenheit

Description : The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale? (1) 32° C (2) 0° C (3) 100° C (4) 212° C

Last Answer : (2) 0° C

Description : The temperature of a liquid is 32° F. What is its temperature in Celsius scale? (1) 32° C (2) 0° C (3) 100° C (4) 212° C

Last Answer : 0° C

Description : At 0°C, a gas occupies 22.4 liters. How nuch hot must be the gas in celsius and in kelvin to reach volume of 25.0 literes?

Last Answer : At 0°C, a gas occupies 22.4 liters. How nuch hot must be the gas in celsius and in kelvin to reach volume of 25.0 literes?

Description : Which of the following best completes the statement: The calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise: w) 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius x) 1 gram of water 1 degree Rankin y) 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius z) 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Kelvin


Description : What is the Kelvin Scale ?

Last Answer : The Kelvin scale is a temperature scale that does not depend on the physical properties of the substance .

Description : Two cubic meters of a gas at 30 degrees Kelvin are heated at a constant pressure until the volume doubles. What is the final temperature of the gas?

Last Answer : 60

Description : A sample of gas has a volume of 210 cubic centimeters at a temperature of 250 degrees Kelvin. The temperature is raised to 500 degrees Kelvin while the pressure remains unchanged. What is the new volume of the gas.


Description : What is the normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : The name of this scale is simply Kelvin not degree Kelvin and its plural form is Kelvins. Kelvin is commonly used to measure very low and very high temperatures. So, the correct answer is 310 K. Note: The normal body temperature in Fahrenheit is 98.6° F which is equal to 37° C.

Description : What is the normal temperature of human body on the kelvin scale? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : The name of this scale is simply Kelvin not degree Kelvin and its plural form is Kelvins. Kelvin is commonly used to measure very low and very high temperatures. So, the correct answer is 310 K. Note: The normal body temperature in Fahrenheit is 98.6° F which is equal to 37° C.

Description : The boiling point of water, on the Kelvin scale of temperature is-K (a) 100 (b) 273 (c) 373 (d) 212

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : The change in temperature of a body is 50°C. What is the change on Kelvin scale?

Last Answer : 50 K

Description : Convert the change of temperature from 20˚C to 30˚C to Kelvin scale.  a. 10 K  b. 293 K  c. 303 K  d. 273 K

Last Answer : 10 K

Description : What temperature scale is identical to the Kelvin scale?  A. Ideal gas temperature scale  B. Ideal temperature scale  C. Absolute gas temperature scale  D. Triple point temperature scale

Last Answer : Ideal gas temperature scale

Description : The inventor of the Kelvin temperature scale was: w) K. Cavendish II x) Lord William H. Harrison y) Sir William Thomson z) none of the above


Description : A kilogram of water goes from 90 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius in a period of 2 hours. If the specific heat of water is 4 kilojoules per kilogram per degree Celsius, how much heat has the water lost?

Last Answer : ANSWER: 320 KILOJOULES or 320,000 JOULES

Description : If water is warmed from 0 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius, which of the following things happen. Will the water: w) expand steadily x) contract steadily y) expand at first and then contract z) contract first then expand


Description : What is Celsius Scale ?

Last Answer : : The scale on which the thermometer divides the lower constant of 0 সেল C and the upper constant of 100 সেল C and the intermediate fundamental difference of one hundred is called Celsius scale.

Description : Who invented the Centigrade scale? (1) Anders Celsius (2) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (3) William Thomsor (4) Wright Brothers

Last Answer : (1) Anders Celsius Explanation: Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius invented the Celsius temperature scale in 1742 A.D The Celsius scale invented by him has 100 degrees between the freezing point (0 C) and boiling point (100 C) of pure water at sea level air pressure.

Description : At what temperature are the temperature on Celsius and Fahrenheit scales equal? (1) 273° Celsius (2) -273° Celsius (3) -40° Celsius (4) 40° Celsius

Last Answer : (3) -40° Celsius

Description : If a thermometer indicates 30 degrees Celsius what's the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Last Answer : Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

Description : What is the temperature in Fahrenheit for -20 degrees Celsius?

Last Answer : 20ºC = 68.0ºFTip: Use this formula to convert degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F): (C x 1.8) + 32 = F

Description : If temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees celsius?

Last Answer : 65 degrees Fahrenheit = 18.3 degrees Celsius.

Description : If the temperature outside is a sweltering 41 degrees Celsius how is a human's body likely to respond to maintain homeostasis?

Last Answer : n

Description : How many grams of water vapor are required to saturate a kilogram of air at a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : If a substance has a temperature of 273 kelvins, what is its temperature in degrees Celsius Note: C = K - 273?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : The specific volume of air is expressed as the volume of: a. 1 kg of air at 101.325 kPa in cm3 b. 0.833 kg of air at standard pressure and temperature in m3 c. 1 kg of air at 101.325 ... d. 1 g of air occupied at any temperature and pressure e. 1 kg of air, regardless of temperature and pressure

Last Answer : Answer: C

Description : What is the reference noise temperature in degrees Celsius? A. 17 B. 273 C. 25 D. 30

Last Answer : A. 17

Description : What is defined as the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degrees Celsius?  a. Kilojoule  b. Btu  c. Kilocalorie  d. Latent heat

Last Answer : Kilocalorie