What word has the same oo sound as loophole pull or do?

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Description : Botanical Words Alphabetical List - OO

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Description : Two bodies of mass 6 kg and 9 kg are connected with a light inextensile string passing over a smooth pulley with one of the bodies on a smooth inclined plane (θ = 30°) and the other hanging freely from the ... kg up the entire length is half the time taken by 6 kg to pull 9 kg over the same plane.

Last Answer : Given: Mass of body A (mA) = 6 kg Mass of body B (mB) = 9 kg Angle of inclination of the plane (θ) = 30° Let's assume that the acceleration of body A (aA) and body B (aB) are in opposite ... we know that the time taken (t) is given by the formula: t = √(2d/a), where d is the distance travelled

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Last Answer : To the best of my knowledge, not exactly. When you have a groin pull/groin strain/pulled groin, you have likely injured one of your hip flexors (the adductors on the inside of your leg), but hip flexor ... imbalance and no one has ever called it a groin injury, so I would say they are not the same.

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Last Answer : (C) el²/3d

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Last Answer : (A) - 0.000909 m