How long does it take for a guy to grow long hair?

1 Answer

Answer :

Probally up to 2 years if you want it long.

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Description : How long does it take for a guy to grow long hair?

Last Answer : Probally up to 2 years if you want it long.

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Last Answer : Yes, the gender of the stylist determines the rate at which hair grows.

Description : How long would it take to grow my hair?

Last Answer : Hair grows about ¼–½ an inch per month. Asian hair grows the quickest, then Caucasian, then Black. If you’re focused on growing healthy hair, you’ll want to make sure you diet is good and that you’re healthy. So, in four months, your hair will probably have grown about 1–2 inches.

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Last Answer : Generally it takes about 1-2 months for a cat's fur to grow back after injury or a haircut. It may take a little more time with a long-haired cat. The new fur may have a somewhat different color ... the cat has a full body shave or a spot where there has been an injury or surgery was performed.

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Last Answer : answer:The eternal conundrum-to be one's own person or to fit in. I've learned time and again in my own life that either choice can make life difficult. Neither is completely right or all ... please others is impossible and can never lead to true happiness. Sorry if I sound like a fortune cookie.

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Last Answer : None of the girly looks or you’ll look cherubic lol. Maybe hip longer straight bangs & short sides.

Last Answer : You Fear If found One of a kind Hormones This Information Sarah In the body Reached Dei.R Of Due Yours Guy Hair Steep Become Goes.

Description : Can you take vitamins to make your hair grow?

Last Answer : Yes, there are some vitamins you can take to make your hair and nails grow faster. I know for a fact if you take prenatal vitamins, your hair will grow really fast.

Description : How Can I Grow My Hair Long?

Last Answer : It sounds like it’s pretty long already. Trim the dead ends every few months to keep it healthy. That might help it grow but there’s not really anything much you can do to make it grow.

Description : How do I grow my hair long and soft? in Iceland?

Last Answer : You live in Iceland where this huge volcano is wreaking havoc, scientists are predicting another one fixing to erupt and you're worried about your hair? Aaaaaaalllllllriiiiigghhhtteeeeee then. Really the only thing ... that I know use stuff like Dark and Lovely or something with a relaxer in it.

Description : How long does your hair grow in a year?

Last Answer : Prenatal vitamins will help your hair grow a bit faster. But don’t take a whole bottle thinking that 100 pills in a day will make your hair grow any faster than taking one.

Description : How often should I trim my hair if I'm planning on letting it grow back long? I get a perm every six weeks and wash it every two weeks and my hair is thick.

Last Answer : answer:Are you going to continue to get a perm? Growing hair out is tedious, time-consuming and messy. Just bite the bullet and skip haircuts for several months. If you can't stand it, have a friend just ... ( w. cowlicks) dry and carve in layers underneath. I am assuming, BTW, that you are a woman?

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Last Answer : I think you’ll fine the Numskulls decide on those things.