What United states nickname of the world?

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Last Answer : Maybe caused by “the captains of industry” buying technology overseas. Captains are in it for a profit, little or no profit for them if health care goes to universal health care !

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Last Answer : Two words: Soviet Union.

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Last Answer : Technology stolen from Germany after the war. Lower unemployment because a lot of yanks were ended overseas.

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Last Answer : We are not regarded as the most powerful nation in the world for no good reason.

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Last Answer : There’s always hope, without hope, there is no tomorrow. I just made that up then, pure frontier bullshit.

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Last Answer : Without looking this up I would bet it’s in the top 3.

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Last Answer : Nothing that I know of.

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Last Answer : I don’t think the two groups are really comparable by any means. Not saying one way or another that I agree or disagree of Mr. Assange and his actions…. but somehow I fail to see the similarities between a “Crusading Journalist” and a group of Revolutionaries.

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Last Answer : answer:No. I know exactly why we’re at war, and democracy has nothing to do with it. I wonder why it spends more on healthcare, yet leaves an absurd percentage of the population uncovered.

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Last Answer : Yes. We were possessed of “overkill” ability and a smaller, modernized and well maintained nuclear arsenal is more to be desired.

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Last Answer : We need to actually manufacture something as Americans instead of being consumers. What was the last thing you bought that said “Made in USA”?

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Last Answer : To put it bluntly, get it’s f**king nose out of every other country’s affairs.

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Last Answer : The U.S. tried to help European nations devstated by World War I with the Marshall Plan.

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Last Answer : The same type it has now.

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Last Answer : NO. Because US Public Support (before Pearl Harbor) was notsufficient to wage this expensive, brutal & horrific war. TheJapanese attacks changed US public opinion. The US was also waginga justified (they attacked us first) war .

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Last Answer : The policy of the US toward the Soviet Union after WWII was shaped by a belief that the Soviets intended to spread Communism throughout the world.

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Last Answer : become an international superpower later in the twentieth century.

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Last Answer : become an international superpower later in the twentieth century.

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Last Answer : Correct Answer: d. Freed slaves in most Southern states. 

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