How does a reptile embryo in an amniotic shell get oxygen?

1 Answer

Answer :

THe shells of reptile eggs is porous - it absorbs oxygen throughthe membrane.

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Last Answer : Study of abnormalities by taken out the amniotic fluid of embryo is called :- A. Endoscopy B. Amniocentesis C. Laproscopy D. Natal endoscopy

Description : The structure which helps in the nutrition of the Embryo is – (1) Yolk sac (2) Amniotic membrane (3) Crypts (4) Placenta

Last Answer : (1) Yolk sac Explanation: The yolk sac is a membranous sac attached to an embryo, providing early nourishment. It functions as the developmental circulatory system of the human embryo, ... It carries out transfer of nutrients in weeks 2 and 3 when the uteroplacental circulation is established

Description : Excretory products of mammalian embryo are eliminated out by - (1) Placenta (2) Amniotic fluid (3) Allantois (4) Ureter

Last Answer : (1) Placenta Explanation: The placenta is an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood ... are also found in some snakes and lizards with yawing levels of development up to mammalian levels.

Description : The structure which helps in the nutrition of the Embryo is (1) Yolk sac (2) Amniotic membrane (3) Crypts (4) Placenta

Last Answer : Yolk sac 

Description : Excretory products of mammalian embryo are eliminated out by (1) Placenta (2) Amniotic fluid (3) Allantois (4) Ureter

Last Answer : Placenta

Description : How does a surgeon operate on a fetus without damaging the amniotic sac ?

Last Answer : The sac can reseal itself from a puncture. That’s why amniocentesis can be performed, because a needle is inserted into the sac and extracts a small amount of fluid, which is then analyzed for the baby’s chromosomes.

Description : What happens when my amniotic fluid is low at 37 weeks pregnant?

Last Answer : Amniotic fluid can change levels quite often and it could come back up but if they don’t see it come back up they will probably want to induce you. If the doctor feels something needs to be done immediately they will call you before Thursday.

Description : How to detect if amniotic fluid is leaking? Are there any sure signs?

Last Answer : To this day, I don't know what happened to me a few days before giving birth. I visited my doctor because I had a strong watery flow, I thought the amniotic fluid was leaking. The doc back ... the water flooded. Then about a liter of sure left. It could no longer be confused with anything else.

Description : I'm 38 weeks old and my husband and I had a walk last night. Suddenly I felt my panties get very wet. We came home right away, but it wasn’t enough to soak my pants, but my sanitary napkin got normally wet. Nothing since. Do you think so?

Last Answer : A pharmacy has a special insert that can detect if amniotic fluid is leaking. Take a look at the nearest one and ask, but I know there is a price to pepper.

Description : Amniotic fluid protects the foetus from

Last Answer : Amniotic fluid protects the foetus from A. Shock B. Encystment C. Degeneration D. Disease.

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Last Answer : Foetal sex can be determined by examining cells from the amniotic fluid by looking for A. Chiasmata B. Autosomes C. Sex-chromosomes D. Nucleus

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Last Answer : Inside a pregnant woman's uterus is an amniotic sac, which contains amniotic fluid and the growing fetus.The amniotic fluid is important for several reasons -- it helps keep the baby warm, ... & Gynecology in Private Practice, West Palm Beach, FL. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

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Last Answer : (c) barr bodies

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Last Answer : (b) fully developed fetus and placenta

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Last Answer : (b) Secretes oxytocin during parturition

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Last Answer : Written by Manik Bandopadhyay.

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